Last year it was (more specifically the Chapter on Commitment) part of a very powerful process leading up to our 30th wedding anniversary, resulting in an opening to myself on a very deep level I never knew was possible before. The skills we have learned with your imago therapy have helped us break the vicious cycle of conflict and we are actually able to enjoy each other’s company again. Although it looks simple, the process was formulated through extensive study of psychological theories of relationship, and clinical work with couples. the last years of my life just getting by but with the help of G-d and your book This powerful form of therapy was developed 25 years ago by Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt and popularized book … My wife was raised Catholic and I was raised without religion. Every single page described me and my marriage and I can not thank you enough for putting it down so black and white! Instead of succumbing to frustration, this dialogue advises you to turn your negative emotions into a simple request, such as asking for a hug or kiss. Online Marriage Counseling via Video Call, Intimacy Counseling for Couples to Improve Sex Life, Join our Facebook Group "Couples Start-Up Nation: Marriage Help for Business Owners". Tap here if you’d like to make a time to speak with us to discuss your situation! Rabbi Slatkin, I can’t say thank you enough, your marriage work book is changing mine We’d be separated right now if not for Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin. It is when you are in the role of the Receiver that… Read more but it really worked to keep him from lashing back when I shared my hurt. I no longer felt I had anything to lose. Devised by the husband-and-wife team of Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt, the Imago technique is distinguished from other models of therapy by the Imago concept. It seems as if Rabbi Slatkin has really nailed the understanding of how a marriage could and should work and how essential it is to work hard in marriage to make it great. Full kudos is due to Rabbi Slatkin for this life saving work in people’s relationships and marriages. Very relevant and practical insights for all couples, After 20+ years of marriage more insight on how to make it work better. I look forward to the journey. The Marriage Restoration Project Counseling failed miserably. I really feel like I have a willing partner and that our marriage is worth fighting for.”. I believe we found right way to go in our marriage and relationship. This was the turning point. This morning “Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin has done truly outstanding work in helping couples strengthen their marriages and grow together as human beings and Jews. “It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.” This book is all about a type of therapy called "Imago Therapy," so that's what we looked for. We both feel that working with you has helped us beyond our wildest dreams. The Imago model assumes you’re most likely to be attracted to someone who models the unfavorable qualities of your early caretakers. 10 Surprising Statistics & Facts, 6 Amazing Couples Therapy Exercises for Improving Communication, 9 Best Couples Counseling Techniques and Why You Should Try Them, Create a safe environment for mutual communication, Eliminate power differentials that give precedence to one person’s feelings. While there were lots different programs, philosophies, and approaches, we narrowed it down to 4 we both felt comfortable with and contacted each. Thank you! We look forward to the results of this important study. Although, the other help we sought was useful, we found that we were at an impasse and could make no further progress. He reluctantly agreed, and we did the first few Modules together. Professional Training in Imago Therapy for Therapists. Based on the book Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix, Imago Relationship Therapy focuses on getting to the root of conflict. Thank you Rabbi Slatkin and Imago therapy.”, – Ephraim and Rochel. While it will take time to rebuild the trust that was broken, we are hopeful that as we continue to implement and integrate the work we did with you that we will build a more solid future for our family. We have gone back in time and now enjoy each other the way we both expected to when we got married. As a last resort, we looked into intensive marriage programs. We found a praised relationship counselor, but our meetings with him led to increased resentment, new ways to hate each other, arguing, and the worst feeling either of us have ever had. Rabbi Slatkin recognized my urgency and was very responsive, scheduling us within a few days. I was for the 1st time able to feel like he was starting to hear me. You debunked common reasons that couples see as warranting divorce and boldly claim that even the worst marriage can be saved. She also presents "Getting the Love You Want" workshops for an intensive weekend experience. There is frequently a connection between frustrations in adult relationships and early childhood experiences. He has now given me the tools to learn how to listen and reflect back in a way that makes the other person feel heard and respected without any judgments. And after the retreat, Shlomo Slatkin did not leave us with unfinished business, but instead guided us through numerous & productive, 1.5-hour Skype sessions to build better communication and marriage building skills. The Imago dialogue shifts the conversation away from blame, shame, and criticism, towards mutual support and understanding. This was an extremely expensive solution that we could not afford to NOT do. Also, in imago therapy, the counselor does not act as an authority giving relationship advice but serves as a facilitator and works together with the couple. Shlomo Slatkin is a certified Imago Therapist, certified Imago Workshop Presenter, holds a Master of Science in Counseling, and is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor specializing in marriage and couples therapy. All of them are authentic and were sent to us, unsolicited, by clients and program participants. Clinical skills to practice will include Imago Workup, Imago Dialogue, Creating Safety, Deepening Empathy and Connection, Providing Feedback, Identifying Growth Edges, Appreciation Dialogue and Re-imaging. I am grateful for the treasure of the two day seminar and am hopeful that the tools we learned together will improve the quality of our marriage! I have already finished reading it. “We have tried many things for many years and I literally had to drag my wife along. “Thank you! I first realized on a personal level, how I needed to commit to myself, my own well-being, before I could commit to a marriage. my husbands anger and quick temper made me very doubtful that he’d be able to handle the mirroring process. My husband and I learned a lot about Imago and communication in general. Your book was very helpful to me. He navigates the sessions with a unique ability to show no judgement, ( only a deep alignment with the struggle), and a tremendous humility! Outbursts due to the rupture from affair are becoming less frequent!”. My only regret is that we don’t live in the same state! Thank you for the time we spent with you. We tried traditional marriage counseling. It’s succinct, practical, and ready to be used. For the first time in a long time, I had hope that our marriage could succeed. Imago diminishes the role of traditional counseling somewhat. My husband was put in jail on false charges, I lost my job, and then I found myself sick for months. I was quite upset at first, but then just continued on alone. We do not put a heavy focus on problems, instead you learn practical tools for dissolving conflict. Tel - (443) 570-7598 As our last session by our previous therapist resulted in my husband angrily and frustratingly stating “I’m out of this marriage”, I realized WE MUST FIND HELP ELSEWHERE ASAP!! Each couple was able to practice several different techniques that the Rabbi introduced. The marriage project gave us insight on how to make each one of us a better spouse. We are certain you will feel the same gratitude for having been able to turn your lives around. View on Google Maps, Copyright @ 2021 The Marriage Restoration Project - All Rights Reserved. Just two chapters was enough to give me the courage to face my greatest fear like a true warrior of God, which was how my grandmother always taught me. It may also focus on your history of romantic partners, why you gravitated toward them, and how your unconscious image influenced these relationships. You’ll learn to put to rest childhood grievances and feelings of self-hatred stemming from childhood experiences. Combined with the “Getting the Love You Want” book, authored by Imago’s founders, Shlomo Slatkin’s intensive allowed us to undergo two individual transformations, and a third one – the transformation of our marriage. I said what I wanted to say, I found out some extremely important things about myself, AND my husband and I both feel we have a good chance at marital success now that we know more information about each other and have tools to utilize to assist us in maintaining the open lines of communication in our marriage. My husband did not want to continue and being that we he was unemployed and I was making a meager salary, we couldn’t afford weekly sessions. Wow, after being with someone for 30 years, raising children together, this was HUGE! No arguments. My wife and I found what we were looking for! Perhaps as an answer to that question, we can take a brief look at the “bad old days.” Find out more at Couples Therapy Inc, Help Your Relationship with Free Marriage Counseling, Unhappy Marriage? Although we have spent years in therapy, we were still on the verge of divorce. The skills we have learned have helped us break the vicious cycle of conflict and we are actually able to enjoy each other’s company again.”, “Rabbi Slatkin, you have given us such a gift by working with us. Thank you very much Rabbi! and my husbands lives. The device "sees" illnesses in the patient's body very accurately. Over 20 years of marriage where you think that’s just the way the person I married is. I thought it was over. The Imago concept serves as the basic principle behind the Imago model, while the driving force of therapy is the Imago dialogue, and this technique will guide your sessions. I apologize if I’ve rambled, repeated, or jumped the ideas around. Thank you so much. After spending several months feeling stuck, depressed, and despondent in our marriage, I knew there had to be a way out and that the way out didn’t have to mean divorce lawyers, more anguish, and ruining the lives of our children. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. With a balanced mix of structure and sensitivity to our needs, Rabbi Slatkin confidently guided us through two days of self-reflection, discovery, and transformation. We are now expecting our first child any day now and couldn’t be happier. He was especially concerned since I had SO MANY issues with him that he couldn’t fathom we’d even get trough half in 2 days. Just the process of acknowledging and trying to improve our relationship is powerful stuff! I discovered there was a sewage leak in my bedroom that was contributing to my condition. It helped me a lot to understand what issue I have what was missing in our relationship what I’ve done wrong and what I need to do. The real life scenarios that he role-played had us laughing out loud! She is going for her bachelor’s then doctorate right now, and as you can guess, that takes so much time, almost all of her time. I don’t panic even when he loses his centre and comes from the “Little Boy”.. You are right, I’ve been on the spiritual path form my adolescence and Desired Truth and Enlightenment, and nothing compared to the Practice Ground of Marriage to truly feel En-Lightened and Em-Powered.. when we have the right guidance and tools as well as Commitment, Patience and Willingness! Later, I talked my husband into signing up for Marriage School together. I can’t cause her or the kids or myself any more pain. We began connecting again. I told her about your program, and even without her if it is, I would like to start it. The sessions throughout was within a calm and respectful atmosphere which enabled us to feel safe, and vulnerable and thus allowing for healing and understanding to come about naturally and constructively! What started as two people together and aligned, greatly in love, had changed to two people in conflict and questioning if we each had made a bad choice. Thank you so much for your book!!! To surrender the judgmental mind, achieve … Tap here if you’d like to make a time to speak with us to discuss your situation! The Marriage Restoration Project is thorough, concise, and clear. The first visit is an opportunity for your counselor to learn about you and your partner and to teach the basics of the Imago dialogue. The easy 5 step program helped us open communication and reconnect with each other. Then today the timing was perfect and so were my thoughts. Kobus van der Merwe is very good in facilitating the process. If you’ve had it ‘up to here’ in your marriage, and feel like it’s a losing cause, we suggest you invest in Marriage Mastery. We are eager to recommend the Imago process, and Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, to any couple. Pikesville, MD 21208 I gave several very successful shiurim on Teshuvah using the Imago concept of trying to understand how the Borei Ha-Olam must “feel” (keva’yachol) when we don’t appreciate all that He does for us. We are positive for the future. We all knew each other, which was very nice because we were all able to enjoy each other and connect on a deeper level. For most couples, creating a sustainable, mutually loving relationship represents the ultimate benefit. We walked away with hope that our communication could be different and that we could be more transparent with each other. You’ll be asked to channel the negative emotions attached to your childhood experiences and communicate them to your partner. We had previously considered asking Rabbi Slatkin for help, but did not follow through, and, instead sought help elsewhere. I am writing to thank you for your very interesting presentations that I attended in Melbourne in Elul 5770. This automatically lifts your relationship and feeling of connectedness to a much higher level. Our conscious mind usually has the good feelings that we have, and the unconscious mind usually wants healing and growth, sometimes not done in a positive sense. My pain comes from a lack of time, affection and intimacy. This opening consequently became a catalyst for a very healing journey for our marriage… still unfolding…I love the feeling I get when you send emails. A leader on the Imago International Faculty for 30 years, Maya is the only active Master Trainer in Imago Relationship Therapy. It is for members of the public looking for help with their relationships and for mental health practitioners and Imago therapists looking for professional courses and registration. I pulled your program down from the shelf on the very day I got an e-mail from you. “We are forever grateful to you! My husband and I just got back from our 2 day Intensive couples counseling sessions with you. My wife is the greatest wife I could have hoped for, sent from God to save me, and when we got together 12 years ago almost to the day. Just seeing your names reminds me of the great shift in my experience, the Divine Gift you gave and I was able to receive. Encourages introspection and taking personal responsibility while offering hope and practical tools to apply to your own marriage. Imago Therapy is based on the best selling book, "Getting the Love You Want," by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. Read how Imago Relationship Therapy stands apart from traditional models of Couples Counseling. This user-friendly program shows you how. 1 review of Upper Eastside Imago Therapy "After reading "Getting the Love You Want," a book about couples therapy, my wife convinced me that we should give Couples Therapy a try. According to Hendrix and Hunt, the human brain has a compelling non-negotiable drive to restore feelings of aliveness and wholeness with which people came into the world. Using it a very precise diagnosis can be made. When we listened to your audios, we thought you were talking directly to us. Insightful and helpful – read it now – there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain. Your empathy, caring, and passion for what you do along with your knowledge and expertise shown through! In your opinion, what is the ultimate goal of therapy? Imago Couples Therapy offers couples the opportunity to create a "relational" value system. then I’m planning a second reading together with my beloved husband…to put in For me the first step was reading your book as I was preparing for our 30th wedding anniversary. I enjoyed the information that was presented to me. Things have started to improve. When everyone feels validated, it’s time to empathize by sharing in your partner’s emotions. Not in a manipulative way. I would recommend it to all couples. To those seeking help with their marriage. Imago lets you embark on the healing process as a group unit, thereby strengthening your relationship. To my surprise, all three happened. Help couples as an advocate for their relationship, be someone who sees beneath the struggle, the anger, and the … It has made a huge difference in the way I look at people and how I want to treat people. The insights provided are practical, relevant, and useful to anyone in a relationship, and can help strengthen the bond between two partners. It aims to: Your therapist may also employ the behavior change request dialogue in an attempt to produce concrete behavioral changes. The basic principles of Imago still applies: Imago is available all around the world, through group workshops and individual counselors certified by the Imago International Institute. Imago therapy lets you and your partner achieve these goals together. A few months into this “invisible” (on his part) Marriage School practice, we are so close and so much more gentle with each other. “I can’t thank you enough for taking your knowledge and experience and sharing it with us – especially when it’s such an important topic! After our calls we decided that Rabbi Slatkin’s calm, deliberate and warm demeanor differed from more clinical approaches. Knowing a very little bit about Imago therapy, I thought I might also find out some valuable things about myself whether or not my husband and I were able to work things out. It involves unleashing the childhood memories and how it had a deep impact on the communication, behavioral traits and how it is impacting their adulthood relationship. “The most meaningful part of this presentation was discovering a safe way to talk about issues in “our world”. When I have spoken about Imago, people have been very impressed. Thank you so much. G-d willing, we will bring Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin back to Charlotte for round 2! We went on our first date night last night and had a wonderful time talking this We have a 3 and 7 year old boys. But more importantly, a great tool for bonding with your partner.”, “I really enjoyed the seminar and would be interested in learning more.”, “The demos which you and Rivka did – they made it easier for us to do since it was practical and we were “copying.” It was better than just hearing the methods explained and then we have to try to copy them. This aids in communication, the bulk of which will take place between you and your partner. “My husband and I were on the verge of separating and probably divorcing. I’m not even sure where to begin! We feel that the imago process and your facilitating our dialogues was conducted with amazing dignity and expertise from your end. I must admit that although I was willing, I was definitely not optimistic, nor was I entirely open to us working things out with each other. Developed by Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt in 1980, Imago Relationship Therapy is a form of relationship and couples therapy that focuses on relational counseling to transform any conflict between couples into opportunities for healing and growth. This predilection reflects your desire to be healed, become whole, and reach maturity. Clear phrasing is key to getting your message across in each step, and misunderstandings and miscommunications need to be clarified before progressing. Nine to ten clinicians certified in Imago therapy in each city provide the IRT and Getting the Love You Want workshops. That reason was me, well mostly me, and my difficulty understanding my feelings and expressing them openly in spoken words, it had become a crippling fear of mine in regards to my wife. Today, we enjoy deep, newly-found intimacy at all levels in our relationship. After the 1st day of the intensive, she looked forward to waking up in the morning again for the first time in a long time.”, “I would like to say how much I appreciate participating in 2 days intense session with Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, Imago certified counselor. Each of the 8 lessons are divided into two parts: Part (A) & Part (B). I don’t feel threatened anymore even when we disagree. He told us we were right where we were “supposed” to be, and he could help us help ourselves. Ten years of marriage, 3 kids under 6, and ongoing arguments about the same issues brought us to a fork in the road. I was impressed with the way they demonstrated how to turn frustration, blame, and criticism into opportunities for closer connection, better mutual understanding, compassion, and growth as a couple. We live in Michigan and drove to Baltimore for the session. “We participated in both the work shop a private session and we found that the methods taught really helped us communicate better in our relationship. Disclaimer- Individual results will vary in all of our programs and services. I would recommend this resource to anyone needing assistance in improving, enhancing, or restoring his or her marriage. Turns out major relationship improvement is possible! After going through your program, I feel like a completely different person. “Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin’s approach to relationship therapy is truly revolutionary. She has known mostly about how I felt from seeing me weeping but not the why, just the hurting. I must say my husband was very skeptical that indeed this type of therapy will be helpful and an answer to all our problems. Thank you very much, it’s totally amazing each and every word…. When I practiced offering appreciation statements, I realized just how valuable and healing this is when done right, and how easy it is to compliment one’s spouse yet miss the mark! Somehow, the messages conveyed as you readily share your own experience with Imago therapy in your marriage and your belief in the foundation of marriage that if there are true intentions all marriages can be helped, resonated in me as true and meaningful! This gives you a person who is speaking, we say “sending”, and another who is listening, or “receiving”. I love sharing appreciations and acknowledgements and have naturally softened myself in the process. It is the only way that make sense. Positive atmosphere during sessions, guidance and help from rabbi, dialogues and open minded conversations brought a lot of positives and hopes. We continued to use the Imago techniques after the workshop. With Respect and Appreciation. Our marriage work with you is going to always depend on your level of commitment and the amount of work that you put into following our program. However, I was convinced that Rabbi Slatkin would be providing me a safe place where I could at the very least, say what I wanted to say without fear of my husband’s reaction. Therapy may revolve around revisiting your childhood experiences and how they determined your growth. Our time together flew by, and we left yearning for more. 1310 Bedford Ave Suite 101 Imago Relationship Therapy focuses on collaboratively healing childhood wounds couples share. !With gratitude. I couldn’t keep going through this, especially silent. Luckily, after extensive research I chanced upon your site. Restore Your Relationships through Imago Therapy. Why You Need a Marriage Retreat, 10 Best Marriage Counseling Retreats in the US for 2020, 20 Helpful Marriage Counseling Questions to Ask Your Spouse, When to Divorce: 9 Signs You Need to Get Out, Does Marriage Counseling Work? Our goal is for this to be an enjoyable and empowering experience for you! Six weeks later, we are still experiencing positive results. We are both successful, busy professionals with Type A personalities. When we first received the digital download, I downloaded your audio mp3s to my husband’s phone, hoping he would listen to them. According to Hendrix, people select their mates by seeking "Imago matches"--individuals who resemble their parents in salient ways. This program is such an amazing resource and I am honored to support your work. speak with you soon. Imagotherapy usually takes fewer sessions to get to the core patterns and roots that fuel most conflict and disconnection in your relationship. The Latin word “imago”—meaning “image”—refers to the “unconscious image of […] This Imago, or image, is influenced by your childhood caretakers and embodies both their good and bad traits. Thank you Rabbi. We felt like we started a second marriage or graduated from “marriage college”. Please continue to let other couples know that if your program could help us, it could help anyone, as you would be hard pressed to find a marriage as bad as ours was. I started to notice that our communication had changed. The Power of Commitment touched me very deeply and opened my eyes not just to the impact it has on our marriage. I was seeing an independent therapist, who happened to be an Imago certified counselor, and he gave me the book “getting the love you want,” and the text resonated with both of us. We are married for close to two years and in recent months our relationship kept spiraling downward as we increasingly became upset with each other due to expectations we deemed unmet as well as constant misunderstandings! The Steps of Imago Dialogue Imago Dialogue is a unique three step process for connection, developed by Harville Hendrix PhD and Helen LaKelly Hunt PhD. I was so fearful of spending Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Where I can be happy again. I am 60 years old and he is 63. The benefits of Imago marriage counseling are manifold, ranging from improved communication to a feeling of fulfillment. Imago Relationship Therapy helps couple rediscover love, connection, and communication by helping them work out their differences and resolving latent conflicts.
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