In medical research though, the findings of one study isn’t always the definitive answer. Or lack thereof, health benefit. But I stopped taking calcium last week after reports of a correlation between calcium supplements and an increased risk of heart attacks. The problem is that getting calcium from your food is much different from getting calcium from supplements. An alternative possibility is that the increased risk of myocardial infarction is not a true effect. They also commented that even though prior research had indicated that calcium supplements may cut risk factors for cardiovascular disease (type 2 diabetes, blood pressure), those findings didn’t necessarily mean less risk of heart attack or stroke. Reading Notes #2 (For-profit medicine): Cancer drugs. But what exacerbates our condition, in my opinion, is constant exposure to information that ultimately stands to benefit financially from maintaining a state of anxiety. Whatever research findings are touted this week could be contradicted by next week’s latest study. News like this reduces the public’s confidence in medicine. How to read health news But now there were two different studies with the same conclusion. They frequently squash overblown health news, especially those stories with headlines designed to get the reader all riled up. Fiber can bind with calcium, reducing the amount available to your body. Either way … stop taking your calcium supplement that you prescribed yourself. There were studies in 2008 (see here and here) suggesting a possible connection between calcium and “cardiovascular events.”. Usual Adult Dose for Dietary Supplement: Calcium - General Range: 1000 mg to 1300 mg daily ... take them at least 2 hours before or 4 to 6 hours after you take calcium and vitamin D combination. All of those contribute to anxiety, yes. The latest findings are based on a study done out of one of the German branches of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) in Heidelberg, Germany. Canned fish with bones, such as salmon or sardines. Other drugs may affect calcium and vitamin D combination, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Vitamin D – Your Master Vitamin Is Missing, If you are a postmenopausal woman, or man over 60, of normal health, and were using individual calcium supplements as prevention against osteoporosis, you can get your calcium needs from your food alone. The researchers conclusion was:   ‘calcium supplements were neither safe or effective and should be discouraged.’. It’s not the inevitability of death that makes us so anxious. But the public doesn’t always make that distinction. That was the headline of a recent ABC World News Report back in May this year (2012), heralding the bottom line finding of a recent study by German and Swiss researchers. It's not definitive, but there may be a link between high-dose calcium supplements and heart disease. That’s a historical constant. Health news and competitive journalism Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium in the intestines. What the research actually says Stop Taking Calcium Supplements Now!! – that we have some measure of control over our inevitable decline and death. The calcium needs the acid from stomach juices to break it down. Do omega-3s protect your thinking skills? Calcium supplements may improve some conventional cardiovascular risk factors including blood pressure and lipids. National Health Service, Calcium pills ‘may raise’ heart risk, Behind the Headlines, August 2, 2010, Mark J Bolland et al., Effect of calcium supplements on risk of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular events: meta-analysis, The British Medical Journal, July 29, 2010, John G F Cleland, et al., Calcium supplements in people with osteoporosis, The British Medical Journal, July 29, 2010, Mark J Bolland et al., Vascular events in healthy older women receiving calcium supplementation: randomised controlled trial, The British Medical Journal, January 15, 2008, Calcium Supplements in Older Women Possibly Linked to More Cardiovascular Events, Journal Watch, January 16, 2008, Emma Wilkinson, Calcium pills ‘increase’ risk of heart attack, BBC News, July 29, 2010. Now there is proof. It creates a sense – an illusion? However, prior research had also suggested that higher intakes of calcium could lower blood pressure and prevent type 2 diabetes – two major risks for developing heart disease. Taking too much calcium in the form of calcium supplements or calcium-based antacid tablets is another common cause. Does chocolate prevent heart disease? The official NHS opinion appeared today, and it found nothing to criticize in how the story has been reported. In the body, calcium not only builds bones but also powers muscle contractions. On this basis, people advised to take calcium by a doctor should not stop taking the supplement without consulting their GP first. had been telling their patients (especially postmenopausal women over 60 and older men) to take calcium supplements to prevent risks of osteoporosis. I generally resist changing my behavior in response to health news. May increase risk of prostate cancer. However, they don't prevent calcium in the blood from being incorporated into bone. HRT shrinks women’s brains? This was a well-conducted review, but its results should be treated with some caution. — but the conclusion stands: A 30% increase in heart attack risk when taking calcium supplements. I also encourage you to explore this subject and your concerns with your doctor. With HRT, adverse effects began to show up after five years. … Although the risk of myocardial infarction seemed to increase substantially (by about 25%) with calcium supplementation this was not accompanied by an increase in mortality. Given the uncertain benefits of calcium supplements, any level of risk is unwarranted. None of these trials originally aimed to investigate cardiovascular health and they used a variety of methods to assess and report their outcomes, both of which are issues for a review of this kind. It’s not simply the specifics of turmoil and suffering in the world. Academic medical centers: Education or profits? Q. I have been told that women should stop taking calcium supplements after menopause, as there is a danger of heart attack and stroke. This story, however, seems worthy of attention. Perhaps you routinely take calcium supplements as well. Certain leafy greens including collard greens, spinach and kale. I also recommend that you get baseline calcium (and Vitamin D) levels done and repeat these levels periodically. But there have been reports of people stopping taking calcium, believing the supplements can increase the risk of heart disease, kidney stones and stomach upsets. Nor is it the underlying insecurity we feel as a side-effect of the transition to a global economy. … The intervention [taking calcium supplements] may be changing the presentation rather than the incidence. In 2012, a widely reported observational study of 24,000 Germans, published in the journal Heart, concluded that the risk of heart attack doubled in people taking calcium supplements (but not with dietary calcium). HRT shrinks women’s brains? If so, you should know what this new research has shown and why you might want to stop taking your calcium supplements. “Be very careful about calcium-rich antacid tablets,” Dr. Williams says. Calcium supplements could simply be causing gastrointestinal symptoms that could be misdiagnosed as cardiac chest pain. Dietary calcium is taken in smaller amounts throughout the day so it is absorbed more slowly. By … Benefits may also include weight loss, and reducing colon cancer risk. Or at least warn you that you shouldn’t be taking them. Also, adequate. The net effect is to make arterial clogging worse. Pro tip: if you plan to take your thyroid medication at night, be sure to do so at least four hours after taking your calcium supplement so the two don’t interfere with each other. Overdiagnosis. Calcium ... Total daily dose. Needless to say, my phone was buzzing … However, even if calcium supplements really are safe, a neutral effect on mortality casts doubt on whether they are effective prophylaxis for fractures. Accumulation of calcium in the arterial wall leading to reduced compliance [elasticity] would be expected to take years, but the increased risk of myocardial infarction reported by Bolland and colleagues occurred early after calcium supplementation (median follow-up of 3.6 years). Ok, I’ve been warning women for years that the calcium supplements they were taking were having bad effects and were stored in the brain. 3 of 8. It’s true that vitamins and minerals are relegated to the alternative health ghetto. Vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli contain good levels of calcium, as do other foods like salmon and enriched cereals. Several studies show that … The kicker here is that calcium supplements only slightly reduce the risk of bone fractures (according to the NHS) or are ineffective or worse when it comes to fractures (according to the BMJ). In addition, the participants who took only calcium supplements for their calcium intake were more than twice as likely to have a heart attack. Both incidents were complete reversals: Take it, it’s good for you … oh, wait a minute … don’t take it, it’s bad for you. Of those participants who took calcium supplements regularly, they were found to be 86% more likely to have a heart attack than those who didn’t. Why it matters: Calcium plays a critical role in building and maintaining healthy bones. Taking 1200 mg at a time in a supplement causes calcium flooding in the blood. Is this true? A vitamin D deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of heart problems. Your body needs magnesium and Vitamin D to absorb calcium correctly. Mark Rosenberg, M.D. For sure, these studies pose a lot more questions. These nutrients are needed for your body to function properly, and your diet is the source of them. Calcium-channel blockers lower blood pressure by reducing the amount of calcium available to contract blood vessels. The study followed 24,000 participants aged 35 to 64 for 11 years. Lesson 3: Stop Taking Calcium Supplements Please sign up for the course before starting the lesson. I wonder if all the people putting out special bone vitamins will pay … Green Coffee Bean Extract – They Can’t Keep It On The Shelves! This is an issue that affects males. Fortified foods and drinks. During the study period, there were 354 heart attacks, 260 strokes, and 267 associated deaths. But if you’re still concerned about getting enough calcium, talk to your doctor first before taking supplements to see if you really need them. With calcium, it’s 3.6 years. They say exercise and reversing vitamin D deficiency are not promoted enough and are more important for bone health. Calcium Citrate. How the pharmas make us sick Tell your doctor about all your current … In fact, taking excess calcium raises blood levels of this mineral. Natural Health News, Calcium supplements may increase heart attack risk in older women,, Calcium supplements linked to significantly increased heart attack risk,, Calcium supplements limked to heart attack risk,, Hypoglycemia: How To Manage Low Blood Sugar, Take Care Of Your Feet And Avoid Arch Pain. Taking vitamins and calcium supplements can help you meet your nutritional needs. US healthcare: Atul Gawande has some good news, Digital clothes: What to wear on the Internet of Things. I was a little surprised that the NHS used the phrase “not in question” when speaking of calcium supplements that contain vitamin D. That sounds a little too much like saying “those supplements are safe for now.” The NHS made the point more precisely elsewhere: “The results cannot be generalised to the use of calcium combined with vitamin D as this was not investigated here.”. Ian Reid and Mark Bolland, in an accompanying editorial to the study commented that ‘the safety of calcium supplements are coming under scrutiny now.’ These safety factors include kidney stones, gut and abdominal symptoms. Calcium is the most overused supplement when you consider the health benefit. October 2, 2018. Copyright © document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Jan Henderson. Advertisement. Taking supplements is a way to reduce anxiety about health. Mark Rosenberg, M.D. That was the headline of a recent ABC World News Report back in May this year (2012), heralding the bottom line finding of a recent study by German and Swiss researchers. Almond milk contains just slightly less calcium than cow’s milk. You expect your doctor to be able to advise you on calcium supplements. There’s admittedly some validity in the argument that there’s a difference between calcium supplements with and without vitamin D. But this point was emphasized primarily by those who sell supplements. Their diets for the preceding 12 months were evaluated and all participants were asked if they took vitamin or mineral supplements. Take your calcium supplements with meals, rather than alone. The researchers’ conclusions seem appropriate: given these findings and the widespread use of calcium supplementation “a reassessment of the role of calcium supplements in the management of osteoporosis is warranted”. ... Should I take a potassium supplement? Now, with recent research findings, many doctors are holding off on telling our patients to take calcium supplements. Getting much more than the recommended amount of calcium from food and supplements increases the risk of side effects, so it’s best to avoid taking too much. [C]aution is always needed when using trial data to make conclusions on anything other than what the trial was originally designed to examine. View All. Needless to say, my phone was buzzing the next day from patients who’ve routinely been taking calcium supplements. For decades, experts have recommended calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis which is responsible for fractures that cause many elderly men and women to lose their independence — and sometimes their lives.How too much can hurt: “More and more st… That’s not a good situation. What’s wrong with this picture? So, I’ve been waiting to see what the National Health Service (NHS) — the gold standard on health advice, in my opinion — had to say on the matter. For instance, if you have a health condition that causes excess calcium in your bloodstream (hypercalcemia), you should avoid calcium supplements. | May 26, 2020September 18, 2012 | Nutrition. So there you have it. Calcium supplements, along with vitamins D, K2 and magnesium, continue to help women protect their bones without increasing the risk of heart disease. "The routine use of these supplements is unnecessary in community-dwelling older people," said lead researcher Dr. Jia-Guo Zhao, an orthopedic surgeon with Tianjin Hospital in China. Reading Notes #1: Health care inequities. There are six basic types of nutrients that are considered essential to life: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Where Should You Get Calcium? Doctors sometimes prescribe calcium supplements to ensure patients get enough calcium every day. But take it in a form with other nutrients not just calcium by itself. In one more shocking, extensive study from the 1990s, beta carotene (which is found in carrots in small doses) can actually increase lung cancer rates when taken in the form of pills. The critics say there's little evidence that high intake has more than a marginal effect on bone density and fracture prevention. More informative than the NHS analysis was this editorial in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), where the calcium study was published (emphasis added): Calcium supplements, given alone, improve bone mineral density, but they are ineffective in reducing the risk of fractures and might even increase risk, they might increase the risk of cardiovascular events, and they do not reduce mortality. The study that found a connection between calcium and heart attacks (“myocardial infarctions”) passed inspection. You may wonder, as I did, if calcium flooding is the problem from taking the calcium all at once, would it be safer to divide the 1200 mg into smaller doses throughout the day? Beans and lentils. Health care monopolies. Edamame and tofu. What about people with medical conditions who rely on supplements? Following health news assiduously will make you anxious and can be bad for your health. The Doctor/Patient Relationship. Similarly, calcium supplements, long believed to help promote strong bones, can increase the risk of kidney stones, according to some studies. Direct-to-consumer: The ads we love to hate Effect of calcium supplements on risk of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular events: meta-analysis, Calcium supplements in people with osteoporosis, Vascular events in healthy older women receiving calcium supplementation: randomised controlled trial, Calcium Supplements in Older Women Possibly Linked to More Cardiovascular Events, Calcium pills ‘increase’ risk of heart attack, Bruno Latour on climate change and inequality. In my opinion, if you’re currently supplementing with calcium you should continue to do so, and if you currently aren't, consider speaking with your physician about adding it to your supplement regimen. Reading the news last week, you’d think no one had a clue about a possible connection between calcium and heart attacks. Dairy, including milk, cheese and yogurt. They’re not strictly medicine. The researchers bottom line conclusion was that while calcium intake from diet might not give significant cardiovascular benefits, calcium supplements may raise heart attack risk and should be taken with caution. Iron supplements and thyroid medication. You don't need to worry about taking a daily calcium supplement with a calcium-channel blocker. Recent research shows that Vitamin D and magnesium deficiencies, and perhaps too high vitamin A levels, may be the real culprits behind osteoporosis. Without evidence, there’s nothing to be said. But before you stop taking a calcium supplement, read this. That’s the premise of evidence based medicine, which informs the evaluations of the NHS. A nasty consequence of excess circulating calcium is that it can accumulate in pockets of arterial damage. As you get older, health advice like “Drink your milk to grow big and strong” gives way to “Take your calcium pills to avoid osteoporosis.” Taking your vitamins is especially important post 50, “as the absorption of nutrients and minerals and vitamins can decline,” explained Dr. Mickey Barber, president of Cenegenics Carolinas. Identifying the Underlying Cause Tell your doctor about your diet, family history, and symptoms. We live in a very anxiety-producing culture. Direct-to-consumer: The ads we love to hate. Stay Well, Vitamins and minerals are considered micronutrients because they are … Calcium citrate can be taken with or without food. Given the millions of women who faithfully take their daily calcium pills, this news reminded me of the 2002 announcement about hormone replacement therapy (HRT). At worst, your calcium supplement is causing your body harm. So take a calcium supplement if you need it (at risk or currently have bone loss). Not everyone can tolerate taking calcium supplements regularly and one of the common side-effects is constipation, says Dr Shah. For years, doctors (including me!) ... And it’s generally advised that you stop taking all biotin supplements at least two days before your next TSH blood test, to ensure accurate results. For most women, skipping calcium supplements in favor of boosting dietary calcium and focusing on weight-bearing exercise is the best way to keep bones strong. © 2021 Healthy Answers. Check the label to find out what kind of calcium the supplement contains. Sorry, comments are closed for this post. RN #3: Health news: Exercise and depression. On this basis, people advised to take calcium by a doctor should not stop taking the supplement without consulting their GP first. Expensive doctors. Avoid taking calcium supplements with very high fiber meals. In other words, if your calcium metabolism is out of whack, simply taking more calcium will not fix it. Apparently, it is soaring calcium blood spikes that present the problem as supplemental calcium does not give the same metabolic effect as dietary calcium. Calcium supplements aren't for everyone. Also take the correct form of calcium in one of the better products mentioned above or just eat canned fish with bones, broccoli and don’t drink things that compete with calcium such as phosphates in sodas. The research did not look at dietary calcium or calcium supplements in combination with vitamin D, so the safety of these is not in question. They seem to be unnecessary in adults with an adequate diet. Remember, dairy is not the only good dietary source of calcium. All rights reserved. If you take a multiple vitamin or mineral supplement for nutritional insurance, balance the amount of calcium in it (not more than 35% of your daily needs) with foods you eat. The National Institute of Health recommends 1200 mg of calcium a day for this age group. Both affect a large number of people, especially women. It’s also been linked to increased fractures. All those special bone supplements that incorporate the “right” amount of calcium are also bad for you. A similar prior study done a few years earlier out of the University of Auckland, New Zealand [Calcium Supplements May Increase Heart Attack Risk in Older Women, British Medical Journal, January 2008] had reached the same conclusion in studying a small group of women over 55. The records on supplement use in this study were inadequate, however, and the number of calcium takers who had heart attacks was small, rendering the conclusions questionable. Aspirin for primary prevention. Also, did the type of calcium supplement matter? If the analysis had looked at studies of supplements with vitamin D, it could not have made a statement about calcium. In any scientific study, you have to isolate the variables. If so, you should know what this new research has shown and why you might want to stop taking your calcium supplements. What’s wrong with this picture? Calcium Supplements Linked to Heart Attack Risk. If a person experiences new or worsening symptoms while taking calcium, they should stop taking the supplement and talk to a healthcare provider. But the amount of calcium adults need continues to be debated. New stool sample test. As I always like to err on the side of safety and caution, I am now recommending the following to my patients and readers: As it stands, I feel that several different pieces of research now point to the risk of taking individual calcium supplements – especially in older women. What about the smaller amounts of calcium contained in multivitamin and mineral supplements? But if calcium supplements can narrow the arteries in 3.6 years, do I want to wait for the research on a vitamin D combo? If you have parathyroid hormone issues, osteoporosis, or some other calcium-dependent condition, talk to your doctor about the latest research findings and what level of calcium supplementation is safest for you. After reassurance from physicians that HRT was the way to go, turns out HRT increased the risk of breast cancer, heart attacks, and strokes. Why should calcium supplements increase cardiovascular risk? As I keep an open mind towards new research that better protects my patients’ health, I investigated further into this new research. Until we have more answers to all the questions that these studies pose, it may be safer to stay away from calcium supplements. Calcium Supplements Linked to Heart Attack Risk. Don’t take more than 500 to 600 mg at a time – your body is not able to absorb much more and it will be excreted in the urine. Calcium, vitamin D study 00:53. … All rights reserved. References: Jian J et al, 2009, “Iron and Menopause: Does Increased Iron Affect the Health of Postmenopausal Women?” Antioxid Redox Signal 11(12): 2939-2943. RELATED: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements Together Could Increase Your Risk of Having a Stroke. Related posts: Three factors determine when you should take calcium supplements: Type of calcium. That’s not true. Seniors are wasting their time and money taking calcium and vitamin D supplements to ward off the brittle bones of old age, a new review concludes. Both were a bit of a shock for the public, I fear. Further, two other researchers from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, Drs. Dental care. And avoiding fractures is why people take calcium in the first place. … Meta analyses, which combine the results of several individual trials, often have inherent limitations due to differences in study populations, methods, follow-up and assessment of outcomes.
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stop taking calcium supplements 2021