Begin with A and proceed through the alphabet 4. However, you will need to work out your alphanumeric filing system rules in advance. In an alphabetic filing system, business names containing personal names are indexed with the last name as the key unit. The advantage of alphanumeric filing is that identifying files with a mix of letters and numbers can track massive amounts of material. False ANSWER: True 11. False ANSWER: True 18. 1. D. … 9 Alphabetic Indexing Rules Rule 1: Names 1. Hence, there is no need of separate index for them. False ANSWER: True 19. Each has its own advantages, and Smead Organomics has filing solutions for both indexing methods that help users find files quickly and avoid costly misfiled records. Need for Alphabetic Order •Filling or storage method •Alphabetic filing method –Records arranged by letters of the alphabet –Variations exist in some systems •Filing rules –Ensure consistency in storage procedures –ARMA International publishes rules and guidelines 2 Be consistent with your indexing and filing system, whatever it is. 1. Use an alphabetical filing system. True b. Example: When alphabetizing A Face and The Arm, The Arm will become before A Face. Ampersand and other symbols. An alphabetical filing system works well when you need to retrieve names of people, customers, authors, names of movies, books, or etc. When indexing names for an alphabetic filing system, a good rule to remember is: “Nothing comes before something.” a. 3. In these rules, names beginning with M', Mc, and Mac were all filed as if spelled "Mac". CHAPTER 5 Alphabetic Indexing Rules 9 and 10 4. Check for accuracy VI. The ampersand (&) is the only symbol that has filing value. D. Steps for alphabetical filing 1. It follows spaces and precedes the lowest Arabic numeral or alphabetic character. True b. Describe the features of the Access desktop Clerical Filing Rules. It is commonly used in medical offices with fewer than 5000 records. However, the rules presented here are intended to serve wherever the English language is used in written form. Apply alphabetic filing storage and retrieval Learning Objectives a. ALPHABETIC INDEXING RULE , CROSS-REFRENCES , ALPHABETIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT…: ALPHABETIC INDEXING RULE , CROSS-REFRENCES , ALPHABETIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT ... ALPHABETIC INDEXING RULES. Make sure you do not confuse the article “a” with an initial. They retain provisions for observing hierarchy in the form of catalog entries. 2. When we file by name, subject and area … The Data CD provides a review of alphabetic indexing and filing rules and 10-20 hours of application practice for these rules. Describe alphabetic filing techniques b. The advantages of alphabetical filing are presented below. Names are filed from last name which is the 1st unit, then the first name which is the 2nd unit. Alphabetic filing uses parts of the legal name as indexing units. You must ignore these while alphabetizing. This publication establishes a uniform file classification system while identifying and preserving a set order of records. Alphabetic Indexing: It's as simple as ABC. There are a number of protocols or rules for filing alphabetically that must be committed to memory: However, even the simplest alphabetic system requires establishing, filing standards, including written filing procedures, cross-reference methods, and practices for filing duplicate name changes, etc. • Read the rule carefully. Cards and folders are separated alphabetically 3. Note that the complete filing segment (the name and other words, such as a title) is given at the left. 2. Apply alphabetic filing rules c. Describe cross reference rules d. Apply cross reference rules 3. It describes three principal systems: alphabetic filing, subject filing, and numeric filing. Filing without indexing is meaningless. Business information that arrives in digital form requires no manual processing rules. Provided you use terms that are easy to retrieve, an alphabetical filing system is often the easiest system to use. ), do it like this: 16. The set of indexing rules for an office should be written down and followed consistently. True b. Demonstrate application of alphabetic, numeric, subject, and geographic filing rules to indexing, coding, sorting, cross-referencing, and storing representative examples of business documents. Indexing Units • Words that make up the filing segment • Key unit – The first unit in a filing segment – Not necessarily the first word in the name O Indexing order 9 10. The reason is that there is a need of separate index for them. C. Apply alphabetic filing procedures. Once entered into a computer, this data can easily be accessed by assigning simple file storage folders and backing up the data regularly. Alphabetic Filing lphabetic systems group documents together by letters of the name from A - Z. It usually comes down to a choice of filing by a name (alphabetic indexing) or a number (numeric indexing). A personal name is indexed in order 2. Names are checked to ensure accurate indexing. (Obj. a. The ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards, 2nd ed., by Pauline A. Seeley, is the classic guide to filing catalog cards using the basic order of alphabetical, "word-by-word" rules. This system is costly. (Obj. Alphabetic Indexing Rules and Procedures - University of Idaho It is highly elastic since new headings can be introduced at anytime and at any place without disturbing the existing classification. B. Be sure that these filing rules True b. There may be mental transpositions of figures. The arrangement (or “filing”) rules currently used in American library catalogs, indexes, inventories, dictionaries, directories, and other alphabetically arranged lists are, to a Medical record filing systems can be either paper-based or electronic, although electronic systems are now more prevalent. The Library of Congress rules (which I just found! How to Alphabetize for Filing and Indexing Individual or Personal Names The names of people are alphabetized by their surname. • Look at the examples. The 12 rules you will learn in this chapter follow the same principles as the ARMA rules. In this filing method, records are classified according to their subject; letters and documents are classified and arranged in files and folders into subject or sub-subject wise. Apply the filing functions to a records management program. 3. 2. a. Numbers proceed from small to large B. Zeroes preceding the number are usually disregarded when filing. 2) 5. False ANSWER: False 20. Document the indexing and filing system. This will help everyone be able to use the filing system efficiently. The disadvantages of numerical filing are given below. Records Management: An Introduction to Filing Rules and Indexing (Screencast) By Kim Olson. 2. Refer to these rules as needed when indexing records. 2) a. 1. Alphabetic Indexing Rules 1-4 A. Index, code, and sort the following names as instructed in question 1. In this screencast, learners read an explanation of the file rules and indexing that have been developed by the Association of Records Managers and Administrators. Also they facilitate payment for providers. Learning PACT Skills that will be developed and documented in this course Indexing is an instrument of record management which makes possible to find out the records easily and quickly. 4. Numerical filing Rules A. Use alphabetic filing when you want to identify files by a descriptive heading, such as: Business names Names of people Geographic regions Subject categories Indexing alphabetically is easy to learn because anyone who can … & A. Examples: A. Medical records track diagnoses and treatments so providers can help patients stay healthy and recover from illnesses more quickly. It requires much time in referring to the index and locating the specified file. Make sure you understand the meaning of the words used to state the rule. These systems can be used for any volume of records. However, paper documents, such … 2. ALPHABETIC Alphabetic systems are the most natural and common method of arranging files. Filing Rules; There are two basic rules underlying filing: ALPHABETICAL FILING - filing according to the letter of the alphabet DATE FILING - most recent files on top. Alphabetic Indexing Rules provides instruction and application practice primarily on alphabetic indexing rules for filing but also includes brief instruction in subject, numeric, and geographic filing methods. When arranging city, county, province, or state government names, what are the key units? Explain the need for indexing rules in alphabetic storage of records and the importance of following these rules consistently. Alphabetic Filing. WHAT IS INDEXING RULES • Indexing rules are the written procedures that describe how the filings segments are ordered. Rule 1: Names 3. In the English language, there are three articles: the, a, and an. The classic example, the Library of Congress, has millions of records. In addition, it contains standard rules for indexing alphabetic data. It self-indexing. Index, code, and arrange personal and business names in indexing order of units. If, people have the same name, use the middle index which is the 3rd unit. Articles are words that describe the noun. have the same alphabet and orthographic rules. These rules are basic because they apply to all filing systems. Ignore all other symbols when filing into the shelflist. City of Rice, City Manager, Rice, Texas b. Ensure anyone with access to the files is aware of the system. The alphabetic system is considered a direct system, which means that the patient’s name is used directly to locate the medical record. This classification is very simple to understand and operate. ARMA has published a list of Alphabetic Filing Rules, containing standard rules for storing records alphabetically. guidelines to arrange personal and business name alphabetically ; ... coding and filing records first by subject and then by individual, organization or project ;
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describe the indexing rules for alphabetic filing 2021