You need level 65 to enter Leonine School campus and level 75 for the school. Blades would rather use his rotors to gut a Decepticon from antenna to tailpipe than to fly. a.) not including activities which say "First X players"), Total number of activities on RAN is: 611 (569), Total AP earnable for all 3 difficulties combined is: 60270 (53650), Max badges earnable for all completed activities is: 138 (104). Punishment LVL2——INT 440———-14 Meteor Smash——————–157—————Gravity LVL3————INT 469———-14, c.) Power Shaman’s Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints Rapid Pierce——————–1———————–None————–POW 20———–1 Drilling Strike—————–17———————-None————–POW 40———–3 Spear Mastery——————-27—————-Rapid Pierce LVL3——-POW 65———–3 Enhanced Drilling Strike——–1—————–Rapid Pierce LVL3——-POW 90———–4 Gift of Life——————–57———————-None————–POW 135———-6 Lunar Catastrophe—————57———————-None————–POW 135———-6 Radial Spear Strike————-77—————-Lunar Catastrophe LVL2–POW 180———-8 Spectral Pierce—————–87———————-None————–POW 205———-9 Shin Ryu Attack—————–97—————-E. drilling strike lvl3-POW 225———-10 Tremor————————–107—————Spectral Pierce LVL2—-POW 250———-11 Flight of the Crane————-117—————Shin Ryu Attack lvl2—-POW 270———-12 Demon Spear Dance—————127—————Shin Ryu Attack lvl2—-POW 295———-13 C.M.R.W.————————147—————Demon Spear Dance lvl2–POW 345———-14 Shadow Spear——————–157—————C.M.R.W. Four different activities, one for each E-Room (SG, MP, PH, Trading). Piercing Shot LVL3—POW 225———-12 Arrow Bombardment—————107—————A. Bread can be found on low level monster drops. Hope this guide will help you Use Your Skill points Wisely…, Thanks for the guide, appteciate that, im looking forward to get the updates, because now, ran online has new updates. guardians wrath lvl3-INT 469———-14, b.) Both character class and gender cannot be changed later in the game. Again, many of these activities share the same name as those ones in Easy. Full badge name might be "Head.B Right Outwall", Defeat Gainun (Research Complex Basement) 10 Times, Take Over Head.B Director's Office Step 1, Defeat Geomancer (Chairman) (Head.B Director's Office) 5 Times, Take Over Head.B Director's Office Step 2, Defeat Geomancer (Chairman) (Head.B Director's Office) 10 Times, Defeat Reflector (Another World North Sanctuary) 5 Times, Defeat Reflector (Another World North Sanctuary) 10 Times, First 500 players. Force Shot lvl2——POW 270———-14 Wrath of the Phoenix————127—————E. Participated in Extra Stage C and used 1 Reward of Extra C, Participated in Extra Stage C and used 3 Reward of Extra C, Pick up the stated buff from a Q Box 10 Times. Brawlers are taller than other character classes, but this fact does not affect game experience in anyway at all. If you're into more of a competitive experience, there are plenty of games for those, too. ★ Defeat 200 enemies in the Brawler Style ★ Defeat 200 enemies in the Rush Style ... Tiger Drop is the order of the day. a.) Full badge names for Trading Hole E-Room could be cut off. Q-Boxes are dropped by mobs as "Destiny Boxes". Dexterity Brawler’s Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints Heavy Punch———————7———————–None————–DEX 26———–1 Weapon Mastery——————7———————–None————–DEX 26———–1 Tokkan Punch——————–27—————-Heavy Punch LVL4——–DEX 74———–3 Mirage Punch——————–47—————-Tokkan Punch LVL4——-DEX 122———-5 Kick Punch Combo—————-67—————-Heavy Punch LVL4——–DEX 170———-8 Evasive Dance——————-67—————-Mirage Punch LVL4——-DEX 170———-8 Critical Punch——————77—————-Mirage Punch LVL2——-DEX 194———-9 Shintendouchi——————-97—————-Critical Punch LVL2—–DEX 242———-11 Deadly Seven——————–107—————Shintendouchi LVL3——DEX 266———-12 Force Punch———————117—————Shintendouchi LVL2——DEX 290———-13 Dance of the Warrior————127—————Shintendouchi LVL2——DEX 315———-14 TaiChi————————–147—————Critical Punch LVL2—–DEX 365———-15 Tai Shi Wave——————–157—————D. The seven classes in RAN are: Archer, Assassin, Brawler, Scientist, Shaman, Swordsman, and Extreme (Unlocked by restarting from level 1 upon reaching level 195 and completing a quest. Total of 24 activities and 12 badges. Shamans who start adding Power from the beginning of the game are rare,but is equally as deadly as the other melee classes.The Skill “Life’s Gift” or “Genki Aura” is the main reason why they are deadly. Attack and Support shamans both require talismans to cast spells just as Archers need arrows. Some of the video games on this list have been banned or regionally censored.. Top of Simon's Christmas list: Everyone's parts delivered in time for the new season. Dexterity Swordsman’s Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints Sword Stab———————-7———————-None—————DEX 25———–1 Multi Slash———————27—————-Sword Stab lvl2———DEX 72———–3 Sword Mastery——————-47—————-Sword Stab lvl4———DEX 119———-5 Corkscrew Blade—————–47—————-Sword Stab lvl1———DEX 113———-1 Lightning Slash—————–67—————-Sword Stab lvl4———DEX 165———-7 Sword Exploxion—————–87—————-Lightning Slash lvl2—-DEX 212———-9 Sunken Strike——————-97—————-Sword Mastery lvl4——DEX 235———-10 Explosive Strike—————-107—————Sword Explosion lvl2—-DEX 258———-12 Thunder Strike——————117—————Sunken Strike lvl2——DEX 282———-13 Inferno Attack——————127—————Sunken Strike lvl2——DEX 305———-14 Soul Sword———————-147—————Inferno Attack lvl2—–DEX 355———-15 Guardian Blade——————157—————Inferno Attack lvl3—–DEX 378———-15, c.) Power Swordsman’s Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints X strike————————7———————-None—————POW 23———–1 Dual Slash———————-27—————-X Strike lvl3———–POW 69———–3 Kick Slash———————-47—————-X Strike lvl3———–POW 115———-5 Blood Lust———————-47—————-Kick Slash lvl1———POW 115———-5 Jumping Slash——————-67—————-Dual Slash lvl2———POW 160———-8 Critical Slash——————87—————-X Strike lvl5———–POW 205———-10 Hurricane Slash—————–97—————-Kick Slash lvl3———POW 230———-11 Fury—————————-107—————Blood Lust lvl3———POW 250———-12 Vacuum Slash——————–117—————Hurricane Slash lvl2—-POW 275———-13 Tornado Slash——————-127—————Hurricane Slash lvl2—-POW 300———-14 Bloody Divide——————-147—————Hurricane Slash lvl2—-POW 345———-15 Soul Reaver———————157—————Hurricane Slash lvl3—-POW 367———-15, d.) ETC Tab (All Type) Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints Blade Master——————–20———————None—————–NA————-1 Regeneration——————–4———————-None—————–NA————-1 Madness Blow——————–17———————None—————–NA————-0 Titan Will———————-30———————None—————–NA————-0 Sand Gale———————–37———————None—————–NA————-0 Lightspeed———————-117——————–None—————–NA————-13 Light Armor———————160——————–None—————–NA————-1 Titan Force———————191——————–None—————–NA————-0. INT type swordsmen are the second most sought after character in parties after the Shaman because of their “Tranquility” skill which raises defence. The best Android games available right now, without further delay, are here! This is a list of video games considered controversial.They include games that have earned controversies for violence, sexual content, LGBT themes, racism and review bombing from fans. Support shamans are highly valued in parties, but like the Archer they have low health and often need protection from allies since they are usually busy repeatedly casting the healing spell “Heaven’s Treatment”. Sable to Skylock Quad are Boards, Signus to Hyper Force are bikes. of the Warrior LVL3–DEX 389———-15, c.) Power Brawler’s Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints Side Kick———————–7———————–None————–POW 25———–1 Spinning Kick——————-27—————-Side Kick LVL4———-POW 70———–3 Chain Kick———————-47—————-Spinning Kick LVL2——POW 115———-2 Concentration——————-47—————-Spinning Kick LVL2——POW 115———-5 Sonic Slash———————67—————-Chain Kick LVL2———POW 160———-7 Power Kick———————-77———————-None ————-POW 185———-9 Agility Boost——————-87—————-Sonic Slash LVL2——–POW 210———-9 Elevated Kick——————-87—————-Spinning Kick LVL3——POW 205———-9 Tornado Kick——————–97—————-Spinning Kick LVL4——POW 230———-10 Makaze Kick———————107—————Sonic Slash LVL2——–POW 255———-11 Ankle Crush———————117—————Makaze Kick LVL2——–POW 275———-12 Upper Jab———————–127—————Makaze Kick LVL2——–POW 300———-13 Rays Cyclone——————–147—————Makaze Kick LVL2——–POW 345———-15 Dragon’s Arc——————–157—————Rays Cyclone LVL3——-POW 370———-15, d.) ETC Tab (All Type) Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints Fist Mastery——————–5————————None—————NA————-1 Regeneration——————–4————————None—————NA————-1 Raging Dragon Riser————-17———————–None—————NA————-0 Titan Will———————-30———————–None—————NA————-0 Blunt Vortex——————–37———————–None—————NA————-0 Evasion————————-67———————–None—————NA————-1 Lightspeed———————-117 ———————None—————NA————-12 Sonic Craze———————160———————-None—————NA————-1 Titan Force———————191———————-None—————NA————-0. Spiritual Weapon Heavy Vambrace of Assailant (Soul), Spiritual Weapon Vital Vambrace of Assailant (Soul), Spiritual Weapon Vital Azure Sword (Soul), Spiritual Weapon General Meck's Bow (Soul), Spiritual Weapon Hermit's Aero Spear (Soul), Spiritual Weapon Staff of Soul Ravager (Soul), Spiritual Weapon Magnetic Portalgun (Soul), Acquire "Optimus" for the first time from Veno, Prepare for Most Advanced Defense Gear Enhance. They have unique skill sets and they can be leveled up to level 100 like the player; at maximum level item levels are unlocked to the followers. Loot all mobs that can drop a PoD (as listed above). Be careful of being swarmed. Information on totals, where applicable, will be given as: Total (Max not including player-restricted Activities (i.e. Activity full name is cut off. can't see the whole badge/activity). PH Hole is North of MP Campus, which can be reached via the Marketplace using buggies for students from other schools. Follower basics Warlords of Draenor introduced followers to World of Warcraft along with garrison. Activity full name is cut off. Autoloot On and Lootfilter highly recommended. This list has some of the best co-op games for you and your friends to play together. Advanced activities are mainly for level 190+, and are quite hard to achieve and may involve obtaining special drops. These activities aren't too much harder than Easy and are meant for levels 90 to 189. This video game-related list is incomplete; you can help by Acquire the stated mount. I think this is super cool – but y’all know that the 4e Brawler fighter was my single best fighter experience in all of D&D. Acquire and apply "I Love Japan / Canada / Indonesia / Phillipines / Malaysia / Australia / Ran World" Badge. Brawlers attack enemies at melee range with fists, feet or chi energy. a.) For weapon fights, I recommend the bat or brass knuckles. Can be purchased through Extra Activity shop. Blades will never be the Autobot poster child. To search for a certain activity, just press Ctrl+F (the "find" shortcut) and type part or all of the name of the activity in. Some games you can play on your couch for a more relaxed feel. Collect 10 of the stated Lunch Box types. Force Shot lvl2——POW 305———-15 Anger Shot———————-147—————W. a.) --Many of these are the same as those on Easy except with new requirements and rewards. They have high stamina to keep up their multitude of attacks. Mobile gamers reviewed that their battery ran down fast when they were playing the game, Call of Duty Mobile. Others involve great online adventures. Same as the activities on easy. guardians wrath lvl2-INT 440———-14 Will o’Wisp———————157—————S. They are capable of doing Area-of-Effect attacks which helps other players in a party clear mobs for faster leveling. North of Leonine Campus. Welcome to our ESO Stamina Nightblade DPS Build called The Specter. By upgrading your weapon level, you can earn attachments. First 300 players. I know from experience that some classes can be played differently but, for the most part, the classes have a general playstyle in which they excel. These need verification. Defeat Eraser (Head.B Right Outwall) 5 Times, Defeat Eraser (Head.B Right Outwall) 10 Times, First 1000 players. Archers are characters which hit enemies from afar. On this page you will find an updated guide on the class, gear, champion points and everything you need to know for Stamina Nightblade DPS. These achievements are aimed at level 1 to 99 and are fairly simple to complete. They usually have high evasion and therefore harder to hit balancing out their relatively low health. Int Brawler’s Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints Head Crush———————-7———————–None————–INT 26———–1 Meditation———————-17—————-Head Crush LVL3———INT 52———–2 Elbow Crush———————27—————-Head Crush LVL4———INT 78———–3 Double Attack——————-47—————-Elbow Crush LVL2——–INT 131———-5 Power Up————————47—————-Elbow Crush LVL2——–INT 131———-5 Blood Lust———————-57———————-None————–INT 157———-5 Earthquake Strike—————57—————-Meditation LVL3———INT 157———-6 Power Tackle——————–67—————-Elbow Crush LVL4——–INT 183———-7 Chi Finger Blast—————-87—————-Meditation LVL3———INT 235———-9 Engulf————————–97—————-Power Tackle LVL3——-INT 261———-10 Dynamite Punch——————107—————Chi Finger Blast LVL2—INT 287———-11 Force Roar———————-117—————Dynamite Punch LVL2—–INT 313———-12 Force Push———————-127—————Dynamite Punch LVL2—–INT 339———-13 Dragon Rising——————-147—————Force Roar LVL2———INT 390———-15 Soul Destroyer——————157—————Force Push LVL3———INT 416———-15, b.) Defeat 5000 Tech Research (Saint Power Plant), Defeat 2000 Tech Researcher (Elite) (Saint Power Plant), Defeat 5000 Tech Researcher (Elite) (Saint Power Plant), Defeat 2000 Labor Robot (Saint Power Plant), Defeat 5000 Labor Robot (Saint Power Plant), Defeat 2000 Guard Robot (Saint Power Plant), Defeat 5000 Guard Robot (Saint Power Plant), Defeat Time Cutter (Head.B Left Outwall) 5 Times, Defeat Time Cutter (Head.B Left Outwall) 10 Times, First 1000 players. These experiences range from 3D multiplayer games and competitions, to interactive adventures where players can take on new personas to imagine what it would be like to be a dinosaur, a miner in a quarry or an astronaut on a space exploration. RAN Online Skills List for All Classes by Kero-Kero-Pii. First 1000 players. Acquire the stated pet (permanent version). Attack type and use spells to deal damage to enemies, or Support type and aid allies. It is West of SG Hole. Acquire the Lunar set Top (C) for each class. This Guide Will provide information for you to maximize the use of you Skill Points… The FOUR Classes: A player can choose to be one of four character classes in the game at character creation. It might be helpful to newer PvPers if someone compiled a list of the classes, explaining their general offensive and defensive playstyles in PvP (i.e., ST burst, AOE burst, tanky, squishy, etc). Badge full name might be "Conquerer of Reflector", Defeat Reflector (SG/MP/PH/Trading Hole E-Room Boss Chamber) 5 Times, Defeat Reflector (SG/MP/PH/Trading Hole E-Room Boss Chamber) 10 Times, Defeat Ultimate Destroyer (Special Prison Lab) 5 Times, Defeat Ultimate Destroyer (Special Prison Lab) 10 Times, First 500 players. Acquire the stated mount. One different badge (name also varies) for each E-Room for a total of four badges for each activity type, totalling to 12 badges here overall. Badge full name might be "Punisher of Giant Hwak"., Defeat 200 Skating Masters (Trading Hole), Defeat 50 Jackson (SG Hole, Trading Hole), Defeat 200 Sacred Gate Defender (SG Hole, SG Tunnel). Prepare for Advanced Defense Gear Enhance, These are exactly the same as the ones in Easy, "Club Deathmatch" is a club-only event and therefore you need to be part of a club/gang to participate.ff. Reduced volume on the Nailer weapon to be consistent with other weapons. Magic/Int Swordsman’s Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints Divine Shield——————-7———————-none—————INT 29———–1 Rounin Slash——————–7———————-none—————INT 30———–2 Shogun Swing——————–27—————-Divine Shield lvl3——INT 82———–3 Cyclone Slash——————-47—————-Shogun Swing lvl4——-INT 134———-5 Tranquility———————57—————-Divine Shield lvl4——INT 161———-6 Arcane Punch——————–67—————-Shogun Swing lvl2——-INT 187———-7 Kamikaze———————–87—————-Arcane Punch lvl2——-INT 240———-9 Metalbody———————–97—————-Divine Shield lvl4——INT 266———-11 Lightning Strike—————-107—————Kamikaze lvl2———–INT 292———-12 Cresent Slash——————-117—————Lightning Strike lvl2—INT 319———-13 Blood Rain———————-127—————Cyclone Slash lvl2——INT 345———-13 Sword Rings———————147—————Cresent Slash lvl2——INT 400———-15 Rising Edge———————157—————Sword Rings lvl3——–INT 428———-15, b.) Tiger Drop is the second to last ability unlocked through Komaki's training. Acquire the stated +9 weapon through the Extra Activity store. Piercing Shot LVL3—POW 180———-9 Hunter’s Snare——————97—————-A. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Top of Kieran's Christmas list: 50k subscribers! Shamans have a relatively low hitpoints or HP but this skill allows them to acquire more HP as high or even more than the swordsmen. ROBLOX is driven by a growing player base of more than 300,000 creators who generate an infinite variety of highly immersive experiences. FIrst 500 players. "Well optimized" is the primary reason people pick Grand Theft Auto V over the competition. Defeat 250 Preso de Mayor (Saint Private Prison), Defeat 500 Preso de Mayor (Saint Private Prison), Defeat 100 Totoy Bato (Saint Private Prison), Defeat 100 Big Boy Maso (Saint Private Prison), Defeat Guillotine Master (Saint Prison / Middle/Root Holes), Defeat 200 Poisonous Gamu_Gamo (Prison Lab), Defeat Astral Swordsman (Root Hole) 5 Times, Defeat Crimson Swordsman (Root Hole) 5 Times. Weapon rewards above are just samples. Combat feats like Weapon Focus now apply to weapon groups instead of a specific weapon by default. This area has a level 75 requirement. Swordsmen are the most common character type in Ran-Online PH and often, swordsmen equipment are found in player-owned shops. Sephiroth is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. RAN Online Skills List for All Classes by Kero-Kero-Pii. For instance, two-weapon fighting rogues are stuck with mirrored weapons so their Weapon Finesse and Weapon Focus benefits apply to both their attacks. Full badge name might be "Head.B Director's Office". General UI. Leonine School is East of SG Hole and has a level 65 requirement. Swords are also relatively more expensive than other classes’ equipment. Badge full name might be "Punisher of Ultimate Destroyer". Player-limited activities are found here. The game features 103 base stages and 74 base playable characters (with more fighters and stages as downloadable content), the largest respective numbers in the series. Ultimate, and the third fighter from Square Enix after Cloud and Hero. next to badge/activity names indicate that the completed names are speculation only due to them being cut off in-game (i.e. Table of Contents Leveling (1-50) Group PvE (Melee) PvP Build (CP and non CP) Leveling Build [Updated for Clockwork City by Gilliamtherogue] Objective… Top of Tog's Christmas list: A jab in the left arm (and a middle finger to conspiracy wackos). The first floor of the hangouts can be reached via the wharf. Spiritual weapon Saintroll Chaos Shurican, Acquire Saintroll Chaos Dual Slasher Spear (R). Grand Theft Auto V, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and Saints Row IV are probably your best bets out of the 36 options considered. Int Attack Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints Incineration——————–7———————–None————–INT 54———–1 Weaken————————–17—————-Incineration LVL2——-INT 82———–2 MP Regeneration—————–37—————-Weaken LVL4————-INT 137———-4 Gaia Dragon Strike————–47—————-Incineration LVL4——-INT 164———-5 Dragon of Cold Icicle————57—————-Incineration LVL2——-INT 192———-6 Amplified Effect—————-57—————-Gaia Dragon Strike LVL6-INT 192———-6 Frost Incantation—————67—————-D. of Cold Cycle lvl2–INT 219———-7 Serpent’s Venom—————–77—————-Incineration LVL4——-INT 247———-8 Petrify————————-87—————-Gaia Dragon Strike LVL3-INT 247———-9 Dark Souls———————-97—————-Incineration LVL5——-INT 302———-9 Vigor Explosion—————–107—————Petrify LVL2————INT 329———-11 Enhanced Weaken—————–117—————Serpent’s Venom LVL2—-INT 357———-12 Infernal Punishment————-127—————Petrify LVL2————INT 385———-13 Gravity————————-147—————I. Swordsmen, like their name implies, use swords to hit enemies or summon magic. Updated the Main Menu Party Bar in Battle Royale and Creative modes to simply be a list of players who are in your selected voice channel. Run back to the instance backdoor entrance and reset. Eat the number and type of Lunch Box stated. The only improvement I’d make to this fighting style is making it legal for two-weapon fighting, so that it can behave a bit like the off-hand shortsword that its damage resembles. Obtain the stated buff from the Q-Box 50 times. Formerly a rebellious street youth, he becomes involved with the Tojo Clan as a top fighter in their underground coliseum, Dragon Heat, earning him the ring name, "The Mad Dragon of Kamuro" (神室の狂龍, Kamuro no Kyō RyÅ«). pas de frais. Int Archer’s Skill Skill Name—————————————REQUIREMENTS—————————————— ————————–Character level—Pre-requisite Skill—Required Stats—SkillPoints Shockwave———————–1————————None—————NA————-0 Sacrifice———————–17—————-Shockwave LVL2———-INT 62———–2 Light Pierce——————–17———————–None————-INT 62———–3 Energy Arrow——————–27———————–None————-INT 88———–3 Eagle’s Sight——————-37—————-Sacrifice LVL3———-INT 115———-4 Vampiric Arrow——————47—————-Shockwave LVL4———-INT 141———-5 Burst Fire———————-67—————-Vampiric Arrow LVL3—–INT 194———-7 Soul Arrow———————-77—————-Vampiric Arrow LVL2—–INT 220———-9 Gaia’s Blessing—————–97—————-Soul Arrow LVL2———INT 273———-11 Force of Gaia——————-107—————Burst Fire LVL2———INT 299———-12 Force of Illusion—————117—————Gaia’s Blessing LVL2—-INT 326———-13 Heavens Judgement—————127—————Gaia’s Blessing LVL2—-INT 350———-14 Dimension Illusion————–147—————Heavens Judgement lvl2–INT 405———-15 Illusion Squall—————–157—————Dimension Illusion LVL3-INT 432———-15, b.)
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