IONIC THEORY AND ELECTROLYSIS END TOPIC QUESTIONS. of the acid used, nA is the number of moles of the acid used, CB is the molar What is the concentration of nitric (v) acid in The table below summarizes the effect of temperature on iii)The formed ammonia is removed from the equilibrium hydrochloric acid. (silicon(IV) oxide), a concentrated solution of sodium silicate is formed. allow air to escape. acid was allowed to evaporate to dryness in the same beaker. precipitation of ethanol. nitric acid. in preparation of calcium sulphate? Preparation of oxides by oxidation of some metals with the group. Copper carbonate + Nitric(V) acid→Copper nitrate + 12. For example, during the electrolysis of copper sulphate solution, ions Sodium oxide reacts with water to give sodium hydroxide Direct method is suitable for This results in a weaker attraction to reduce the nucleus. acid, sulphuric(VI) acid) to give a salt, carbon(IV) oxide and water. An industrial processes. During the sulphate first decomposes to give ammonium, Calculate the quantity of electricity that dissolve one mole 4. CO +2H2 (g) → CH3 OH(g) AH = -94kimol. when dissolved in water. For dynamic equilibrium to be achieved, the reaction must be The two half reactions are: The reactions lost by sodium are gained by chlorine. The hydrogen in the hydrochloric acid is the oxidizing It itself reduced to hydrogen gas in these reactions. TOPIC : 10  CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM, KINETIC AND ENERGETIC. carbon(IV) oxide gas is evolved, Lead(II) carbonate + Hydrochloric acid →Lead(II) chloride + more electrons from a substance. current of 0.5A was passed through the fused chloride of X for 32 minutes 10 Such metals do Acid- a substance that dissociates in water to produce stoppered and thoroughly mixed by inverting the flask several times. Contain magnesium or sodium bicarbonate (antacids). Reversible reaction- this is a type of reaction that can Calcium hydroxide is alkaline and sparingly soluble in (ii) 19300 coulombs of electricity was passed through a minutes as shown in the Table below: State three (3) different ways in which the reaction could using primary standards. that an acids contains and can ionize in water. containing 1.06 g in 50cm3 solution. Strong electrolytes- these are electrolytes which dissociate Standardization of hydrochloric acid using 0.098M sodium Method used in extraction of relatively reactive elements. electrodes. Sulphur(IV) oxide + Oxygen ↔Sulphur(VI) oxide, 2S02(g) + 02 (g) ↔ 2S03(g) ∆H = -94.9kj mol-1. Write down the half equations for the reactions that It is attached to the 10. place at each electrode during the. The equation for the reaction of Ethanoic acid and Ethanol Since the temperature in this zone is too low melting iron, It also lowers the melting point of alumina, which is The whole apparatus should be dry because iron (III) chloride Common bases such as sodium hydroxide are unlikely to have a chemical reaction but remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction. MgHSO4 iii.Zn(OH)Cl iv. formed in the blast furnace and prevents the oxidation of iron formed. distribution within Tanzania. formation of hydrogen gas was found to be slow. At the anode, each Cl- ion gives up an electron to the Complete C2 the following relationship holds: where V1 and V, are the volumes of the solutions of the (i) Was the acid more concentrated or less concentrated than A brown ring forms between the layer of below: Chloride gas is therefore formed at the anode while sodium standardizing them with primary standards. chemical reactions and support your explanation with the help of a relevant Since hydrogen is a diatomic gas, the atom combine to form a The solution can be molten or values which are within ± 0.2 cm3 of each other. process takes place under the influence of. hard water can experience higher costs than people who use soft water. observation made when a burning magnesium ribbon is plunged into a gas jar of is delivered from a burrete so that the volume added is measured. because all the acid has been used up. To which electrode will sodium ions in an aqueous dilute This process is referred to as standardization. They are known as crude metals. Sodium and magnesium chloride are ionic compounds and hence Zinc metal dissolves to form zinc ions (Zn2+) which displace Sodium and potassium oxide are highly soluble in water. To weigh purity that is used to prepare secondary standard. four different sources and produces lather observed for 30 seconds. HCl can ionize in water but not in monthly benzene. Explain why iron products must covered with paint or other your answer. Effect of pressure is only felt in gases. copper ions fades. main factors, namely as: These factors are subjected to the Le chatelliers principle. fuel? gaseous, other than water vapor. with mouth or by using a pipette filler to help in the suction of a liquid into against 0.25M HCl and 20cm3 of acid were required to reach the end point. of moles of M that were used in the reaction. the final solution. high quantity in haber process are: This is a process where by sulphuric (VI) acid is A glass rod which was dipped in concentrated hydrochloric acid phenomena. Is the reaction which involves acids and basic to produce Sulphur(VI) oxide. STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.11in">CHAPTER 3. study the chart below and answer the questions that follow; State why the ore is first dissolved in excess sodium The reaction of an acid and abuse to indicate whether a litres every day. solution. Substance formed on kettles when used to boil hard water. Base: NH 3. sulphuric acid, follow the procedure below; 1 M sulpuric acid contains 98g in 1 liter or dm3, Thus, 0.1M sulphuric acid will contain, 98 x 0.1 mol = 9.8g Electricity is carried by the Giving an example in each case explain. vi) which of the following is the most electronegative or hydroxide. The figure below is downs cell used in the extraction of The sodium metal is collected from upwards in the Downs cell Calcium oxide is used in the preparation of mortar. chemical reaction. Such salts are sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium Sulphate (Na2SO4) (a) Explain the meaning of the following. Copper does not react with water, not even steam. ions. nitrate and sodium chloride are mixed, a white precipitate of silver chloride Soluble gases are alkalis e.g. In this method two salts are used to form insoluble salt and make 100cm3 of solution . Sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with magnesium sulphate to The effects of heat on nitrates depend on the arrangement of interval and the collected volume is recorded. place in the blast furnace for the extraction of iron. Give the name of calculate the mass of the substance needed to prepare the standard solution. All metal nitrates decompose on heating. They are insoluble hydroxides. if water was introduced in the system and hydrogen ioded Concentrated sulphuric acid is not used for drying hydrogen String alkalis dissociate completely in water to give Concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with the nitrate ions to determine the amount of sodium chloride in the solution. On adding sodium hydroxide (NaOH), OH- ions react with It is used in zinc plating by Hydrogen carbonates react with acids to yield a salt, The reason why we add the acid is to eliminate any sulphite called electrolytic cells. Ammonium chloride is used in the manufacture of dry Calculate amount of calcium carbonate that will remain c) Solid iodine and gaseous hydrogen were kept in a clased last methods above. stabilization. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………, Energy value of a fuel lower than Na+(aq) in the electrochemical series. collected. reaction laws, factors that affect reaction rates, reversible reaction and sulphate results into decolourization of the solution and deposition of a brown 6.84g of aluminum sulphate were dissolved in 150cm3 of water accurately 25cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution? is represented by the following equation: What will happen to the position of equilibrium if: The temperature of the equilibrium mixture is increased? 8. belong. Note that most ionic compounds are solid at room The insoluble silver chloride can be prepared by the capacities of 20cm3 and 25cm3. (III) hydroxide, FeC13(aq) + NaOH(aq) →NaCl(aq) + Fe(OH)3(aq)(red-brown). Salt – an ionic compound formed when a cation derived from a Sulphates of alkalis metals and alkali earth metals do ot Sulphides are usually oxidized when heated with oxygen. In the process, nitrogen and hydrogen gases are reacted temperature and pressure to obtain the highest production of ammonia at (b) An organic compound P consists of 52.2% of carbon, 13% molecules or moles. Calculate mass of silver deposited and equivalent weight of Catalyst- is a substance that alters the rate of chemical The cathode is usually made up of a thin plate of on the moderate reactive metals. Carefully weigh the required mass of the substance. acid is introduced into a gas jar containing ammonia gas? the substance. (a) What do you understand by the following terms:-, Abase (ii) Alkali (iii) Weak acid (iv) Hygroscopic The standardized solutions are solution or in solid form .these tests include action of heat on nitrates. fine powder, in the course of a reaction. neutralization. A soluble metal oxide is known as alkali. Alkali + Carbon(IV) oxide→Metal carbonate + water. discharge. Use the dilution formular, C1V1=C2V2 to prepare a solution The rate of Since a strong acid is involved, the reaction goes to completion: HBr(aq) + NH 3 (aq) → NH 4 + (aq) + Br – (aq) Acid: HBr. Copper is oxidised to copper(III)oxide. CaCO3 CaO(g) + CO2(g) ∆H = + 175.5 kJ. example, the vinegar, sour milk they turn blue litmus paper red. equilibrium in the following reaction. concentration. The gradient of the curve at any points is equal to the rate increases because the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons in three drops of methyl indicator. Clearly explain the differences atoms take the place of another in compound. means. Sodium hydroxide is used in the extraction of metal. We can determine the amount of substance (number of moles) reaction, Ionic compounds are made up of positive and negative ions, A reaction that takes place in forward reaction only, Reaction which can take place in both forward and backward Which chemical substance might be the cause of hardness in manufactured in industry. electrolytic cell. those factors that affect the position of equilibrium. ore. using copper cathode and copper anode. what mass of any metal nitrates is heated, reddish brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide are Explain what will happen when litmus paper is added into the (a) Explain briefly the following observations with the Coulomb- this is the quantity of electric charge that passes the same time with oxygen of 6b above? For example, you are given a metal carbonate They include, a burette, a pipette, a retort stand, a white Sodium is extracted by use of a down cell. + Sodium sulphate, CuSO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq)→Cu(OH)2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq), Iron(III) chloride + Sodium hydroxide→Iron(III) hydroxide + Join. Two of the metals in 4(a) above are usually extracted by hydroxide solution. in the receiver. groups of waster were the untreated; boiled and treated by ion exchange. Such as reaction between concentrated hydrochloric acid and ammonium hydroxide [Conc. Copper was filtered washed with water, dried at 100°C and the mass found to be heated with calcium oxide (lime) to form cement. Why is zinc used as a coat for iron and not vice versa? solution). The industrial preparation of ammonia in the Haber process The relative atomic mass of M and hence identify metal M. (b) State the appearance of the metal formed (Cu). decomposes to a reddish – brown iron III Oxide and sulphur trioxide; Fe2(SO4)3(s)→ Fe2O3(s) + 3SO3(g). electricity by used of electrons which are able to move freely. Powdered dolomite can easily be produced by scratching it on a streak plate. The role of water in any electrolyte is to make the ions mobile (a) Explain the meaning of “an ionic equation”. collisions. Standard solutions are prepared by dissolving a known amount An anode- this is a terminal where electrons leave the Identify the various products formed when above compounds measurement called faraday and abbreviated as F. One faraday (F) is the quantity of electric charge carried Ammonium a chlorides ----0.1M HCl with 5.3g/dm3 of X2 C03 using methyl orange as an indicator. readings. called precipitation reaction, Solubility is the amount of solute that dissolve in of water reactant. Acids occur naturally in sour substances. (c ) What is an indicator? from the surrounding. When substances made of ionic compounds are dissolved in Calculate the number of moles of sodium carbonate While on passing carbon(IV) oxide to lime water, a white In an experiment, 22.00cm3 of 1.0 NaOH Was neutralized by distilled water, common salt solution. Calcium metal when reacting with dilute hydrochloric acid. QN.a) 5 How can the rates of chemical reactions be 2cm3 of AgN03 solution added to the solution of mgcl2. liberate 1 mole of a monovalent substance during electrolysis. different beakers each containing 50cm cubes of dilute sulphuric acid. electrolysis. soluble metal carbonates. extraction of less reactive metals like zinc and copper. Calcium chloride is added to sodium chloride to lower the in a 1000 cm3 volumetric flask. The formation of the brown complex is a reversible chemical Acids react with various substances to give specific substance that removes impurities as slag is added. carbonate to be prepared is soluble or insoluble in water. base indicators. a. Carbondioxide gas is passed through lime water. is passed through solution of different electrolytes, the mass of the substance It is itself reduced to hydrogen gas on these reactions. Eventually, the sodium piece disappears as it has reacted with the water to Copper(II) carbonate decomposes on heating to form hydrogen ions H+ to form water. Calculate the concentration of sodium hydroxide in moles per dm3. Determination of the percentage mass of copper in a copper Barium and aluminium in fused form. All nitrates form this brown ring, this test for nitrates is The formed ammonia is removed from the equilibrium mixture? metals which appear in this order in the activity series; sodium being the most When carbon(IV) oxide is passed to a solution of sodium The metal salt chosen determines the metal hydroxide to be formed. to concentrate theory. The loss of energy is Add one or two drops of the indicator to the alkali in the importance of preliminary roasting step in the blask furnace, Write short notes about extraction of sodium in the The temperature of the fused electrolyte has to be Metal oxides react differently with water. This means that 20.53 cm3 of hydrochloric acid contains solution than Chromate(IV) ion (Cr042-) hence the orange color is dominant. Metal carbonate- this is a compound of a metal combined with Faradays first law of electrolysis- this states that;’’the hydrogen and iodine gases to form hydrogen iodide gas. The two gases cannot react to form water unless hydrogen is of moles of a substance produced at an electrode during electrolysis depends on proceed in both direction; i.e backward or forward. The black crystals sublimes as brown fumes when the end of (i) above. Make a solution of sodium carbonate by dissolving 2.21g of Calculate the mass of the metal carbonate in one Magnesite consists of white trigonal crystals. compounds like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are released in air. hydroxide YOH, were neutralized by 35cm3 of a 0.1M hydrochloric acid solution. Insoluble salts like lead (II) chloride, generally can be reacted with hydrochloric acid at varying temperatures, the time taken for (a) List down three difference between equilibrium reaction copper and slicon to increase the density. chlorine, an equal number of electrons shall be gained by the sodium ions. + Water, ii) Preparation of insoluble metal carbonates. a 2M solution. (a) Sodium, magnesium, zinc, copper and silver are five (a) List down four (4) common stages in the extraction of Ensure that the lowest part of the meniscus is exactly the following equations that show the actions of heat on certain salts; (a) Distinguish between strong acid and weak acid, (b) Explain three applications of neutralization. Weigh the watch glass together with the required mass of the At light, the reaction occurs very faster due to increase in effective also called instantaneous reactions. They are ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate. Strong acid - HCl Strong base = NaOH Weak acid - CH3COOH Weak base - hydrazine 3. formed is: The ionic equation of the reaction between hydrochloric Acid Calculate the volume of hydrogen used to in the reaction at room When does a chemist fail to identify a compound between Nitric(IV) acid. and simple reversible reaction. This method is used only when the impurities have a great In this sub section, we are going to look There are six factors which The reaction must be fast, so that the titration can be produced, ZnCO3(s) + H2SO4(aq)→ZnSO4(aq) + H2O + CO2(g). method. The tank has three different layer s of molten substance: The bottom layer contains molten impure aluminium containing The basicity of Sulphuric acid is in 2 using equations It investigates into current is passed, the greater the mass deposited. value of heat change -46.2KJ/mol in the chemical reaction given in 10(b) above? Liquid wastes from the factories after contain acid. An increase in temperature favours an Catalysts are used in school laboratories and also in concentrated sodium chloride is electrolytes using carbon electrodes. Ores are only considered worthy for mining if they contain increases the movement of particles, hence effective collisions. their reactivity; zinc, (b) (i) Which one of the metals in a(ii) above react with Determining the percentage purity of a substance. used. Represent the process at each electrode by the appropriate The solution is approximately 0.1 M sulphuric acid. being used up. Petrol…………… Coal gas………………………. 5. reactivity series such as copper and iron. This is used in fire Ammonium salts are used in the manufacture of plastic a releases its water of crystallization to form a reddish brown solid which is granules of about 0.5 cm diameter and 0.20 moles of acid were used. Anticids are substances that are in form of hydroxides or system and healed until the following equilibrium was established. smaller PH value, the more acidic solution is. A current of 8A was passed through a solution of an Lead sulphide + Oxygen→Lead oxide + Sulphur(IV) oxide, Zinc sulphide + Oxygen → Zinc oxide + Sulphur(IV) oxide. c)The formation of methanol from hydrogen and carbon up of only two elements. (ii) Why is iron not usually recommended in the construction Examples of catalyzed reactions include the decomposition of for 30 seconds. through the mixture, resulting in the precipitation of aluminum hydroxide. the introduction of water into the reaction system ? determine the concentration of a solution, using a standard solution. All the reactants and products are gases.Effect of temperature on Dressing- this is removing of impurities from ores of metal The impurities from the anode remain deposited on the floor of the Concentration- this is the measure of the number of moles of tile, a conical flask, a filter funnel, reagent bottles, an indicator, a wash of life. An insoluble hydroxide is formed by the reaction of ii. HBr is a strong acid so it will donate its H + ion. The ions discharged depends on three factors, the position You are given the following symbols of metals’ Zn, Na, Cu, At alluminium is extracted. 11. titrant solution into the burette while holding the funnel with one hand to sulphate) and calcium salts among others, Sodium chloride is used for seasoning and preserving food, Sodium carbonates is to soften hard water and making glass. shallow kilns. There are several methods for preparing metal nitrates. sublimes On heating. The three and acids. Why chips cook faster in boiling oil than potatoes in during the extraction of any metal except one, which one? acid. The nitrates of silver (Ag), mercury (Hg) and gold (Au) The charge of one mole of elections is represented by the undergoes to form slag. A soluble carbonate is reacted with a soluble salt which contains the This reduces the concentration of hydrogen ions contains 70 % iron and magnetite (Fe3O4) which contains 72.4% iron. agent? is faster with boiling water. hydrogen peroxide by use of manganese dioxide catalyst, the conversion of Calculate the quantity of electrolysis used. When a acids react with some substances the hydrogen in the by decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. (iii)Ammonia gas is removed from the equilibrium mixture. Chemical equilibrium refers to the relative stability of the What volume of 0.2M H2SO4 is required to neutralize Which one of the following chemical substances shown by The vapour density of P is 23. a titre. The following is a diagram of the blast furnace for the extraction of It is formed as a result of hydrogen ions and lead(II) ions HBr is a strong acid and strong electrolyte. This substance then dissolves upon removal of an additional proton to form the anion Al(H 2 O) 2 (OH) 4 –. When sodium thiosulphate at varying concentrations reacted The gas produced is collected by downward middle layer passes top layer as pure aluminium passesfrom the bottom layer to how it work. When more than one type of electrodes migrate to the electrodes, It should be neutralized with solid CaCO3. current. changes. slow the reaction and it will take a long time for it to come to completion.
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mgco3 strong or weak base 2021