Tiplee war eine mikkianische Jedi-Meisterin des Alten Ordens.In den Klonkriegen diente sie der Galaktischen Republik als Jedi-Generalin der Klonarmee.Sie kämpfte oft an der Seite ihrer Zwillingsschwester, Tiplar.19 Jahre vor der Schlacht von Yavin wurde sie mit ihrer Schwester und dem Jedi-Ritter Anakin Skywalker zu dem Planeten Ringo Vinda entsandt, wo Tiplar in einem Gefecht mit … Maul and Dooku, who had formed an alliance, soon joined the fight, leading to a lightsaber duel between the four Force-wielding combatants. Star Wars The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia: Join the battle! [6] Later in the war, Tiplee was sent with fellow Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, and Aayla Secura to investigate the aftermath of a battle, fought between the Shadow Collective, a criminal army led by the rogue Sith Darth Maul, and Separatist forces, on the planet Ord Mantell. Jedi Order[3]Galactic Republic[3] Tiplee and her sister were commissioned as Jedi Generals in the Grand Army of … While in a trance, in which the protocol's command to kill Jedi as traitors was activated, he sneaked up behind Tiplar and shot her to death. Since there were three hallways that led to the command center, Skywalker suggested that each Jedi General take one of the corridors; their teams would converge on Trench's position at the same time, thereby overwhelming his defenses. [2], Tiplar's and Tiplee's character models were based on artist Iain McCaig's concept design of a female Sith Lord, which was developed for the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones but was ultimately not used in the film.[6]. Tiplee was shocked to witness Tiplar's execution and mourned her late sister. Tiplee was present at the time and watched her sister die. Biographical information Her forehead was adorned with a tattoo[3] that was identical to that of her twin sister, Tiplee. Tiplar and Doom collaborated in campaigns during the Clone Wars. [Source]. With Dee Bradley Baker, Matt Lanter, Corey Burton, Anna Graves. However, Tup merely repeated the phrase "Good soldiers follow orders" before unsuccessfully attacking Tiplee. Tiplar erschien in den späteren Klonkriegen in einer Vision Yodas, welche von den Machtpriestern als Prüfung gedacht war. Forums » Battalion Commander Applications » Accepted Applications » Krayt's Jedi Master Tiplee Application Affiliation(s) [2], With their plan in place, Tiplar and Doom proceeded to the left passageway with Fives, Tup, and their troops and marched through the corridor, demolishing all of the droid forces that they encountered. Blue[4] Biographical information Tiplee and her sister were commissioned as Jedi Generals in the Grand Army of … Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [4] Tup died on Kamino, where his friend and fellow clone CT-5555 discovered the Sith plot and why Tiplar was murdered. Tiplar's comrades brought her body back to the communications center, where Skywalker and 501st Clone Captain Rex interrogated Tup regarding his apparent act of treason. [11] Both Tiplee and her twin sister, Tiplar, were voiced by Anna Graves. [4] Fighting against the Separatists' forces, both of them were accomplished leaders in the Republic Military, and Tiplee and Tiplar occasionally served alongside each other,[6] including during the Republic campaign at the planet Ringo Vinda,[4] fighting alongside such clone troopers as Commander Doom,[7] to take an orbital space station from the Confederacy. Tiplar and Tiplee. "And you." Tiplar is gone. Clone trooper Tup is suffering from a severe neurological disorder that causes the death of a Jedi master. During the battle that ensued, she noticed clone trooper CT-5385, nicknamed "Tup", approaching her and, assuming that he was coming to reinforce her, was stunned when he pointed his blaster at her and shot her at point-blank range, killing her instantly. [4] After several encounters, the Republic forces reached the station's communication center and captured it. [9], Toward the end of the Clone Wars,[10] Jedi Grand Master Yoda traveled to a planet that was the birthplace of the midi-chlorians. While en route, Tiplee expressed concern that Kenobi would have difficulty keeping his emotions in check, as Maul had murdered Kenobi's close personal friend, Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, but Kenobi assured her that he would be able to handle a confrontation with Maul. Tiplee and Tiplar are both normally very serious and strict (though they all tease each other from time to time) and Doom tries to imitate that, but he is definitely one of the most lighthearted of the clone commanders. CT-5555 was killed, however, before the Jedi and Tiplee could learn the truth about Order 66. She was also agile, and she used that in conjunction with skill with a lightsaber to deflect incoming blaster bolts and execute acrobatic flips on the battlefield. Her face turned into a deeper shade of red. [10] Tiplee, as well as Tiplar, demonstrated her power during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, when the twin sisters used the Force to push shielded droidekas off their footing to allow clone troopers to destroy them. Jedi Order[4]Galactic Republic[4] The Jedi and Republic forces quickly apprehended Tup and retreated with him and Tiplar's body further back into the station. [2] She and her twin sister, Tiplee, were both Force-sensitive and were inducted into the Jedi Order, with both of them eventually attaining the rank of Jedi Master. Tiplar formed a good working relationship with Commander Doom and the soldiers under her command, and they worked together to efficiently eliminate threats on the battlefield, summarily disabling BX-series droid commandos as well as droidekas during[2] the Battle of Ringo Vinda. Skywalker had ARC trooper CT-5555 and 501st trooper CT-5385—nicknamed "Fives" and "Tup," respectively—bring along ten of their best soldiers to supplement Tiplar and Doom's men, who had been severely depleted in the earlier assault. The appearance of a trio of droidekas led Tiplar to have her men prop up their energy shields, which they used to repel the droideka's heavy barrages of blasterfire. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Databank A-Z: Davish Krail–Kuat Drive Yards, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know. She and her twin sister, Tiplee, were both Force-sensitive and were inducted into the Jedi Order, with both of them eventually attaining the rank of Jedi Master. At the height of the campaign, 501st clone trooper Tup executed Tiplar by shooting her in the head due to a malfunction in his inhibitor chip, which triggered a premature activation of Clone Protocol 66, a Sith-implanted directive that branded all Jedi as traitors. Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Tiplar and her si… Reaching out with the Force, Tiplar telekinetically pushed the droidekas off their footing long enough for Doom and his soldiers to roll Electro Magnetic Pulse grenades underneath the droids' shields, thus disabling their adversaries. Over two years into the war,[5] Tiplar joined forces with Tiplee, Doom, and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker to repel a Confederate battle group from an orbital space station that encircled the planet Ringo Vinda. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. With no clear answers, Tup was sent to Kamino, the planet on which the clones were created, for examination. [11], After the issuing of Order 66, former Padawan Ahsoka Tano and her astromech droid R7-A7 found files about Tiplar and her death at Tup's hands while reading secure files on Fives to ascertain what was wrong with the clones onboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer[12] Tribunal,[13] following up on a clue Rex had managed to give her before his control chip took him over. Trying to Nura stood outside the door to the Council room, listening. In Clone trooper CT-5385, nicknamed Tup, shot and killed Tiplar during combat on a space station above the planet Ringo Vinda. The character of Tiplar was created for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and debuted in the episode "The Unknown. Physical description 19 BBY,[1] aboard the Ringo Vinda space station[2] [17][18] Although "The Unknown" depicts Tiplar as being killed by being shot in the face, as she turns in surprise when Tup walks up to her, her face has no markings on it when Tiplee picks up her body. Tiplar. Mikkian[3] Tiplee watched as her sister was murdered, and Tiplar's death stalled the Republic momentum. Her apparel consisted of a full-body outfit, boots, and a headpiece.[2]. [4] Her tragic death pushed Tiplee to increase the strength of her aggressive tactics. With Anakin Skywalker's help, Tiplee regained her control, despite still mourning her sister's death. Tiplar, a Mikkian female, lived during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. Singleplayer Support.Npc Support.Bot Support.New Content approaching. Gender Tiplee [2], When their Republic attack cruiser arrived in the asteroid field surrounding the outpost, Kenobi and Tiplee departed with their forces, and their gunships encountered Gauntlet fighters from Death Watch, the warrior group that ruled Mandalore and a member of the Shadow Collective. Tup's mid-battle execution of Tiplar was the result of a premature activation of Clone Protocol 66. [7], Ultimately, Fives learned of the Sith's conspiracy against the Jedi and the machinations leading to Tiplar's murder,[8] but he was killed before he could prove his findings to the Jedi. Female[4] Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Tiplee and her sister were commissioned Chronological and political information Her design was based on an unused piece of concept art for a female Sith that Iain McCaig created for … Chronological and political information Tiplee was a red-skinned Mikkian female Jedi Master who, along with her twin sister, Tiplar, served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Though tempted to join his colleagues, Yoda recognized the impossibility of the illusion and overcame it, bringing the vision to an end. [6] Tiplee later expressed similar concern to Obi-Wan Kenobi, wondering if he would be able to confront Darth Maul, Duchess Kryze's killer, without losing control of his own emotions. There, five Force Priestesses subjected him to a series of trials to determine whether he was worthy of learning the knowledge they possessed. [2], Tiplar wielded a green-bladed lightsaber in combat. "Tiplee are you lonely?" Always looking to her first, always diving head first Kenobi and Tiplee were sent to investigate the outpost and root out any Shadow Collective forces. Species She sighed. Throughout [2] They frequently fought alongside clone troopers under the command of Clone Commander Doom.[4]. They proceeded to the communications center, where they eliminated the droids manning the station. Tiplee noticed this occurrence and ran to Tiplar, but she was already dead. Tiplee, as well as Tiplar, demonstrated her power during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, when the twin sisters used the Force to push shielded droidekas off their footing to allow clone troopers to destroy them. [12] The two of them subsequently escaped the Star Destroyer before it crashed, killing everyone still onboard.[14]. Died The ensuing campaign lasted several rotations, leading to a stalemate between the Republic and Confederate forces. Her abilities were not a match for Count Dooku, however, who killed her with a lightsaber after using the Force to pull her toward him.[2]. During the Clone Wars, she served the Galactic Republic in the rank of Jedi General of the Grand Army. Tiplar's death cost the Republic forces a potential victory and instead forced them to retreat, while Tup's apparent act of treason sparked a high-profile investigation that led ARC trooper Fives to uncover the existence and function of the clones' inhibitor chips. [2], Tiplee had a mastery of the Force and, as a result, attained the rank of Jedi Master. It feels right. He has always been more Tiplar's than hers. She showed anger towards the clone, but Skywalker was able to help her control her emotions and convinced her to release Tup. She was close with her[4] equally-formidable sister, Tiplar,[6] a fellow Jedi. Gender A Mikkian female, Tiplar had yellow-green skin and blue eyes. Along with Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, the two Jedi sisters led the clone troopers under their command against the battle droid forces of Admiral Trench. Physical description Hope Y'all Enjoy ️ Hopefully This YearWill be Better Then! Later in the war, Tiplee was part of the Jedi team investigating the aftermath of a battle between the forces of Darth Maul, leader of the criminal army known as the Shadow Collective, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems on Ord Mantell. Tiplee fue testigo de la muerte de su hermana. Tiplar and Tiplee Playermodels Created by suno Their origins Tiplar was a Mikkian female Jedi Master who served as a Jedi General within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Tiplee arrived to observe the interrogation, and Tup, still feeling the effects of the chip's malfunction, tried to attack her, despite being restrained. Tiplee war eine mikkianische Jedi-Meisterin des Alten Jedi-Ordens. [13] The comic, written by Jeremy Barlow and drawn by Juan Frigeri,[2] was based on scripts from unproduced episodes of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series. Doom led a flanking maneuver during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, supported by clone troopers including Fives and Tup. [6] However, just as the Republic forces were on the verge of conquering Trench's infantry,[2] a malfunction in Tup's inhibitor chip caused him to prematurely execute Clone Protocol 66, a Sith-engineered command to execute all Jedi as traitors. The files included images of Tiplar and Tup, a brain scan showing the location of the chip, a report from Nala Se listing the official explanation for Tup's actions, and a grievance report Rex had filed after Fives' death reporting his suspicions that the chips might have an ulterior purpose. Tiplee quickly stopped him by using the Force to levitate him and hold Tup against the wall until he calmed down. She was adept with telekinesis, evinced during the Battle of Ringo Vinda when she pushed a trio of enemy droidekas off their footing long enough for her clone troopers to dispatch them. He reappeared again, seemingly unharmed, as the Republic began to gain the upper hand with the support of twin sister Jedi Masters Tiplar and Tiplee. [2], Tiplee was a red-skinned, blue-eyed[4] Mikkian[3] female, with a blue tattoo that adorned her forehead. [2], During the fighting, Dooku used the Force to pull Tiplee toward him, stabbing her through the torso with his lightsaber and killing her. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and Character models of Tiplee and Tiplar from the Clone Wars series. The team fought their way through and attacked the outpost, where they fought off Death Watch resistance. Tiplee and Tiplar were based on unused concept art for a female Sith by Iain McCaig. 19 BBY,[1] Vizsla Keep 09[2] Tiplee was a member of the Jedi Order along with her twin sister, Tiplar, and both sisters eventually achieved the rank of Jedi Master. Species Al ver a Tiplar, Tup inesperadamente se plantó frente a ella y la mató de un tiro en la cabeza. Sie versuchte daraufhin mit Skywalker, der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen, um das Verbrechen … Maps Baked in xNormal and textured with Quixel Suite. Doch der Großmeister gab sich ni… [9], Having witnessed her sister's tragic murder, Tiplee decided to increase the power of her aggressive tactics. In der Vision wurde er von Katooni auf die Dachterrasse des Jedi-Tempels geführt. Her design was based on an unused piece of concept art for a female Sith that Iain McCaig created for the film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones . [12] Tiplee went on to appear in the comic book Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 3,[2] released on July 16, 2014. During the campaign, Tiplar was murdered by clone trooper CT-5385, nicknamed "Tup," after a malfunction in the clone's behavioral modification biochip that triggered a premature activation of Clone Protocol 66, a Sith-implanted command that forced clones to kill Jedi as traitors. [8], Tiplar and Tiplee during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, While preparing to conquer the command center, clone trooper CT-5385, nicknamed "Tup," underwent an unexpected malfunction in a secret organic chip within his head; the chip, clandestinely implanted in all clones by the Sith during the cloning process, initiated Clone Protocol 66 sooner than the Sith intended, causing Tup to face mental lapses that left him agitated and confused. … Eye color Tiplar lived in the final decades of the age of the Galactic Republic and was brought into the Jedi Order along with her Force-sensitive twin sister, Tiplee. Died As part of her military service, Tiplar and her twin sister Tiplee led a unit of clone troopers along with Clone Commander Doom. Tiplee nearly lost control of her anger after Tiplar's death at Ringo Vinda, pinning clone trooper Tup against a wall using the Force. Tiplar was a yellow-skinned Mikkian female Jedi Master who served as a Jedi General within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Once they finally neared the Separatist command post, their troops had grown thin. Tiplar and Tiplee set up a prank and the paint fell on their crechemaster. Red[4] Tiplee was a red-skinned Mikkian female Jedi Master who, along with her twin sister, Tiplar, served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 06 Episode 01 The Unknown [1080p] [4] By the Clone Wars, Tiplee and her sister were active enemies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems,[5] and they both served as Jedi Generals within the Grand Army of the Republic during the war. Tiplee was later present in a medical bay where Tup was examined, and the clone stated that he did not remember killing Tiplar. Dort waren viele Jedi, darunter auch die Jedi-Meisterin, versammelt. Tiplee and her sister were commissioned as Jedi Generals in the Grand Army of the Republic, and the two fought in the Battle of Ringo Vinda. And Doom is going to stay with her. Kenobi was left to cradle Tiplee's body while he ordered the clones to pursue the fleeing Maul and Dooku. The two Jedi were joined by Windu and Secura. Tiplar and Tiplee were around the corner to warn her if anyone was coming. Tiplar and Tiplee are both voiced by Anna Graves. During the Clone Wars, they served as Jedi Generals within the Grand Army of the Republic.
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