They’re also physically bigger. Stick to fish from the lake. And if that’s not enough, you can even keep plants in a tank with them. Based upon chutzpah to bodyweight ratios, the shell dwellers of Lake Tanganyika will always get my vote as the bravest fish in the world. They’re carnivores that like to feed off of other snails! Privacy Policy | SiteMap | Aquarium Dictionary | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us. They mainly stay near these shells, and on the bottom, so it is best to get a short, long tank. Care Level : Easy, as long as you have enough shells and good parameters. Smother the base of the tank with shells and leave them to it. Current tank mates: Tetras, Rasboras, Zebra loach, Chinese algae eater, swordtail Filtration: Aqueon QuietFlow75 + PennPlax Cascade 500 If it is feasible, what species would be appropriate? want some buffering salts, unless you happen to live with the most caustic water supplies in the UK. Shell dwellers tear this impression apart. Add to cart Show more. This has a double effect of concealing the home, and also encouraging tiny organisms to fall in, like a miniature Sarlacc pit from Star Wars. In regards to tank mates, cant advise for occies but the multies are quite well behaved. Diet: Daphnia, Cyclops and flake food works well. There’s more to shells than just defence. Neolamprologus brevis is the species you're most likely to see in sale. Just do the shellies. Pronunciation: Nee-oh-lamp-row-low-gus heck-key. In the wild, Shell Dweller Cichlids live on the bottom of Lake Tanganyika in Africa. Shell Dweller Poster – Free shipping, use coupon code Poster $ 29.99. Soft, small fish have long sought solace from larger mouths, and when caves are lacking it’s usually a case of improvise, swim away, camouflage or be digested. Shell dwellers are among the smallest cichlids in the world. These are species whose life cycle is inextricably linked with empty shells of lake gastropods. In my Tanganyikan community tank I have some Anubias and Cryptocoryne plants, and young Neolamprologus multifasciatus seem to enjoy exploring this area before they settle down into their own shells. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. They are small fish, among the smallest cichlids in the world, and they carry overtones of prey, not predator. The Assassin Snail (Clea helena or Anentome helena) is a unique addition to freshwater tanks. Soaking and rinsing will usually render them safe. We use cookies to improve your experience of this website by remembering your usage preferences, collecting statistics, and targeting relevant content. Maybe the cutest of all, you definitely want deep sand for these fish. Dev says: temperature between 75-81 degrees. Egglayer; male protects and cares for the eggs until they hatch. Males are also bigger. To do things properly, bigger will be better, and will allow you to consider a Tanganyika community with other carefully considered fish. They mainly stay near these shells, and on … Water Hardness. The Quiet Type; Members; 27 56 posts; Share; Posted September 17, 2020. Minimum Tank Size. For the shellie fan with limited space, this is the fish to go for. But their hearts are those of berserkers, and they will dash headlong into the face of an intrusive human diver, to land a menacing bite upon the tip of the nose. Tank mates need some forward planning. $ 27.95 Choose a Pack: 1 Juvenile - $ 27.95 Group of 3 Juveniles - $ 80.95 Group of 6 Juveniles - $ 154.95 60 to 80°F. Pronunciation: Nee-oh-lamp-row-low-gus mull-tee-fash-ee-ah-tuss. 25-30 gallons per male; allow an additional 10-gallons per female for a group. Effective gas exchange through surface movement will help here. Since it is a shell-dweller, it should also be provided with several empty shells, which do not necessarily have to be the Neothauma tanganyicense species. This is when you’ll be bitten most, as the fish will see your hand as a carnivorous intruder, heading down to gobble their eggs and upset their loved ones. Seachem, JBL, Continuum and a heap of other companies have their own products in this line. In order to live up to the name of ‘shell dweller’ a fish needs to be pretty small, and their dinky size is advantageous when it comes to seeking out real estate. They are easy to keep, easy to source, and cheap enough to buy. Sexing: Look at the upper dorsal fin. Zebra Shell Dweller (Neolamprologus similis), Tank-Bred! He was the only one they had (they told me he killed the other one that he came in with). At 6cm/2.4in, this is the largest gastropod in the lake, and the only species in the genus. Scientific Name : Neolamprologus multifasciatus, Common Names : Multie, Shellie (For most shell-dwellers). Getting the right shells is essential. Shell-dwellers don’t damage plants, but they can dig them up, so if you want some greenery in your tank, put the plants away from the shells and stones. Higher water fish are worth a look, especially in larger tanks. Try that with other African cichlids and see what happens. This means that they are easier to keep in smaller aquariums. Tanganyika shell dwellers will typically display aggressive behaviour during the breeding period. Curling up inside the curves of a snail shell is a great way to make yourself trickier to swallow. All of these fish live close to the base and can soon get under each other’s skin. For a tank setup, you can use almost any tank, preferably a 10 gallon, and if possible, go for a longer tank, since they use mainly bottom space. They’re certainly easy enough to house. Hello Fellow Fish Keepers,In this video we look at six different shell dwelling cichlids and talk about how to set up a tank for shell dwellers. 24 May 2011 #12 Thanks buddy, good read, have to say do like the look of the occies. Tank mates for shell dwellers. Being bitten by one of the ‘shellies’ is actually pretty cute, thanks to their pygmy statures. N. brevis are small, fierce, and the species you’ll most likely meet in stores. 6.5 to 7.5. As such, they’re often introduced to tanks that are overrun by pest snails. If you’re looking for a shell-dweller entry point, I’d definitely choose these! She’ll duck into a shell and lay eggs while he waits at the entrance. All Altolamprologus species are secretive substrate spawners that lay their eggs in a shell, cave, or … If you’re housing shellies with other Tanganyikans like Julidochromis, then you need to carefully divide the tank into distinct ‘rock’ and ‘shell’ zones. Prefers very clean water with a moderate to high flow rate along the bottom of the tank. Ensure lots of tiny food like infusoria. You can use Apple snail, mystery snails, escargot, or practically any other type of shell you want, or also PVC elbows with caps can work fine too. A 120cm/48in tank with a dozen or more of these shellies is a tremendous sight. In the wild, these fish dig like crazy. Rams are in the subject and signature, but not in the body of the topic. Calcium-heavy snail shells are liable to dissolve in fresh water, but because of the intense mineral concentrations within the lake, they last for decades. Are these fish compatible with shellies? For a single pair of the smallest fish (like Neolamprologus brevis) then a mere 45 x 30cm/18 x 12in footprint is needed. Longfin Super Red Ancistrus $ 29.99 $ 24.99. Temp is 80-81 degrees. S. sr20det Member. Eggs hatch in around 24 hours, fry are free swimming after a week. Diet: Go easy on flakes. Whichever species you keep, the considerations are basic. Spawning: A conditioned pair left to their own devices at 25°C/77°F will start going through the motions. Each fish has to have its own shell, even mating pairs have a shell each. Feed fry foods, baby brine shrimp, or finely crushed flakes. CO2 can have a small but chronic effect, as in high concentrations it lowers pH. It's a 75g gallon standard tank by the way. The female shell dweller will deposit her eggs in a shell, and the spawning site will be guarded violently if necessary. Pronunciation: Lamp-row-low-gus oss-ell-ah-tuss. They colonize the thousands of Neothauma snail shells and form territories of their own shells and live, sleep, and breed inside these shells. A soak and a rinse for good measure are still recommended. Shell Dweller Cichlid - Neolamprologus multifasciatus, or for short, Multies are a special type of cichlid for many reasons. Other common names it is known by include Brevis Shellie and Lamprologus Brevis, and some of the varieties include the Standard Brevis and the Sunspot Brevis. Rocks in the tank can be places for them to seek refuge in case of any aggression from other tank mates. Fry hatch in 24 hours, free swimming young appear after five days. I've been reading up on them a lot lately, and they seem really cool. GB 638 3492 15, Copyright © 2021 Warners Group Publications Plc. This second feature is especially handy for raising young. shell dweller; shellies; shell dwellers; guppies; tank mates; By devind0446, September 17, 2020 in General Discussion. Aim for three or four shells for every fish, otherwise there’ll be squabbling. A breeding pair of shell dwellers that have set up camp in the center of a 90g aquarium have to defend from all sides plus from above. If there’s just enough ‘lift’ to carry particles out from between shells and into the filter, then you’ll save yourself a lot of work. In the wild, Shell Dweller Cichlids live on the bottom of Lake Tanganyika in Africa. Aquarium Size : Preferably 5-10 gallons, the longer the better. Or they may be obligate, unable to fend for themselves in the lake if they are denied one. Aside that, wait for them to grow as males are much larger. As she exits, he fertilises them without even entering. In neighbouring Lake Malawi there’s another cichlid — Pseudotropheus lanisticola — that has also worked out the value of diving into these makeshift caves. Often it’s the only way they can obtain fresh shells, in the hugely competitive housing market that is shell-dweller city. Sexing: Look at adult faces. Fine sand is an absolute must. For the aquarist, the appeals are huge. 242. To get all of that from one fish, and at the tiny drawback of the occasional comedic nip, I’m surprised that ‘shellies’ are not the most popular African cichlid in the UK. Males have a bigger, bulldog jaw and a slight bump on the nose. Bottom dweller. Diet: Daphnia, Cyclops and flake foods work well. Rosy red minnows Skirt tetras I would like to keep 3-4 shellies with 6 rosy reds and 5 skirt tetras in a 20 gal. If nothing else, I’ve managed to get quite a bit of reading done already this year, and I would guess that if you’ve been stuck indoors like I have, then you’ve probably devoured a fair few pages too. The second special thing about Multies is that they are the smallest cichlid in the world, the male's maximum size is 1.5 to 2 inches, and the female's maximum size is only around .75 to 1 inch long! With that in mind, this issue is very ‘reader heavy’ with not just two in-depth book reviews, but also a feature on the top 20 best ever fish books as advised by a lifelong collector. Size : Males grow up to 1.5 - 2 inches (~5 cm); Females grow to .75 - 1 inch (~2.5 cm), Origin / Habitat : Lake Tanganyika in Africa. Neolamprologus hecqui — if they spawn you'll need to watch out for tank mates getting bashed about. 80% water change in anticipation of new fish last week. Mouthfighting Neolamprologus multifasciatus. They are egg-layers, but typically you will only tell that a spawn has occurred by seeing the tiny fry. That’s about as difficult as it gets. There should be from 4- 30 fry per spawn. In Tanganyika, the choice of shell is really only the one: Neothauma tanganyicense. Socially, shell dwellers may live in vast colonies, or they may live in small, pocketed outreaches. pH Range. That means they don’t require the huge tanks associated with other lake dwellers like mbuna. Dev says: the typical shell dweller tank resembles the typical Lake Tanganyika tank in water chemistry. Member. More than likely still sold under the older name of Lepidolamprologus hecqui, this is a shell dweller sitting in the middle of the size ranking. I simply move the shells to the corner. You want water that’s harder than trying to read Nietzsche, with an exorbitantly high pH value. It's also one of the more peaceful. Mar 14, 2016. Temperament / Behavior : Can be aggressive to fish in their territory, and may eat fry if population gets too big. It can defend it’s small territory and shell vigorously and is boisterous to say the least. Mar 13, 2016. It’s common to find areas of several square kilometres, with shells strewn like pebbles. Our boats would be torn out from underneath us, like an aquatic remake of Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’. Thread starter BeckyCats; Start date Feb 3, 2017; click to view entries! Tank Mates : Depending on the size of the tank, you may be able to have other fish that live in the upper regions, though do this with caution, as other fish can eat your fry. It can be tempting to get a bag of assorted marine shells from a retailer and hope for the best, but many of these will be marine whelk types, and far too cumbersome for shellie use. Despite the fact that they are fond of hiding from time to time, African Cichlids are very active. They love to bury their shells, making a kind of funnel around the mouths out of the substrate. Cyprichromis Leptosoma Mpulungu $ 19.99. Just breaking up lines of sight won’t work. Shell Dwellers with Guppies? A fish may be facultative, and only use a shell temporarily, if at all. The sand in my tank is pale; almost white. I’ve seen shellies mixed with Tropheus types before, too, though this requires a vigilant eye. Shell Dweller tank size and tank mates (looking for advice) I am planning on making a big shell dweller tank. Trapped food and waste between the shells and in the substrate will have an acidic effect, so regular syphoning of the base is needed. Be the first to write a review. Too big or heavy and you’ll deny the fish the ability to move the shells around, ruining a central part of their social dynamic. Aulonocranus is a good choice, and will keep out of the shellies’ way. Remember that plants aren’t ruled out of a shell dweller tank. Feb 3, 2017 #1 Hello! I know nothing about any type of cichild since I've never kept them before, but what other kinds of fish can you keep with them? Also, they should have about 2-6 shells per fish, so they can choose which ones they want. Lamprologus ocellatus does well in larger colonies. Keeping the hardness high is as important as getting it there in the first place, so be wary of factors that can force it down. pH is 7.6-7.8. They’ll form harems, with a male dominating, so if you’re keeping groups then keep eyes open for a straggler potentially being bullied. Avoid coarse coral sand, and plump for one of the finer sands like aquarium silver sand. Some coral gravel and crushed oyster shell mixed into the substrate, or ocean rock as decor will help to keep pH up, while specially tailored mineral supplements can be used to buffer hardness. Recommended tank size: 20 gallons Recommended breeding colony: A breeding pair is enough, but starting with at least a colony of 6-8 of mixed sexes is best Difficulty: 2 (1-5 with 1 easiest) Breeding Method: Substrate spawner Breeding Difficulty: 4. Shell dwellers are, by their very nature, small. Pronunciation: Nee-oh-lamp-row-low-gus brev-iss. Lamprologus ocellatus is known as a shell dweller, they live in the empty shells of a particular snail which inhabits Lake Tanganyika. There are a few regional morphs with unique markings, such as ‘sambia’ and ‘katabe’. Subsequently, it’s possible to find large areas populated by swathes of shell-dwelling cichlids. Sale! Diet / Fish Food : Need a diet slightly high in protein. For a single pair of the smallest fish (like Neolamprologus brevis) then a mere 45 x 30cm/18 x 12in footprint is needed. Choose tank mates carefully — there may be disputes with other bottom swimmers like Neolamprologus leleupi. These fish are very aggressive towards each other, and although they tend to leave other tank mates alone, they can become extremely aggressive to other species during spawning. devind0446 27 Posted September 17, 2020. devind0446. The real surprise of shell dwelling is that it hasn’t evolved as a wider trait. Regards Ollie . My original plan was to get a 55 gallon and then stock it with shell dwellers to inhabit the bottom of the water column, and some other things to inhabit the top and middle. The first reason is they are shell-dwellers, or Shellies, which means that they live and breed in shells. For the kind of male fish that likes to keep a harem, it’s the ultimate in family enforcement, allowing control and surveillance of a population. The Dwarf Sumbu Shell Compressiceps is a natural shell dweller which inhabit and ... one male with two females. These are also known as shell dwellers or shell dweller cichlid. Frozen is fine. As shellies go, they don’t live in vast congregations, and are the wiser choice if you struggle to source an abundance of shells. Sexing: Difficult when young, males will eventually be larger than females. Escargot shells — those from edible snails — are also a near enough size and shape, and can be obtained easily enough from online sources. First and foremost is tank size, which needn’t be huge. Nope. The temptation is to add fish like bristlenose Ancistrus to help curb algae growth, but these are soft water dwellers that struggle with the chronic onslaught of minerals working through their little kidneys. These are easily hefty enough to get your finger in their mouths, so while smaller shellies hit and run, these guys grab and swing. Thanks Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:55 am. If they spawn, note that nothing — nothing — will be allowed near them, so if your sneaky Julidochromis are getting a hammering, then it’s safe to say there are young around. thank you. F(24-27deg C), a pH ranging between 7-8, and moderate hardness (between 10-20dH) Juanmi says: Do not forget warmer temperatures will kill Tanganyika cichlids, at least Lamprologus. F1- Cyprichromis Jumbo Yellow Head Nkonde $ 19.99. Spawning: Just like N. brevis, except the young get a better start by virtue of the funnel shaped shell openings. The frog-faced, bulldog-chinned baby of the shell dwellers, N. brevis is one of the more peaceful species. Just curious what you think is a good tank mate with shell dwellers for a 29 gallon tank. DrowningInGuppies. A hardness level up around 20°H is no problem here; indeed it may be prerequisite. Whichever shell you opt for, get more than you think you need. Lamprologuses are very attached to their dwelling and leave it only when they no longer fit on the old living space. A 45cm/18in tank will house a couple of pairs, or a decent harem for one male. They have fascinating behaviours worth studying. If you want a real good stab at doing a social group of shellies, then consider a tank of 100cm/40in or more. The specific species depends on what is available around me and additional research that I plan to do. It is likely to fight with other shell dwelling species, but in a spacious enough tank, it can be kept with Tanganyikan rock dwellers that inhabit higher levels of the water column.
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shell dweller tank mates 2021