The first step to writing an exceptional expository … An expository essay is an essay that requires to examine a specific topic and give arguments. exposition of theory with the analysis of particular computer programs for reasoning. the Babylonian Rab) are famous for their ethical teaching, and for their share in popular exposition; one of the best ethical systems of medieval Judaism (by Bahya ibn Pekuda) is founded upon the Talmud; the last exponent of Rabbinical legalism, Joseph Caro, was at the same time a mystic and a pietist; and the combination of the poetical with the legal temperament is frequent. On the other hand, they are constantly impressed by his power of reasoning both deductively and inductively, by the subtlety and fertility of invention with which he applies analogies, by the clearness and keenness of his observation, by the fulness of matter with which his mind is stored, and by the consecutive force, the precision and distinctness of his style, when employed in the processes of scientific exposition. The Expository Essay: A Brief Overview. Here follows Smith's admirable exposition of the causes which produce the inequalities in wages and profits just referred to, a passage affording ample evidence of his habits of nice observation of the less obvious traits in human nature, and also of the operation both of these and of social institutions on economic facts. About twenty foreign nations, the federal government, and most of the states of the union took part in the exposition. He wrote a brief exposition of the Gospel of Matthew under the title, The Genesis of the New Testament. There are several public squares and gardens, the more important being the Praca Harmonia, the Pra9a d'Alfandega, Pra9a da Independencia and the Parque, where an exposition was held in 1901. The first is an exposition of the advantages of a classical training, when it is not confined to mere grammar. A Fragmentary Exposition of Philosophical anarchism, culled from the writings of Benj. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Webster's brief reply drew from Hayne a second speech, in which he entered into a full exposition of the doctrine of nullification, and the important part of Webster's second reply to Hayne on the 26th and 27th of January is a masterly exposition of the Constitution as in his opinion it had come to be after a development of more than forty years. Examples of Exposition in a sentence We attended a Business to Business exposition, where exhibitors displayed their products and services to attract other companies. Athenagoras, the demagogue or opposition speaker, has an excellent exposition of democratic principles put into his mouth by Thucydides (vi. Frank attends an annual job expositio… A highly imaginative flufancial exposition by Seismit Doda, who announced a surplus of 2,400,000, paved the way fora Grist Tax Reduction Bil],which Cairoli had taken over from the Depretis programme. After his return he spent a month in a visit at his old home in Canton, Ohio, and at the end of this visit, by previous arrangement, he visited the city of Buffalo, New York, in order to attend the Pan-American exposition and deliver a public address. Swinburne agrees with Gifford in thinking Ford the author of the whole of the first act; and he is most assuredly right in considering that "there is no more admirable exposition of a play on the English stage.". 4 For a very complete exposition of the operation of valves in the horn, and of the mathematical proportions to be observed in construction, see Victor Mahillon's "Le Cor," also the article by Gottfried Weber in Caecilia (1835), to which reference was made above. Expositions are the place to show the reader a little bit of the location and what kind of time is involved in the story, along with some of the major characters.Tommy kicked angrily at the rocks in front of him as he walked to the little store up the road. Thank you for your very lucid exposition of the position here. At the same time, if our text is thus late, it must be remembered that its content gives us the earliest and purest exposition of French feudalism, and describes for us the organization of a kingdom, where all rights and duties were connected with the fief, and the monarch was only a suzerain of feudatories. 229-236 of the Indian Antiquary, vol. The original works of Rufinus are - (I) De Adulteratione Librorum Origenis - an appendix to his translation of the Apology of Pamphilus, and intended to show that many of the features in Origen's teaching which were then held to be objectionable arise from interpolations and falsifications of the genuine text; (2) De Benedictionibus XII Patriarcharum Libri II - an exposition of Gen. For an exposition of Quakerism on its spiritual side many of the poems by Whittier may be referred to, also Quaker Strongholds and Light Arising by Caroline E. The account thus presented to us of what the previous confusion was, underlines and attests the summary exposition of it given in the last edition of this work. Those of Bishop Watson and Lord Hailes were the best, but simply because they contented themselves with a dispassionate exposition of the general argument in favour of Christianity. Papias of Hierapolis, in his Exposition of the Lord's Sayings (145-160) appears nowhere to have mentioned it, and clearly distinguishes between " what Andrew, Peter,. A successful lawyer, and in his later years a prominent microscopist, who won a gold medal of honour for microphotography at the Antwerp Exposition of 1891, he is best known as one of the greatest "civilian" generals of the Civil War, and, with the possible exception of J. He seemed, not a professor amongst students, but a learner amongst learners; pauses for thought alternated with luminous exposition; invention accompanied demonstration; and thus originated his Theorie des fonctions analytiques (Paris, 1797). The emperor accepted this exposition of the constitution, and after some delay eventually gave his consent also to the Prussian law, which he was qualified to reject. From this time, however, his value for the ordered liberty of constitutional government increased; and though never exactly to be found among the ranks of old-fashioned Constitutionalists, during the remainder of his life he kept steadily in view the principles which received their full exposition in his wellknown work on Church and State. The one is John of TellÃ, author of 538 canons,' answers to questions by the priest Sergius, a creed and an exposition of the Trisagion. Other important libraries, with the approximate number of their books, are the Grosvenor (founded in 1859), for reference (75,000 volumes and 7000 pamphlets); the John C. Lord, housed in the building of the Historical Society (10,620); the Law (8th judicial district) (17,000); the Catholic Institute (12,000); and the library of the Buffalo Historical Society (founded 1862) (26,600), now in the handsome building in Delaware Park used as the New York state building during the PanAmerican Exposition of 1901. Then before we dive into those expository essay topics, let’s move on to a quick summary to remind you of the key points in an expository essay. In 1788 he published Deputation aux Etats generaux, a pamphlet remarkable for its bold exposition of liberal principles, and partly on the strength of this he was elected deputy to the states-general by the Third Estate of the bailliage of Metz. We come finally to the anonymous Teaching of the Twelve Apostles and Papias's Exposition of Oracles of the Lord, so far as this is known to us. To the attack upon the possibility of demonstration, inasmuch as every proof requires itself a fresh proof, it may quite fairly be retorted that the contradiction really lies in the demand 1 Much the same conclusion is reached in what is perhaps the ablest English exposition of pure philosophic scepticism since Hume - A. As a response to the expository essay question, students should define … How to use expositive in a sentence. The homilies of Aphraates are intended to form, as Professor Burkitt has shown, "a full and ordered exposition of the Christian faith.". exposition of these verses, therefore, must involve exhibiting them in right relation both to the whole and to each other. Although the illustrations are very sumptuous, many of them do not add much to the exposition. that the first attempt was made to offer a systematic exposition of Christian morality; and nine centuries more had passed away before a genuinely philosophic intellect, trained by a full study of Aristotle, undertook to give complete scientific form to the ethical doctrine of the Catholic church. In his exposition of such ideas Gregory made a distinct advance upon the older theology and influenced profoundly the dogmatic development of the future. Erected for the exposition of 1889, the Eiffel Tower, in the Champ de Mars, Paris, is by far the highest artificial structure in the world, and its height of 300 metres (984 ft.) surpasses that of the obelisk at Washington by 42 9 ft., and that of St Paul's cathedral by 580 ft. At the same time he produced the official exposition of the Avesla, an exegetical translation in the popular tongue (Pahlavi), and declared its contents binding. The first series of forty homilies is devoted to plain and direct exposition of the chief events of the Christian year; the second deals more fully with church doctrine and history. exposition of the Blessed sacrament with Confessions on the middle evening. For example, analytical thesis examples answers “how” and “why” questions. Expositions sentence examples He stood between Scotland and France and Germany and France; and, though his expositions are vitiated by loose reading of the philosophers he interpreted, he did … On his return he was made a member from the United States of the International Art Jury at the Paris Exposition of 1878. The latters magnum opus, Kojikiden (Exposition of the Record of Ancient Matters), declared by Chamberlain to be perhaps the most admirable work of which Japanese erudition can boast, consists of 44 large volumes, devoted to elucidating the Kojiki and resuscitating the ShintO cult as it existed in the earliest days. 849), was the author of the Glossa Ordinaria, a work which formed the foundation of biblical exposition throughout the middle ages. His collected works were published in 5 volumes, edited by Gavin Carlyle. The main principles of the Comtian system are derived from the Positive Polity and from two other works, - the Positivist Catechism: a Summary Exposition of the Universal Religion in Twelve Dialo ues between a Woman and a The g, g Elvis f Priest of Humanity; and, second, The Subjective Synthesis (1856), which is the first and only volume of a work upon mathematics announced at the end of the Positive Philosophy. Beside the works already named Tyndale wrote A Prologue on the Epistle to the Romans (1526), An Exposition of the 1st Epistle of John (1531), An Exposition of Matthew v.-vii. trans., pp. MIDRASH, a very common term in Jewish writings for " exposition " and a certain class of expository literature. But his enthusiasm for mental science, and his command over the language of popular exposition, made him a great international medium for the transfusion of ideas. Nor is it of the first importance, save with the view of criticizing his own consistency, that we should adopt any of the divisions implied in his exposition. His optical investigations are perhaps the subject in which he most contributed to the progress of science; and the lucidity of exposition which marks his Dioptrics stands conspicuous even amid the generally luminous style of his works. It is here proposed merely to classify the works, to indicate their general character and to enter somewhat more in detail upon what he himself regarded as his great achievement, - the reorganization of the sciences and the exposition of a new method by which the human mind might proceed with security and certainty towards the true end of all human thought and action. von Hofmann, who materially helped the acceptance of the doctrine by the lucid exposition in his Introduction to Modern Chemistry, 1865. In exposition he had the rare art of unfolding and aggrandizing. Everywhere he bent his energies to the exposition of the new thoughts which were beginning to effect a revolution in the thinking world. ") 100 examples: Both writers' works contain expositions of the theory of justification by faith… He afterwards resided principally in Germany until his death on the 9th of September 1894, but frequently visited Egypt, took part in another official mission to Persia, and organized an Egyptian exhibit at the Philadelphia Exposition in 1876. Exposition definition, a large-scale public exhibition or show, as of art or manufactured products: an exposition of 19th-century paintings; an automobile exposition. The other also dates from the Caesarean period; it mentions many interesting details, and concludes with a fine exposition of the Lord's Prayer. the following writings: Speech to the Greeks (Oratio); Address to the Greeks (Cohortatio): On the Monarchy of God; Epistle to Diognetus; Fragments on the Resurrection and other Fragments; Exposition of the True Faith; Epistle to Zenas and Serenus; Refutation of certain Doctrines of Aristotle; Questions and Answers to the Orthodox; Questions of Christians to Pagans; Questions of Pagans to Christians. It is at least certain, from a reference in Spinoza's first letter to Oldenburg, that such a systematic exposition was in existence before September 1661.1 There are two dialogues somewhat loosely incorporated with the work which probably belong to a still earlier period. alluded briefly to Dennis's integration of his theory of verdict legitimacy with his exposition of the rules of evidence. The Alaska-Yukon Exposition, designed to exhibit the resources of western America, held at Seattle June-October 1909, was a complete success. He won a silver medal at the Paris Exposition, 1900, and a gold medal at the St Louis Exposition, 1904. We quote from the article "Variation and Selection," in the tenth edition of this Encyclopaedia, an exposition of the biometric method by Weldon: The characters of individual animals or plants depend upon so many complex conditions, most of which are generally unknown to us, that the statements we can make concerning them are of a peculiar kind. The exposition of this conception presents to a great extent the same matter that was dealt with by the exposition of moral virtues, but in a different form; the prominence of which may perhaps be attributed to the growing influence of Roman jurisprudence, which attained in the 12th century so rapid and brilliant a revival in Italy. logic - to all of which their industry made contributions. The hook is crafted to draw attention, while the bridge sentence is used to sl… We can only look forward to a more detailed exposition by Stephen in the future. The Meditations give no systematic exposition of belief, but there are many indications of the religious spirit. Theodoret gives a valuable exposition of his own dogmatic in the fifth book of his Aip€ru s KaKoµueias eircro ii j, already referred to.'. The American House of Representatives adopted a motion of regret, and added to it these words: "That his loss is not alone to be mourned by the people of his native land, where his firm and constant exposition of, and devotion to, free and liberal ideas have materially advanced the social, political and economic conditions of these people, but by the lovers of liberty throughout the world.". They adventured a complete exposition of Christian doctrine that should be altogether ecclesiastical and at the same time altogether rational. The session of 1908 opened with Mr Asquith acting avowedly as the prime minister's deputy, and the course of business was itself of a nature to emphasize his claims. Indeed, the windings of his exposition are best sunderstood if we consider his literary manner as a kind of Socratic dialogue formalized and reduced to a monologue. Another benefit is expository essays present a fair and balanced analysis of the idea. by William Urwick (1869, 1870); (3) his Exposition of the First Three Gospels (Synoptische Erkldrung der drei ersten Evangelien), by H. Of special interest is the fact that Walafrid, in his exposition of the Mass, shows no trace of any belief in the doctrine of transubstantiation as taught by his famous contemporary Radbertus (q.v. For it was on the artistic rather than on the critical side of history that stress was almost universally laid in antiquity, and the thing that above all others was expected from the historian was not so much a scientific investigation and accurate exposition of the truth, as its skilful presentation in such a form as would charm and interest the reader. The first part, entitled KE4aXaca dicXococAuca, is an exposition and application of theology of Aristotle's Dialectic. The beginning of the story where the characters and setting are introduced is called the exposition.At some point when we are meeting the … This shows the true character of the treatise which, alike in medieval and modern times, has been quoted as containing an exposition of his opinions. It would have been much better to permit his exposition of the philosophy of religion to enjoy the same literary rights as his earlier works, since Kant could not be interdicted without first silencing a multitude of theologians who were at least equally separated from positive Christianity. If, on this subject, the opinion of the Executive should properly decide our judgment, ought we not to have had some official, Now, sir, upon the most critical review of this, On the one hand, we have elegant phraseology without any substance, characterized in great part by most one-sided superficiality; and on the other hand, accompanying undeniable profundity of investigation and richness of subject-matter, we get a revolting awkwardness of philosophic terminology, infolding the simplest thoughts in an apparel of abstract science, as though to render them worthy to enter the consecrated palace of the system; and finally, between these two methods of investigation and, President, to inquire whether the facts stated in the resolution are supported by the correspondence upon which it is founded? Its importance lies mainly in its simple, popular summarization of the doctrine of Augustine(whose works Gregory had studied with infinite care, but not always with insight), and in its detailed exposition of various religious conceptions which were current in the Western Church, but had not hitherto been defined with precision (e.g. As Duke Albert sided with Osiander, Chemnitz resigned the librarianship. In its subsequent development idealism in England has passed through several clearly marked stages which may be distinguished as (a) that of exploration and tentative exposition in the writings of J. Expositive definition is - descriptive, expository. Shortly after Mahomet's death certain individuals applied themselves to the exposition of the Koran. Darwin found that it was, in all essential respects, identical with his own theory at the exposition of which he had been working for many years. The earliest record of any attempt to interpret this symbolism that we possess is, so far as the West is concerned, the short exposition in the Explicatio Missae of Germanus, bishop of Paris (d. The Exposition du Systeme du monde (Paris, 1796) has been styled by Arago "the Mecanique celeste disembarrassed of its analytical paraphernalia.". By his exposition of the political history of the kingdom, based on a study of its laws and institutions and of the legal conflicts between the state and the court of Rome, Pietro Giannone was the initiator of what has been since known as civil history. So far we have considered the " nature " of the individual man as apart from his social relations; but the sphere of virtue, as commonly conceived, lies chiefly in these, and this was fully recognized in the Stoic account of duties (Ka89)Kovra); indeed, in their exposition of the " natural " basis of justice, the evidence that man was born not for himself but for mankind is the most important part of their work in the region of practical morality. Its professors teach grammatical inflexion and syntax, rhetoric, versification, logic, theology, the exposition of the Koran, the traditions of the Prophet, the complete science of jurisprudence, or rather of religious, moral, civil and criminal law, which is chiefly founded on the Koran and the traditions, together with arithmetic as far as it is useful in matters of law. Examples of Expository in a sentence The play begins with an expository monologue explaining where the story takes place. The third part, entitled "EKSovcs axpc(3ns rigs 6pOoc40v (An Accurate Exposition of the Orthodox Faith"), is much the most important, containing as it does a complete system of theology founded on the teaching of the fathers and church councils, from the 4th to the 7th century. He was chosen in 1892 president of the board of directors of the World's Columbian Exposition, the successful financing of which was due more to him than to any other man. 4 Bosanquet's Logic will long retain its place as an authoritative exposition of logic of this type. He organized the famous Exposition Retrospective held at the Petit Palais in 1900, and published a number of expert volumes on enamels, ceramics and furniture. It was apparently intended by the author as an analytical introduction to the constructive exposition of his system, which he presently essayed in the Ethics. His Exposition de la doctrine de St Simon (2 vols., 1828-1830), which is by far the best account of it, won more adherents. building, an auditorium and exposition hall and a Masonic Temple. Expository in a sentence | expository example sentences. His best-known book is the Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles (vol. In 1854 Frauenstadt's Letters on the Schopenhauerean Philosophy showed that the new doctrines were become a subject of discussion - a state of things made still more obvious by the university of Leipzig offering a prize for the best exposition and examination of the principles of Schopenhauer's system. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Returning to Heidelberg he became Privatdozent in theology in 1829, and in 1831 published his Begriff der Kritik am Allen Testamente praktisch erartert, a study of Old Testament criticism in which he explained the critical principles of the grammatico-historical school, and his Des Propheten Jonas Orakel uber Moab, an exposition of the 1 5th and 16th chapters of the book of Isaiah attributed by him to the prophet Jonah mentioned in 2 Kings xiv. Here also he wrote a long poem against commerce, which he produced as an exposition of his opinions when, on his return to England, his father announced his intention of placing him in a commercial house at Bordeaux. The Cotton States and International Exposition, also held at Atlanta, in 1895, attracted widespread attention, and had exhibits from thirty-seven states and thirteen foreign countries. The budget demonstrated at once its author's absolute mastery over figures and the persuasive force of his expository … First, their independence of philosophy and the arts being assured, though they continued to regard " civic excellence " as their aim, it was no longer necessary for them to make the assertion of its claims a principal element in their exposition. But the main purport of the treatise was the exposition of an elaborate system of celestial harmonies depending on the various and varying velocities of the several planets, of which the sentient soul animating the sun was the solitary auditor. against the disintegrating effects of Hellenism. Less exposition has been shared about aromatherapy soy candles, per say. Without any marked originality, his writings are distinguished by lucidity of exposition and genuine philosophic spirit. expository Sentence Examples His works, mainly expository and polemical, have not been collected. Ordained priest in 1520, and appointed preacher (1522) at Hall in Swabia, he gave himself to biblical exposition. When you write an expository essay, you are explaining something to your audience.It is different from technical writing (also known as process essays), which explains how to do or use a product. The first pre-stamped, penny postcards were created in 1873, by Post Master John Creswell and depicted the Interstate Industrial Exposition that happened in Chicago. In the book as we have it there is no orderly exposition of a theory; it rather has the appearance of a collection of remarks jotted down by a pupil (somewhat after the manner of Xenophon's Memorabilia), or of extracts from a sage's notebook. The exposition of faith ("EKO&rts Tns wiz-Taos), called forth by the demand of Theodosius, is still extant, and has been edited by Valesius in his notes to Socrates, and by Ch. Later in the day he gave a lecture on, or exposition of, the prepared passages, and was examined on them by two of the doctors appointed by the college. His first work, Fundamenta nova, appeared in 1838, and contained an exposition of his ingenious and peculiar methods of computation. The practice of such writing probably counted for something in the freedom and clearness of Maine's style and the effectiveness of his dialectic. He was not, however, to be moved by such means, and (1792) issued his work Die Religion der Vollkommeneren, an exposition of his theological position, in which he advocated at length the idea, subsequently often urged, of "the perfectibility of Christianity," - that is, of the ultimate transformation of Christianity into a scheme of simple morality, with a complete rejection of all specifically Christian ideas and methods. Five miles from Norfolk and with Norfolk as its headquarters was held from the 26th of April to the 30th of November 1907 the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition, celebrating the first permanent English settlement in America at Jamestown, Virginia. His major work, „A Theory of Justice," is perhaps the most unjust, A citation of his argument will serve as an, Washington did not appear in Bowen’s minutes from the Congress of Africa, but whites had chosen him to speak as a representative of African Americans at the same, Hardly in any sphere of philosophic science can we find such divergent methods of investigation and, In our first edition (1949) we found it necessary at this point to insert a long, God says: ((And We have sent down to you the Book (the Qur’an) as an, For was it not," said Joe, with his old air of lucid, One smallest new fact obtained in the laboratory, one brick built into the temple of science, far outweighs any second-hand, Above all, he always expressed himself gently, and showed no indignation even in his disapproval, but confined himself to logical, Then follows an exhibit of a war canoe, a large, In this new posture of our relations with those powers, the consideration of Congress will be properly turned to a removal of doubts which may occur in the, The only strange thing here is that we know so little of the teachings of our church that we receive an, Bunákov explains how children ought to be educated, and, having given an, Therefore, this short sketch of Tolstoi’s life at the end of the nineties, which deals not only with his outer but with his inner life, does in no way intend to give an exhaustive, I wanted to expound my views to the meeting in the most concise form possible, but I see that I should need to add a great many verbal explanations, and so the whole, Porter said that the House were probably expecting from the Committee of Foreign Relations some explanations of their views in reporting the resolutions now under consideration, in addition to the general, Being opposed to the principles of this bill, and having no confidence in the reasons or pretences by which it is attempted to be justified, I shall not trouble you with an, This mode of reasoning may answer the purposes of gentlemen, but is surely unfavorable to fair investigation; it tends to abridge the freedom of debate, and prevent that firm, decisive, and candid, Published shortly after the „Glorious Revolution" of 1688, his „Two Treatises of Government, and „Letter of Toleration," helping to set the stage, along with Montesquieu"s, Third, the congress made a motion in its minutes inviting church members to attend the Cotton States and International. Indeed, the sophists generally had a special predisposition to error of this sort, not only because sophistry was from the beginning a substitute for the pursuit of truth, but also because the successful professor, travelling from city to city, or settling abroad, could take no part in public affairs, and thus was not at every step reminded of the importance of the " material " element of exposition and reasoning. We, therefore, offer you one of our sample articles about what it means to be a friend Example sentences with the word expository.
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exposition sentence examples 2021