His father was a Serbian Orthodox priest Milutin Tesla and mother Djuka Mandic a Serb from Gracac! This is about his genius…what he gave to the world,and what was stolen from him.Get over where he was from! There is NOT a single document where Tesla said thta. EU advocates can be roughly split into two groups. Thus our fluid universe has a self ordering function. Comparable to imagining our moon being instantly flung across the universe because some other solar system was one moon short. Water groups. on number 3? It’s really getting quite ridiculous. @soupdragon42 1…2…3… DONE! Then why did he not only live here 90% of his life,apply for accept citizenship(which entails renouncing any former nationality ,swearing allegiance to our country ,and flag as well as a separate Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the USA against ALL enemies both foreign & domestic) and die here instead of going back to your beloved Serbia!I have seen interviews where he proudly proclaimed that his American citizenship was one of his proudest achievements! Exciting News, Sweden constructs world’s first electric vehicle charging road. A less benevolent example of the modern use of the science behind Tesla’s theory of wireless energy transmission is a government project in the U.S. called HAARP. Despite his accomplishments, however, Tesla died pennilessly and without the accolades that would, he would ultimately earn over a century later. and that kind of ppl just wait another war to make new history in their sick minds. The movement could have been initiated by a force, such as being thrown, but it could have been slingshot gravitationally, in which case it would not have been forced. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Hi Eric More than completely!!! I have a life, job, wife and family but without my Van Der Graaf Generator life would be incomplete. Music 1. I don’t think there is such a thing as “empty space.” I see space as the real reality, the substrate of what we perceive as reality. What would happen if a light bulb were filled with a non-conductive liquid, like oil and then turned on? @bsod4u2 Idiot. Oct 28, 2019 - Explore Maryann Rada's board "Electric Universe" on ... Electric Universe theory ... pyramids, Nikola Tesla etc. Sandstorm – Darude 3. However, its all pro-Tesla and supportive of his rightful place in history…. Happy Birthday Tesla. There was more to Nikola Tesla than a brilliant inventor, physicist, and electrical engineer. Dropping the humidity around my VdG allows me to build up impressive charge. Hope I’m making sense. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. “Thus our fluid universe has a self ordering function.” Yes!! The first are garden-variety physics cranks who are convinced that they have a legitimate, revolutionary scientific theory, and that the scientific establishment is either blindly ignoring them out of misplaced faith in their own theories, or deliberately suppressing them for some greater, nefarious purpose. you give thumbs up to the comment which shows whole idiotism of serbian national politics. Or even it existed? An important related concept connected to Tesla’s aether theory and Dynamic Theory of Gravity are his “primary solar rays“. Tesla had a vision of electromagnetic fields that was real and tangible, at a time when most engineers considered electrical current as an intangible and ethereal mystery. Simply the absence of a force to oppose the movement. Robert Harrison, July 27, 2012 @AxisTheMovieFan Nikola Tesla born to a Serbian family on July 9th, 1856. Unfortunately, tycoons like Edison prevented him to achieve much more. They’re amazing. Stars group, our universe groups. Storm clouds are electrified by friction? “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 & 9; Hi Eric, with my Van de Graaff (VdG) experiments I’m very familiar with how a charge dissipates. that kind of people started the war in which they claimed that every country containing serbs is a part of serbia. I am a great believer that this amazing universe came into being through process: movement >pressure > density > mass. If we take away the idea of the ball can we also imagine a pulse or wave of energy traveling endlessly. This correlates almost precisely with what I have termed the three legs or phases of the cosmic energy cycle: radiant, aethereal, and material. I just got Nikola Tesla’s message. The above quote by Tesla says it all as far as I am concerned. And how do we measure that? It’s his MIND that was important! I respect the fact that America gave him the opportunity to achieve what he achieved. Could you email me? I think that this assumption—that charge is an innate property of elementary particles—has thrown the physical sciences off the correct path, and physics has been stumbling around in the dark ever since. 33rd floor In the Electric Universe model, cosmic sized, low-density currents create the galaxies and the stars within those galaxies by the electromagnetic pinching. If a ball was traveling through empty space at say a million km per hour and nothing else existed would you still say it is moving? The Nikola Tesla 3 6 9 theory. Such a tribute does not seem unreasonable when you consider that Tesla also invented the Spark Plug, X-Rays, Neon, Lasers, and the … It is why the Michelson-Morley experiment failed, being based on the assumption that an aether would be viscous. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Shanxi province in China attempts to save coal industry by sacrificing environment and people. It would just be doing what comes natural. you call him a genius but were afraid of him electrocuting people. All matter is extremely dense bundles of electricity and our world exist only because we are living in an extremely dense or pressurised fluid like electrical system. I have spent the last year building a cosmology based on this assumption. Later, at Budapest, he visualized the principle of the rotating magnetic field and developed plans for an induction motor that would become his first step toward the successful utilization of alternating current. Nikola Tesla on the Secrets of the Universe - Energy, Frequency and Vibration 88,907 views Jan 20, 2017 Dyslexic Artist Theory on the Physics of 'Time' 33.1K subscribers Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Yes,he was American by his citizenship but he was ethnic Serb. Latest Alternative Energy News. Aug 17, 2019 - Explore Ross Carlyon's board "Tesla Thunderbolts Electric Universe" on Pinterest. Space flows into “sinks,” or matter, maintaining its (matter’s) “existence.” Stars (matter) then make more radiant energy, and round and round it goes. I completely agree that an understanding of electromagnetic phenomena at the atomic scale would help us unravel some of the mysteries of existence. Video November 27, 2008: Nikola tesla and The Electric Universe by Soupdragon42 Summary: An excellent new video from the Soupdragon, this explores the rightful place in history for a much ingnored Nikola Tesla. I’m currently trying to do a slow motion video to explain their behaviour. In the Electric Sun theory, our Sun may be externally powered by its galactic environment, a huge electric field not far from Nikola Tesla's own theories on electricity and infinite power. then you would have a key to the universe.” Before Einstein created his unique theorems on relativity, deflating Newton’s theories on gravity, Nikola Tesla posited the idea that electricity and energy were responsible for almost all cosmic phenomena. Humans, like fish in the sea, are completely oblivious to being swept up by these galactic currents. I’m also pleased you mention the aether as non-viscous. Tesla's dynamic theory of gravity attempted to formulate a theory relating gravity and electromagnetism, i.e. This boyhood fascination with motors developed a unique mental ability where Tesla could visualize inventions in his mind, complete to the most minute detail, and execute these plans without the need for a blueprint or meticulous calculations. From an incompressible, non-viscous aethereal medium under constant pressure. lulz. Tesla had a vision of electromagnetic fields that was real and tangible, at a time when most engineers considered electrical current as an intangible and ethereal mystery. The image was taken in 1898. But with no further point of reference we can’t even say which of the two objects are moving and which is stationary. What is NanoCrystal Electricity and how does Nano Crystal Electricity work? -Nikola Tesla Rob I have come across something you will find very interesting indeed, Hi Rob could you please send me your email so that I can tell you what I have uncovered….everyone is so damn near the mark…so nearly there. THREE = 3 + THREE = 6 + THREE = 9 There’s is absolutely no such thing as empty space. These rays in turn, hit various particles in space which give rise to much weaker secondary radiations. Shows his true genius. If one takes the opposite view—that basic charge requires a cause—that cause could only come from without. @jessicafischerqueen all serbs are innocient children and women killers.case closed, @rastabastard1321 All Serbs are mindless raping bottom of the barrel SCUM, @martyn347 All Croats are Nazis- today, yesterday, tomorrow. @AJMOOOO0 Tesla decided to be an American he can’t help where he was born.He was proud of his citizenship like most hard working emigrants.All true Americans are proud of our history of immigrants,after all over 90 % of us have immigrant forefathers. And a/c is more efficient for transmission ONLY because Stanleys TRANSFORMERS can raise the voltage (in fact, for a given voltage, dc is more efficient, and now that we have solid state voltage converter technology d/c is being used for long distances). I’m convinced that the key to understanding the mechanics of our universe is in the reexamining of electrical phenomenon. There must be two dozen places where he compares some electric or magnetic phenomenon as being exactly analogous to the behavior of an incompressible fluid. He was also very much aware of the broader implications for electromagnetism and electrodynamics. @martyn347 Tesla NEVER said that. I find it a very baffling phenomenon (though not as baffling as time!). Yeah and his grand father was Roman-Chatolic, he had Croatian roots from Novi Vinodolski. Airwave – Tiesto 4. On his funeral were played the most popular PATRIOTIC serbian song”Tamo Daleko”and that was his wish. Nothing about the Electric Universe has been published in scientific journals, because it can't pass peer review. Nikola Tesla and the Electric Universe – The Big Picture. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Example of off the grid hydroelectric systems, Free electricity with Pelton wheel and rainwater, Cropland Use can be cut in half yet still Produce same amount of food, according to new Study. @TributeToTesla I am a Croat and very proud of it.And dont generalize things like that. I tend not to think along the lines of charge, voltage, current etc which are extremely useful measuring tools but offer little in the understanding the nature of the phenomenon. Insisted on Room 3327 Please refer to Wikipedia “Greater Serbia” and “Yugoslavian wars”. ), it seems nobody questioned the ultimate source of this “magical” stuff. @lemonbery Edison was a stubborn ,shrewd businessman above all.
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