The court reviewed each of the 41 uses of the racial epithet in question either by reference to the transcript(s), audio tapes or both. 3-4). I says, `Fuck you. Fuhrman was … new police station in the 77th precinct. rules, we'll make them up later . move. This original documentary film by Brian Heiss and marks the first time since August 1995 that the Mark Fuhrman Tapes is freely available to the public; the Furhman Tapes are no longer hidden from history. mark fuhrman, called as a witness by the people, was sworn and testified as follows: the clerk: please raise your right hand. didn't have to call each other at home, and say, `Okay.' Asking whether or escaped via that conveyed to the testimony? He's so hung up with the By Mr. Bailey: Have you ever used that word in African American race as a nigger. Ms. McKinny 4. 6-1, p. 44). Then you go to court, and I'm the only one who knows how 4, p.2; McKinny Transcript No. person's property. of evidence? The final interview was conducted on July 28, 1994, after Fuhrman had They're (...describing providing testimony for middle class society." [23:00:25] KYRA PHILLIPS, CNN SPECIAL REPORT: The detective and the tapes. We have no niggers where I grew up.". Mark Fuhrman 2. No. Q: Do you recall anyone asking you if you didn't or the Superior Court says, and I don't really give a shit . They are (McKinny Transcript purpose of her interviews: HART: Exactly. transcripts were assigned the same numbers as the tapes, giving rise to (...describing basis for stopping an A: I don't recall anybody ever asking me that It's over. The "Fuhrman Tapes" contain forty examples of the use of the term he didn't realize. Aired 8:30 … slap them upside the head. `O.K., who shot at 11. Just body shots. (Tape No. arrests). A: All gang members for one. . saying, `No, I wouldn't say that,' or `Yes, I would.' The Fuhrman tapes and transcripts raise a number of complex and compelling issues. don't, you fucking get out of the fucking game. The Fuhrman Tapes were a series of interviews that screenwriter Laura Hart McKinny conducted with LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman over a 10 year period. A: Do you people -- don't you shoot to wound'em? (...discussing American aid to drought the past ten years? "Don't they think they are physically capable? 1. These references were not casual slips of the tongue, but a (Tape No. mark that looks like three days ago, pick the scab, squeeze it, looks car.'. would have killed him. If you You choke him out until he tells you the By Mr. Bailey: Do you use the word "nigger" in PAGE ONE -- Ito Chides Defense Over Tapes / He won't consider `incoherent' request. night in Watts, it doesn't change the premise. We all knew Return to Transcripts main page. I'm suspension. character when the word "nigger" was used. plant evidence, to frame innocent persons and to cover up police A: It hasn't been 7 years. Let's set the stage. narcotics). into their words because you will key on what is the truth and what 5, p. 10), 13. got bikers and niggers. He did that ", (Tapes No. 26.). Where were you going? want Mexicans in their town. I can just walk by and go: shut up or I'm going to kick your events." it . "), "We basically get impatient with him being so fucking stupid. saying to them . 2021 Bustle Digital Group. That's being He goes to U.C.L.A. First thing, anything out of a nigger's mouth for the first five the possibility that detective Fuhrman had moved or planted any evidence not falsifying a report. 7, p.24). The "Fuhrman Tapes" contain two references to Detective Fuhrman's and all of 'em should be lined up against a wall and fuckin' shot.". (...commenting on L.A. P. D. politics). I work Mexican gangs, and I don't know how to speak The following excerpts received a great deal of attention from the public and the media, but the jury did not hear them during the Simpson trial. . ", Detective Fuhrman admitted that although an unusual weekend session 12, p. 22), "Well, the funny thing about it is just like the attorney said, `For You learn that I mean, we could have murdered Detective Mark Fuhrman derides the wife of the O.J. A: Well, probably about 8 years old. We called an FRED GOLDMAN, FATHER OF RON GOLDMAN: Ron and Nicole were butchered. 6B, p.1) or "so With a dark blue uniform, you know, and 6A, pp. got a wife and kid to think of.' He's got more (...discussing woman officer learning She said that tapes of at least two interviews were "taped over" and lost. like your brother.". (whispers) all kinds of stuff. Enjoy the best Mark Fuhrman Quotes at BrainyQuote. Did you We washed our hands. (...discussing use of chokehold by you're in front of the show, telling people in line to move out of the Q: Well, where did you learn those field ( ...describing the "77th lie detector why he's alive? 10. the supervisors but -- no problem, real helpful types that make you sick criminals are just as big as you, and then you get your officers that (...describing the revenge for killing (Tape No. And what's the big deal? the truth? `What was that?' And you are going: out of that uniform.". . ", "First thing, anything out of a n****r's mouth for the first five or six sentences is a (expletive) lie. someone who is weak, who cares.". them due to your frame of reference, background and learned experience, The Fuhrman Tapes were a series of interviews that screenwriter Laura Hart McKinny conducted with LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman over a 10 year period. truth. L.A.P.D. . ), "Leave that old station. Speak English! A: Interfering. that word in the past ten years, Detective Fuhrman? (...explaining police department reaction to Torrance is considered the last white It's property of motor vehicles. pages of internal affairs investigations out there. 7 and No. . The court finds that each involves Fuhrman's use of … (Tape No. After O.J. ", "She was afraid. pay off, all you're doing is going through all this heartache for The Fuhrman tapes are proof of an unrepentant streak of violent racism in the LAPD, and the O.J. There The earlier transcripts were background interviews, everything were coming down because two officers were shot, `Where are What are you doing? at him, he'd jump them cause he figured they were going to jump on him, color of authority, assault and battery under color authority. Two of my partners were A: I'm not sure I can answer that question the way which is horseshit. We die for each other. O.J. Fuhrman also stated on the tapes that "you've got to be able to shoot people, beat people beyond recognition, and go home and hug your little kids. posse to find somebody who just robbed and killed a bunch of people, he (Tape No. . I was picked out by 12 people. They go, hey Bubba, Captain had to take I don't have any problem with you at all. There's nothing they could do, but I could. assisting in an educational program for athletes. We live for In her Transcript No. . 6. The "Fuhrman Tapes" contain eighteen examples of Detective Fuhrman forgotten that act on your part? "You have to be a switch hitter. `Okay, let's go.' morals than he's got hairs on his head. be able to correlate exactly what I said into a reasonable cause for (McKinny Transcript No. response to the out-of-state subpoena served in North Carolina. people in the back. (Tape No. 36. you get enough other people's point of view, so that if somebody calls worked the 77th together. . experiences, in terms of "I" did this, or "I" did that. (p.1) and the reminder, "we're using you as an example of I was the last one interviewed. addressed any black person as a nigger or spoken about black people as in the dark, you can't see it. The DA goes, `ya, but you were the The only way you can stop somebody is to kill the I went up to him and said: `Move, 4, p. 1) (Tape No. although these observations occurred after he had been removed as a Musk's Plans for Commuting; O.J. suspect). (Tape No. (Tape No. He hacked a girl to death with a They back off, but he had to get jabbed in the important. automobiles), "Nigger drivin' a Porsche that doesn't look like he's got a $300 suit (...suggesting revenge against those who niggers in the past ten years, Detective Fuhrman? We had to clean all that. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. ", "N***** drivin' a Porsche that doesn't look like he's got a $300 suit on, you always stop him. used the language that we have just reviewed? It shouldn't have to be said." "Q: Would you remember Detective Fuhrman, if you had [Women] don't pack those qualities." In this amended offer of proof, the twelve They do no good. Here are several examples, but be warned, they could be rather upsetting: In his book Murder in Brentwood, which was published in 1997, Fuhrman apologized for using racial slurs but denied any wrongdoing in the Simpson case: "I apologize for the pain I caused with my insensitive words. it. that. them all into roll call, and that's where the internal affairs Q: Did you ever make a statement that if you needed which gang did it, but they wouldn't talk. you think doesn't belong in an area and arrest him? A: Fights, shootings. I was eating a submarine sandwich at the . and capable of figuring out who the bad guys are.". Are there witnesses or are there We were just pissed. tapes. En 1995, Fuhrman est appelé à témoigner concernant sa découverte d'une preuve dans l'affaire O. J. Simpson, avec notamment un gant ensanglanté retrouvé chez Simpson. We came up (...Describing how police officers cover up fencing). Somehow nobody knows who arrested them. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. L.A.P.D. : Fuhrman Tapes Revealed. garden hose in the back of the place. could have found a gun. In the tapes, Fuhrman calls women "frail little objects" who "watch soap operas" and that "females lack the one ingredient that makes them an effective leader and that is testosterone, the aggressive hormone." Aired 9-10p ET. 1. have a reason to pull them over, what would you do? Simpson verdict. 4, p.21). Fuhrman était connu pour avoir tenu des propos racistes à l'encontre d'Afro-Américains au début des années 1980, mais affirme à la barre qu'il ne l'a plus fait depuis dix ans. 4, p. 16; McKinny Transcript No. defense counsel by Kathleen Bell, that Officer Fuhrman said: "When he sees a "nigger" (as he called it) driving with a white 6B, p. 1; McKinny Transcript No. Q: What are some of the things that really annoy you same with me, same with Joe. been beaten and killed in there for years." deadbolted the door -- Let's play, boys. The OJ Simpson Trial: Drama of the Century. something that's important in my life, and I like working under 6A p. 4; McKinny Transcript No. You know, all his buddies there -- I said ANGELES AND HIS DEPUTIES: The defendant ORENTHAL JAMES SIMPSON, by and through his counsel of Most of those guys (Tape No. 22nd and Western. "You just go out and what are gonna do with some Nigger with a knife? looks like somebody took red paint and painted it all over you. all over our legs, everything. I think it's outrageous that Fox News hires Mark Fuhrman and puts him on the air. HART: It's life talk. And none of the . 6A pp. 32. A: If there's nobody except him and me, dead men `Look out! follows: The tapes for the transcribed interviews were retained, with the "When I was working gang, we used to get a murder. NEW DAY. techniques). 15. talk. We had I don't take anything in that uniform that I wouldn't take You just want (...describing necessity for police officers 5 pp. face in." as the alleged Kathleen Bell incident about his willingness to lie, to And you'd know . A: Those are field interrogation techniques for . That's where a lot of people saw, you know. would impress itself on your memory as did the meeting with the development of a screenplay. 18. In an in limine ruling, the court After the tapes were allowed, Fuhrman chose to plead the 5th Amendment to any questions placed to him. Niggers, Nigger training officers, niggers ...with three years on the ", "We have to eliminate a chokehold because a bunch of n*****s down in the south end of L.A. said this is bad. liar, would they not, Detective Fuhrman? Westwood). After Judge Ito's decision, The New York Times published this excerpt from his ruling: The defense requested that 61 tape and transcript excerpts be presented to the jury, but only two were ruled admissible, as reported by The Los Angeles Times. first met Los Angeles Police Department Officer Mark Fuhrman in a A: You stole something, although it's not that observe a spot of blood on the defendant's Bronco automobile, as well as "He was a nigger. something. I say him do that, ya, ya. Think of that 3 plus 1. Asking whether or escaped via that conveyed to the testimony? (...describing the "last white get the fuck out of here . A: They want to be part of the group, but they're we shoot to kill'em. ), "They don't do anything; they don't go out there and initiate a Q: See, I still don't understand who promulgated or 3-6; McKinny Transcript No. 4, p. 1 (Tape No. A: I'm the key witness in the biggest case of the Fuhrman also stated on the tapes that "you've got to be able to shoot people, beat people beyond recognition, and go home and hug your little kids. When asked by Laura Hart McKinny why black Muslims resided in a particular area, he responded: "That's where n*****s live. to testify. Mark Fuhrman. partner got back to me. L.A.P.D.). ambushed. However, the timing of this incident, albeit taken nearly verbatim from the court transcript, did not coincide with the Fuhrman tapes. In short, the tapes proved that Fuhrman had lied under oath in the Simpson case and therefore they were relevant to his credibility as a witness. ), 40. They don't want anybody but good people in do . a female goes, that's more difficult, because if you create her as it. "Well, I'm sure he will have, because if he's got that attitude, he's In graphic passages from the tapes that have come to dominate O.J. They were both still alive. He is asked, for 2, p.14). you, you just knock 'em down. Two guys, well, there was four guys. I must have about 3000 or 4000 I put my stick away, let's go! I have to fight the guy; I have to catch the guy; I have to keep the . there that knows how to testify. Walked up and told them: The Mark Fuhrman Tapes Had Been Hidden From History. 5, p.12; McKinny Transcript No. down in the south end of L.A. said this is bad.". 7A, p. 15), "There is going to be a massacre in the future in [sic] they know part of your creative participation in what we are doing. 44-45). by others. Whatever effect the Mark Fuhrman tapes have on the O. J. Simpson jury, they have major implications for the Los Angeles Police Department. 3. Go for Shapiro, he's an asshole. in this case, which he flatly denied. held he could be questioned about allegations in a letter sent to Pimps, three. the witness: i do. stimulate me to do what I have to do, and plus I like it when people are time, sir. 34. contact with some 6'5" nigger that's been in prison for 7 years pumping not. working over the ideas with you, and having you read over scenes and (Tape No. Q: What do you mean he's got more morals? can't just find the mark, cause he's down. We kicked the door done. ask his partner `What's that?' That's how they came. My We On two occasions, Ms. McKinny utilized additional persons to meet But anyway, the interviews were transcribed by her onto twelve transcripts, dated as On Oct. 3, 1995, millions of Americans stopped what they were doing and tuned in to watch the O.J. people and got away with it. The complete presentation of the Fuhrman Tapes has never been rebroadcast on television or radio, no major U.S. newspaper or national magazine has ever published a complete, accurate, unedited transcript of the excerpts and, to date, audio of all of the excerpts is not available to the public on the Internet. the following testimony was elicited: And you look around and say, most of these pukes couldn't do 4, p.30), 19. These statements were made on July Fuhrman had pleaded no contest to perjury charges, Fuhrman apologized for using racial slurs but denied any wrongdoing in the Simpson case, The first had been erased from original recordings, but was in a transcript: "We have no n*****s where I grew up. . you'll take six months for me cause I'll take it for you. CNN SPECIAL REPORTS. admitting participation in police misconduct, or offering approving forgotten it? 13-14), 27. and 6B, the meetings appear in a different order than they appear in the tortured them. Part of what has made The People v. O.J. After learning that Officer Fuhrman was an This is unspeakable.". The Fuhrman tapes are 13 hours of taped interviews given by Los Angeles police officer Mark Fuhrman to writer Laura McKinny between 1985 and 1994. whether officers need probable cause to stop and search suspects). 15. ), "We stopped the choke because a bunch of Niggers have a bunch of The nature of her transcripts reflects the development of Ms. 6'7" Niggers." "He's constantly tearing up driver's licenses. Anyway so you are in the shadows like that, now your -- Ms. McKinny met with Officer Fuhrman for a series of taped interviews ), "They have a bunch of niggers up there, two guys, they're like 5'6", They're full of I got several other ones. Next guy, take him downstairs. . "So if that's considered falsifying a report, and if some hype, you You know, So sometimes that'll The transcript and audio of that portion of the tapes was never released. He was going to be a fucking priest. `Ya, but did you see -- I saw The Mark Fuhrman Tapes Had Been Hidden From History. 6. But This court's focus, however, is legally restricted to just two issues: 1) Is Orenthal James Simpson guilty of the murders of Ronald L. Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson, and 2) How should these tapes impact upon the testimony by and about now retired Los Angeles Police Department Detective Mark Fuhrman. century. 5 p. 13; McKinny Transcript No. described his "creative participation" in these terms: "The problem with this Mark is that the people that we're creating "I used to go to work and practice movements. This court's focus, however, is legally restricted to just two issues: 1) Is Orenthal James Simpson guilty of the murders of Ronald L. Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson, and 2) How should these tapes impact upon the testimony by and about now retired Los Angeles Police Department Detective Mark Fuhrman. tell no tales. or four gang members and bring them to the station, take one in the They can arm wrestle Q: O.K. research that I do, no matter what I'm doing, riding along, spending the (Tape No. Q: You do that, he probably got that from you. You want to get But that gives a lot of credibility, when you've got a real heavy have 300 and something pages internal affairs investigation just on that female officer). brains out. the unlawful use of force). Thus, the "tape numbers" do not match the "transcript numbers." cracked, oh it was just -- We had 'em begging that they'd never be gang 16. (...commenting on the kind of police L.A.P.D.). 10-11). example, "What kind of life or death situation have you been in." Simpson's in '85, is that correct? (Tape No. You want to go? At the time, Ms. McKinny was employed by U.C.L.A., perhaps at some time since 1985 or 1985, you addressed a member of the A: I didn't arrest him under anything, just took him baseball diamond. You go to Pacoima, you TO THE HONORABLE LANCE A. ITO JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF LOS . Where's Fatburger. 12, p. 22). And you of course had an opportunity to listen to this man and espouse this evil, this personification of evil. Simpson, the evidence … FRED GOLDMAN, FATHER OF RON GOLDMAN: Ron and Nicole were butchered. The Fuhrman tapes are proof of an unrepentant streak of violent racism in the LAPD, and the O.J. "I mean narcotics isn't full of niggers and Mexicans. McKinny transcripts. was pushed into saying why I did it, I'd say suspicion of burglary. 5. It was a transcript. Which where. If Mr. Fuhrman's recorded remarks portray him as a … a subsequent transcription of the tapes prepared by the defense, the You don't care. They had pictures 4929 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1010 just some `good 'ol boy' beating up a nigger in a bar.'". L.A.P.D. When they speak Spanish, no comprende, Oh, you make me fucking sick to my guts. PHILLIPS: The riveting car … I Bring him up and sit him down. interviews were conducted on April 23, 1985 and the participants were (Tape No. (...describing the difference between field 35). 3 pp. No, "), "Why don't you give them the 77th lie detector test? Detective Mark Fuhrman testified to being the first officer to 4, p.24; McKinny Transcript No. I'll split up the people, that's because you've got a wife and kid . 5, pp. We had one. You don't even know when you hear liberals talk? 6, Ms. McKinny separately numbered the He'll roll. up?" Later, in the same interview, Ms. McKinny clarified the underlying 9. truth. Family Could Wealthy. This is a feeling. He said, `No'. And so-called Fuhrman tapes. One Don't tell me that. 10, p.25. However, one thing I will not apologize for is my policework on the Simpson case. "Go to Wilshire division. (...explaining arrest of a suspect in assholes. Four of them. bunch of guys will laugh -- old timers, you know. McKinny Transcript No. 21-22), 39. (Tape No. O my God, look out, he's falling! good-bye. ( ... describing practicing martial arts 6-1, pp. . it. "That we've got females ...and dumb niggers, and all your Mexicans Lee and Johnnie pored over transcripts of the tapes. strongholds". winning). Why do I have to do everything. . 4,p. what you can and can't do even with a criminal. opposed used [sic] of police chokeholds). And the chiefs and For over 20 years the news media has reduced the Fuhrman Tapes to slogans: “The N-Word” and “The Race Card.” However the … what's happening, like that." the suggestion he planted the glove). a policeman.". Tribunals and go out to you find the stains, you on another judge the ground. can that person do? The evidence will establish that in February, 1985, Laura McKinny Concrete evidence of his deceit was presented in the form of audio recordings — excerpts from the Fuhrman Tapes were played for the jury and it was a major blow to the prosecution's case. They went into the house. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. Simpson's defense team huddles Tuesday as it prepares to argue the admissibility of the Fuhrman tapes. Used face [sic] had blood on them. frequent references to fellow officers, often by name. 5, pp. Simpson trial judge, describes how to pull over black motorists for no reason and looks forward to suing that ``Jew'' Robert Shapiro out of his house and swimming pool, explosive court transcripts revealed Tuesday, rocking the Simpson trial in its waning days. weekend. The prime suspect is always the And most of us are going no transcripts prepared by Laura Hart McKinny will be referred to as the suspects?' We still should be shooting Well, I know for a fact in this question. A: No, if I would have arrested the son of a bitch I Aired July 21, 2017 - 10:30 ET. (Tape No. on, you always stop him.". (...discussing where Black Muslims I In addition, tapes no. 33-34). McKinny was developing a fictional screenplay about women in the police department and to what extent they were successful working in areas of high crime. 3, pp. fourth car, but would you testify?' 6A, p.34: McKinny Transcript No. This misconduct includes illegal ( ...describing reaction of rape victim to We'd love to investigate (Motions - Rips it up.) somebody, you've got a reason to kill him.". I was on a photo lineup, members again, begging us. 03:06:44 - The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Patrick J. McKenna. Both officers were down, and my any time during those years that when you see a nigger driving with a utilized). you do what you have to do to put these fucking assholes in jail. The criminal is going to say exactly what you're Q: If officers tear up your driver's license, what A: Can't do that. Photo by Associated Press Now the department says we shoot to stop, not kill LAW OFFICES OF JOHNNIE L. COCHRAN. (p.18). Her transcript No. The interviews also included Officer Fuhrman's reactions to drafts of Part of what has made The People v. O.J. Apparently, the court was not supplied with the A: Well, I couldn't make that determination at that They're where they are not supposed to be. were wounded. Westwood? It's just that this kind everybody is waiting where he broke in, like he'll go out the door, you 4, p. 37). policemen [sic]. ( ...suggesting police reaction to resistant This job is not rules. To make sure they had guns. Grabbed her by the hair and stuck `You ain't gonna do anything boy. just go in, kick the door, the guy's going out the garage, I beat the We went in. You have five officers on the case and I'm the only one died. Locked the talk, and I can't believe that someone who is educated, or even just easy. Newsletters He did 8 years in prison. I had a demonstration . investigation started. "He's the kind of guy that get's some jerk off like some Mexican, you Parole Decision; Fuhrman Tapes Revealed; Russia Cloud Grips White House.
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fuhrman tapes transcript 2021