Suzuki maintained the teacher-student relationship with his stepbrother and was awarded the Dharma transmission on August 26th, 1926. [4] (It turns out most disciples of Hung-jen stuck with the monk Shen-hsiu, who ended up being a highly respected teacher.) dharma transmission (denbō 傳法)The act of designating a dharma heir, thereby "passing on" or "transmitting" (den 傳) the "dharma" (hō 法) that has previously been inherited from a teacher in a particular dharma lineage. Meister Deshimaru gilt als einer der größten Zen-Meister unserer Zeit. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2008. Priest Teachers have received Denkai and wear yellowish-brown kesas and rakusus. Everyone except Mahakashyapa stared with confusion at the Buddha. G.Arnaud Painvin, MD, FRCSC is a Zen Master & Dharma teacher (His transmission name is Ven. Ordinarily, it is said that we use the Mind to transmit the Mind, or that we use the Mind to seal the Mind. The word in “transmission” in Japanese is fuzoku; another possible translation is “entrust.” The idea of transmission came from the Chinese family system. Zen lineage charts depict the transmission of the dharma from one generation to another. Please join us at this rare opportunity to witness this ceremony! After that, he got his graduate degree at the age of 30 in Zen, Buddhism, and English major. This I entrust to Mahakashyapa.”. Third, authentic Dharma Transmission is the means by which Zen realization is verified through the generations, and it conveys a mystical – even supernatural – level of authority. These Records are sermons and dialogues of the Master that were collected and recorded by his eminent follower P'ei Hsiu. But’s it’s not rocket science figuring out whether a teacher is good enough to help you in your practice. Regardless of how the story of Hui-Neng arose, however, ever after it has been held up as the prime example of Chan’s “transmission outside of the scriptures” and a strong justification for Chan’s myth of lineage. Can you recognize the values they advocate? Please check on Meetup below for more details. Seattle Zen leader Genjo Marinello has given Dharma transmission to Portland student Rinzan Pechovnik Osho. What could be said that would make that moment more beautiful? New York, United States About Podcast Zen Mountain Monastery, the main house of the Mountains and Rivers Order, is one of the West's most respected Zen Buddhist monasteries and training centers.Get access to a collection of podcasts, dharma talks, events, interviews and other media from Zen Mountain Monastery and the Zen Center of NYC. Second, while the kinds of Buddhist teachings that advocate gradually improving and purifying oneself are useful (wiping dust off the mirror of our mind so we can reflect things clearly), such teachings are provisional and the Zen teaching of non-duality (ultimately mirror, self, reflection, and effort are empty of inherent self-nature) is more profound and trumps anything provisional. Dharma transmission teaching authorizations are given by one of the Guiding Teachers through the authority of her/his own transmission, in consultation with the Guiding Teachers Council. A classic Chan text originating in the 8th century,[1] The Sutra of the Hui-Neng (also known as the Platform Sutra) recounts the Dharma Transmission from fifth-generation Chinese Chan master Hung-jen to Hui-Neng. I was almost moved to tears each time someone left after an interview when I contemplated the openness, trust, and support they were showing me by willingly taking the role of student, if only momentarily. The Dharma of Mind Transmission, the Teaching of Ch'an Master Huang-po Tuan-Chi, is a cover-title that includes both The Chung-Ling Record and The Wan-Ling Record. Based on this premise, Chan created lineage stories called “roku,” or “records.” These roku describe pivotal face-to-face interactions between teachers and the students to whom they transmitted the Dharma. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2003. Transmission Ceremony . He received Dharma transmission from Zen Master Weolha Sunim in 1983. Zen-Meisterin Gu Ja erhielt Inka im Jahr 2008 von Zen-Meister Wu Bong. One thing that clergy affiliated with all the Zen denominations in Japan hold in common is the belief in a Zen lineage (Zenshū 禪宗) of dharma transmission said to have been founded by the Buddha Shakamuni, established in China by the Indian monk Bodaidaruma, and subsequently transmitted to Japan by numerous Japanese and Chinese monks. When the abbot heard about Hui-Neng’s poem, he knew the woodcutter should be his Dharma heir. So we hear in the Avatamsakra sutra. I remember, shortly after I received Dharma Transmission, people coming to talk with me, as a teacher, in private Dharma interview (we call it sanzen). The whole universe is made of it. by Domyo | Mar 15, 2018 | Buddhist Practice, Zen Teachings. He contrasts his dharma-way throughout with the teaching of other Buddhist sects that did not follow true to the dharma of Bodhidharma (India, b. And let no dust alight.”[2]. Remember, to call something a myth is not necessarily to disparage it. Price, A.F. (That’s another thing to research: What kind of relationships does a given teacher have with other teachers, and with their own lineage?). In 1972 he came to the United States and started what became the Providence Zen Center, the first center in what is now the Kwan Um School. She again took on the role in 2010 when she was appointed abiding abbess of Green Gulch Farm Zen Center, and subsequently appointed central abbess of Zen Center's three temples in 2014, after the untimely death of Myogen Steve Stücky. Harada Roshi completed koan training under the Rinzai master Dokutan Roshi and received formal Dharma transmission from him, alongside the Dharma transmission he had already received with the Soto lineage, though he remained within the Soto school for the rest of his life. Just investigate in practice and realize in physical experience the eyes which are the eye of meeting buddha. Zen Master Who? When Hui-Neng overheard a monk reciting Shen-hsiu’s poem out loud, he asked the monk to write the following on the monastery wall in response: “There is no bodhi tree, The ancient Chinese ideals of face-to-face transmission may have been about complete, perfect enlightenment, but in my experience, Transmission happened when I became just mature enough in my life and Zen practice to help pass this lineage tradition on to others. They developed during the Tang Dynasty, incorporating elements from Indian Buddhism and East Asian Mahayana Buddhism, but were first published at the end of the Tang. It verifies that students have received the approval of their teachers, as well as guarantees that the Dharma the Buddha transmitted 2,500 years ago is the same as the one that the student understands. In 1956, Maezumi Roshi came to Los Angeles as a priest at Zenshuji Temple, the Soto Headquarters of the United States. McCrae calls the story of Hui-Neng “the climax text of early Chan,” and refers to it as “one of the most treasured legends of the Chan tradition.”[5]. She received dharma transmission from Tenshin Reb Anderson in 1996 and was co-abbess of Zen Center from 2000 to 2007. The lamp transmission refers to “the manner in which the teaching, or Dharma, is passed from a Zen master to their disciple. First, the essence of Zen lies in a direct and personal experience of awakening to the fundamental nature of reality, this experience can be sudden (although doesn’t always happen that way), and it isn’t dependent on education, class, ordination, or even meditation. What kind of training have they received? In Zen-Buddhism, Dharma transmission is a custom in which a person is established as a "successor in an unbroken lineage of teachers and disciples, a spiritual 'bloodline' (kechimyaku) theoretically traced back to the Buddha himself." Many of the things I’ll discuss regarding Dharma Transmission will also be applicable to the Rinzai system, but I will really be focusing on Soto Zen in this episode (although I’ll just say “Zen” most of the time for expedience). Category Archives: Dharma Transmission Isshin Denshin – “Mind to Mind Transmission” “You can do anything you want in your life, but you have to know the price for it and be willing to pay it.” -Mrs. Featherston. What are they empowered to do? Quicklinks for Transcript Content: Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2003. In the official Soto Zen institution in Japan (called the Soto-Shu), for example, Dharma Transmission is the lowest and most basic of qualifications, required for running a local temple. [6] Bodiford Dharma Transmission in Soto Zen Manzan Dohaku's Reform Movement WILLIAM M. BODIFORD T NHE Zen school places great importance on the master-disciple relation-ship. During the Kamakura period (1185-1333) and the … In Zen-Buddhism, Dharma transmission is a custom in which a person is established as a “successor in an unbroken lineage of teachers and disciples, a spiritual ‘bloodline’ (kechimyaku) theoretically traced back to the Buddha himself.”. The Chan answer is the rather mystical proposition that, meeting face-to-face in a particular way, a teacher and student just know. This usually authorizes the student to function independently and teach Zen. All of these are able to take on students and give the Precepts to others. Born in Paris France he moved to Canada with his wife following their MD graduation. He has taught primarily in Canada and the United States, having opened centers in Toronto, New York City, Ann Arbor, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois as well as Mexico City Biography. (Do you see a theme of “independence” cropping up here?) Well, perhaps it’s best that you ultimately have to rely on your own judgment here, and accept that Zen teachers are just people, transmission or no transmission. Following the death of Maezumi, Roshi in 1995 she continued her training with Shodo Harada, Roshi, a Rinzai Zen teacher and the abbot of Sogen-ji monastery in Japan. The eighteen realms are simply the respective realm of each of the six sense roots (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and intellect/manas), the respective realm of each of the six sense dusts (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and dharma) and the respective realm of each of the six vijnanas (refer to point 3). According to modern descriptions of this discipleship, the master's goal is to cause his disciple to re-create through his own train-ing the same intuitive cognition of reality that the master himself experiences. Boundless Way transmits three traditional Zen lineages. Nor stand of a mirror bright. In Soto Zen Buddhism, “ Dharma Transmission ” is a ritual in which a qualified Zen teacher acknowledges the ability of one of their students to carry on the lineage tradition of Zen. He invited all the monks to express their understanding by submitting a poem. Bodiford, William M. “Dharma Transmission in Theory and Practice.” In Heine, Steven, and Dale S. Wright. She and Barry Kaigen McMahon Sensei guide the North San Diego site. A prime example of sectarian oversimplification of transmission lineage is the most prominent and dramatic story of Dharma Transmission in Zen – a story at the root of the whole Chan myth of lineage. The title for a Dharma successor is Sensei. Maezumi Roshi received Dharma Transmission through three lines of Zen, a rare achievement and contributor to the breadth and power of his teaching. As my Dharma uncle James Ford wrote in his book Zen Master Who: A Guide to the People and Stories of Zen: “…when visiting a teacher or a center examine the teacher’s students. Where can the dust alight?”[3]. Albert William Low (1928-2016) was a western Zen master in the Philip Kapleau-lineage, an internationally published author, and a former human resources executive.He lived in England, South Africa, Canada, and the United States and resided in Montreal since 1979. Face-To-Face Transmission - Zen & Buddha Dharma Zen, Face-To-Face Transmission & Buddha Dharma. Linda was ordained as a Zen priest in 1992 and served as Shuso, or Head Priest in 1998. A sensei is free to function as a Zen teacher in any way they find appropriate. The value placed on lineage in Zen is normative, as well, and when a teacher really steps out of line, it’s a powerful statement when other teachers in their lineage – their “Dharma brothers and sisters” – censure or even disavow them. [1] McCrae p60 Later, Hui Neng gets ordained and starts teaching Zen. In Zen-Buddhism, Dharma transmission is a custom in which a person is established as a “successor in an unbroken lineage of teachers and disciples, a spiritual ‘bloodline’ (kechimyaku) theoretically traced back to the Buddha himself.” The Buddha Twirls A Flower It is tempting to understand dharma transmission as an approval, and in some ways it is. Minnesota Zen Meditation Center has been a training site for … [6], In the West, there are plenty of Soto Zen teachers and temples who maintain at least some kind of official relationship with Japan (which is where the Soto Zen sect as we know it developed from the Chinese Caodong school). Scholars believe this dramatic tale was cooked up a century after the purported events by a Dharma descendant of Hui-Neng named Shenhui, who promoted it as a way to strengthen the authority of his own school of Zen over competing schools or lineages. The Dharma of Mind Transmission, the teaching of Ch'an Master Huang-po Tuan-Chi, is a cover-title that includes both The Chung-Ling Record and The Wan-Ling Record. A Mutable and Imperfect System Is Better Than Nothing And our mind a mirror bright. And, importantly, can they joke about their institution and teacher? There are several core messages in this archetypal tale of Hui-Neng’s Dharma Transmission. Shûyu Narita Rôshi , (1914-2004), war Leiter des Tempels Tôdenji im Norden Japans. No student, no teacher. Robby Pellett, who for decades shared Zen practice in the region while doing his best to stay invisible, has died. McAllister serves as head teacher of Shinzo Zen Meditation Center in St. Louis, MO and spiritual adviser to Inside Dharma (a prison outreach organization that she co-founded). : A Guide to the People and Stories of Zen. Although the process of Dharma Transmission is mutable, fallible, and somewhat based on myth, it’s really not all that bad a system, considering. One monk, however, managed to pursue Hui-Neng and finally caught up with him. Above transmission is a whole host of ecclesiastical levels, each with particular requirements including education, additional training, ritual obligations, practical experience, and sometimes examinations. Finally, should you entrust your spiritual training to a particular teacher just because they have Dharma Transmission? Ford discusses the concept of Zen lineages in his book (pages 28-30) and this reminded me that I had collected information on the lineages of the teachers I have worked with, and inspired me to update it and turn it into a set of charts. Buddha's transmission to Mahakasyapa, the First Patriarch.] Ford, James Ishmael. The abbot, Hung-jen, quizzed Hui-Neng upon his arrival, and although he had a sense of the layman’s deep understanding, he sent him off to do manual labor in the rice processing shed. Despite his lack of education or experience with Buddhism, Hui-Neng immediately became enlightened and understood the true meaning behind the words of the sutra. [4] McCrae p63 The Record of Transmitting the Light: Zen Master Keizan’s Denkoroku. The Chan Myth of Lineage Transmission On the other hand, do the students seem to be people you like, and might like to be with? It transcends all limitations of name, word and relativity, and it is as boundless as the great void. And more important still: Do they seem to be genuinely on a path that is freeing them from their suffering?”[7]. Ab 1985 Zen-Schûler von YAMADA Kôun Rôshi der Sanbôzen-Schule. Japanese Soto Shu-affiliated lineages are also present in North America but are vastly outnumbered here by lineages who have proclaimed their independence and pretty much do their own thing. In 1972 he came to the United States and started what became the Providence Zen Center, the first center in what is now the Kwan Um School. and Wong Mou-lam (translators). Er war Bruderschüler von Meister Deshimaru und der erste, der von Kôdô Sawaki das "Siegel der Transmission des authentischen Dharma" erhielt. His teachings on Zen, social justice and environmental stewardship have appeared in various Buddhist journals, and The Best Buddhist Writing 2009 (Shambhala Publications). This is probably not a good thing – after all, Zen is about becoming more fully yourself, not becoming more like your teacher. Because Hung-jen knew there would be an uproar because he chose to transmit the Dharma to a poor, lower class, illiterate woodcutter rather than the erudite, experienced, and diligent monastic Shen-hsiu, he told Hui-Neng to run away and stay hidden lest people try to harm him. A transmitting teacher needs to get to know student really well, watch the student’s practice closely over a long period of time, and put their own reputation on the line by publicly affirming the student’s fitness to teach Zen. [15. Dharma transmission. Sundays at 10 am. Sources. He also received approval as a teacher (Inka ) from both Koryu Osaka, Roshi, and Hakuun Yasutani, Roshi, thus becoming a Dharma successor in three lines of Zen. Dave is a Lay Monk and teacher in the Open Mind Zen school, having received Dharma Transmission from Roshi Rapaport in 2019. Archived. This is one of the things transmission empowers you to do in my lineage, but I was very aware that the people who came – many of whom were much older than I was – were doing me a favor by coming to sanzen with a brand-new teacher. At 3pm (unless noted) we have casual Zen talks from our Dharma Teachers. There are 54 dharma transmission-related words in total, with the top 5 most semantically related being zen ranks and hierarchy, gautama buddha, kensho, lineage and kechimyaku. In Soto Zen Buddhism, “ Dharma Transmission ” is a ritual in which a qualified Zen teacher acknowledges the ability of one of their students to carry on the lineage tradition of Zen. As I explained in the last episode, in a nutshell, Dharma Transmission is a ritualized event in which a qualified Soto Zen teacher – that is, a teacher who has received Dharma Transmission themselves – acknowledges and affirms the ability of one of their students to carry on the lineage tradition of Zen. does this mean that if the student had left the master and moved across the world, reached enlightenment on his or her own and never received any transmission that it wouldn't count as "zen" enlightenment but would be … Venerable Samu Sunim was born in Chinju, South Korea, in 1941. Ordination, Priest Training, and Dharma Transmission Ordination is a path of giving oneself to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, a path of practice for the liberation of all beings everywhere from suffering. Basically, once you give someone Dharma Transmission, you just have to pray they’re going to “do you proud,” because there’s no taking it back. What’s the Use of Dharma Transmission Today? The Dharma, without any words or concepts or verbal teaching at was transmitted. He is teaching at Maple Grove United church 346 Maple Drive Oakville on Wednesday 7PM and Saturday 10:15AM . Since all is void, For the most part, you learn how to be a good teacher by doing it, and by making lots of mistakes. As for me, receiving Dharma Transmission has been a wonderful opportunity to serve others and develop further in my practice. Carefully we wipe them hour after hour, Rev. In Soto Zen Buddhism, “Dharma Transmission” is a ritual in which a qualified Zen teacher acknowledges the ability of one of their students to carry on the lineage tradition of Zen. It’s also been very humbling. A good place to go if you’ve been feeling stressed. See also: Zen ranks and hierarchy Dharma transmission (印可) "in both Rinzai and Soto Zen, refers to the manner in which the teaching, or Dharma, is passed from a Zen master to his disciple and heir." In his book Seeing Through Zen, John McCrae points out the many ways in which Chan’s noble tales of unbroken, face-to-face transmission of the essence of Buddhism were drastically oversimplified and frequently tweaked for sectarian purposes. This week I’ll give you a brief sense of the significance of Dharma Transmission in the history and development of Chan and Zen Buddhism, and the ongoing utility of the tradition in terms of teacher authorization. See also: Zen ranks and hierarchy. We transmit the Korean derived Linji lineage received by George Bowman from Seung Sahn. The text presents the story as if it’s an autobiographical account by Hui-Neng, who explains how he was a poor, illiterate firewood seller but happened to overhear someone reciting the Diamond Sutra (an older, classic Chan text). Teachers of the Dharma of MIAM received the transmission of light directly from the Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, and in turn pass their understanding and experience verbally but also and especially by their presence and their daily lives. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2006. [2] Price and Mou-lam p70 A Mutable and Imperfect System Is Better Than Nothing, Even Though Dharma Transmission Is No Guarantee, 51 – Profound, Practical, Mutable: Dharma Transmission in Zen – Part 1, 46 – Dogen’s Genjokoan Part 5: Birds Fly, Fish Swim, a Zen Master Waves a Fan, 26 – Work as Spiritual Practice According to Dogen’s “Instructions to the Cook” – Part 2, 25 – Work as Spiritual Practice According to Dogen’s “Instructions to the Cook” – Part 1, 160 – Bearing Witness without Burning Out, 159 – Active Receptivity in Zazen: Surrounded by a Symphony, 158 – Social Strife and the Forgotten Virtue of Decorum, 157 – Bodhicitta: The Critical Importance of Dissatisfaction, 156 – Ebb and Flow in Buddhist Practice: Cycles of Energy, Inspiration, and Focus. Currently Tim Colohan is leading these talks and our guiding teacher answers questions after. Dharma Transmission--the authentication of a student's insight into the Buddhadharma, in which the student and the teacher's mind are identical--is very important in Zen. The Dharma of Mind Transmission: Zen Teachings of Huang-po Introduction The Mind is neither large nor small; it is located neither within nor without. The Dharma Transmission Gatha [15, 16] of Sakyamuni Buddha states: "Original Dharma is no-Dharma; without Dharma is true Dharma. These eighteen realms cover all phenomena, and hence is synonymous to everything. David Jitsusan Vititoe, Ph.D. David Jitsusan Vititoe, Ph.D., Sensei has been practicing Zen since 2005. From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core. It’s no guarantee someone’s legit or moral, of course, but at least you can weed out the wacky, self-proclaimed teachers from your Zen shopping list by doing a little research on whether someone has received Dharma Transmission, when, and from whom. In early December of 2013, H.H. Commentary: There’s nothing to transmit and no-one to transmit it to. In the mid 20th century his successor Yasutani Roshi left a prestigious position within the Soto school and set up a zendo Posted by ☯ 1 year ago. The nature of dharma is the name for universal nature, which actually has no name, no words, no speech. Myogen Steve Stücky brought to the abbacy his many years of practice—as a resident of Zen Center from 1972-80, as the founder and guiding teacher of the Dharma Eye Zen Center in San Rafael (1995-2013), and as co-leader of the San Quentin Buddhadharma Sangha. The Zen subsect Huang Po was of taught direct transmission of Mind; hence, one is not awakened through words or practices. Zen Dharma Transmission to Michael Shoryu Fieleke At May 11, 2019; By drynick; In Reflections; 0 David Dae An Rynick, Roshi and Michael Shoryu Fieleke, Sensei January, 2019. The Diamond Sutra and the Sutra of Hui-Neng. McCrae, John R. Seeing Through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism. Dharma Ancestors. Within the various Zen traditions dharma transmission got various meanings. As our ancestors, Maezumi’s three teachers are embodied in the practice tradition at the Hazy Moon. These transmission records thereby established legitimate “spiritual genealogies” of sorts. You need higher levels of authorization, for instance, to lead a training period at monastery, or perform certain ceremonies. 483; credited as the first Zen patriarch of China, having taken Chan, or Zen, Buddhism from India there). But instead of giving the usual kind of lecture, he just holds up a flower and gives it a twirl. To not say anything and you break the Bodhisattva vow. This “wild West” system of Dharma Transmission – where essentially each teacher decides for themselves what Dharma Transmission means, the reasons for giving it, the criteria for doing so, and the level of authority it confers – can be problematic. The Classic Tale of Hui-Neng’s Dharma Transmission Close. The best practice for achieving awakening was meditation, but ultimately not even that was necessary!
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