(Same reason I don't like to do pediatric anesthesia.) It’s through the diligent work of those invested in primary prevention that are making diseases that once contributed to a great deal of children dying or suffering a relic of the past. Sort by. We don’t have a lot of elective time until third year. You will see infants who have been neglected to starvation. You want to be the master of pediatric or neonatal resuscitation and critical care. View historical uptime. Sure. Press J to jump to the feed. You enjoy localizing lesions with a neuro exam. Most programs will also seek your input at this level with regards to residency policy changes or other committee duties. Misconceptions: You know, I haven’t experienced that many misconceptions. Pediatrics is also a three year residency program leading to Board Certification in Pediatrics. You will see children who have been terribly abused. Lastly, Pediatric folks are pretty down to earth. r/pediatrics: All things pediatrics! Wow what a great post. These sample Pediatrics residency personal statements are here for your viewing pleasure (fully anonymous). report. Reddit Premium: now with less suck. PGY 4: Many programs offer a PGY 4 chief resident year. I did, and I still ended up in Peds. Always had a lingering interest in caring for pediatric patients even while I worked in EMS prior to medical school. 3-year Fellowships - a Pediatric EM fellowship out of EM training is 2 years by comparison. Read more by Bonchie Tags: AMC ELITES GAMESTOP HILARIOUS REDDIT WALL STREET. Bronchiolitis kids come in with respiratory failure and leave fine. You will take primary ownership of your patients including writing the notes, placing the orders, and having first-shot at the majority of procedures (LPs, lines, etc). Register Login to … The big thing you should know coming into the peds side is that you will have a lot more oversight. There really was nothing I liked about this field. Posted in: convergence insufficiency, education, reading Filed under: dyslexia, eye movements, pediatric eye exam, reading, vision rehabilitation. Don't waste time panicking about things like ACLS or how to intubate. But IM/Peds gets, essentially, the same training that I do. The kids are incredibly cute. PGY-1: Intern year- This will typically be front-loaded with inpatient months on the general pediatric wards. Our program voted not to have PGY 1s on 24 hour shifts but as a senior you will likely have to cover an occasional 7A-7A Saturday 24 hour shift. You will receive an ads-free Reddit experience, access to r/lounge and 700 Coins for every month you are subscribed. The GameStop frenzy on Wall Street has investors, and much of the internet, enraptured — not unlike a good horror movie. But you are absolutely right, if earnings are a major priority the majority of sub-specialties will pay a little more (but not enough to justify the potential income-loss during training), the same, or even less than general pediatrics. Someone should compile all these resident perspectives into a book. reddit.com Operational 90 days ago 99.95 % uptime Today. I left IM to do Med/Peds, which I'll be starting in two weeks. Here you will have a larger opportunity to moonlight, pursue elective rotations, complete pending research projects, and interview for fellowships if applicable. Certainly you can't prevent everything, but it's nice to be able to address these things before they happen. (but of course let's get past med school first). Any advice on how to shine in that environment or any resources I should use to get a better background on how to manage some of those conditions? Thanks for the great write-up! The vast majority of pediatric oncology is going to be managed and even cured by oncologists. Compensation - Our patient population has a much higher proportion of medicaid and the majority of our work is not procedural. I'm not looking for a "there, there" but just some concrete explanation as to why PEDS WAS SO HARD and if others have had similar experiences. You won't get questioned about your commitment. I would ask about how calls and nights work during your interview. You want to be a voice for a vulnerable population - As a child healthcare expert, you will be looked to by your colleagues, by parents, by the government, and by hospitals to advocate for children. /u/jjpyae being backtraced at this very moment. I am fucking dumb. It makes financial sense for procedural-heavier specialties such as NICU, PICU, Cardiology, or GI. Keep an open mind to other specialties, too. Know their history, lab values, vitals trends, etc. The pathology you will encounter will change between each stage. Nobody signs up for 3-5 years of the hardest training of their lives without making a commitment. With med peds you are guaranteed a multi hospital experience which serves you well learning about systems and makes your perspective much more global in a health systems sense without even trying. Welcome to /r/MedicalSchool: An international community for medical students. I would fill one in for each of my patients and hang on to the sheet for quick reference the following day for trends. You will also see children succumb to their diseases. Whether you're thinking of becoming a pediatric nurse or you're already taking care of young patients, you'll need to have certain qualities to be as successful as possible at your job. Less malpractice suits. "kids get better" i.e. Most programs will try to put you in the general inpatient unit your first or second month. 1PM-5PM - Admissions, order placement, and follow-up with consulting services. Your work is incredibly important - Your patients are often not at the end-stages of their diseases. No major pros. Residents not primarily caring for the patients will often place orders right at bedside to expedite the afternoon work. 2 years ago. Fortunately there is some flexibility in this as well as career paths (general pediatrics, adolescent med, EM, etc) that do not require rounding. Creating rapport, understanding, and trust are difficult and essential skills to develop. These occur at the bedside and are lead by the PGY 1 resident. I'm only loving it more now! share. 7:30-8:30 - Our program has various special educational rounding times depending on days. Something about it is inherently wrong and you will cry with the families. First, it made me more competitive (this advantage is gone when applying to ICU which is predominately male) when applying. You’ll also have a larger role in teaching rotating medical students while operating as senior resident. But when it comes to breast/GU exam even when you do everything right: proper draping, explain what you are going to do, ask permission and the parents agree some parents STILL COMPLAIN and will file a complaint just because you are a male doctor. This post will be cataloged on the wiki for posterity. Mine usually runs along the line "I'm a child at heart and it makes it easier to relate to them". Pulmonology will have bronchoscopy. The kids are always great and will make you smile. Please feel free to post interesting articles, updates, or news. All Systems Operational Uptime over the past 90 days. Had to do a double-take. These complaints go to our risk management team and their response is basically "that's his damn job" (I love having supportive staff). Thus, we aren’t as well compensated as other specialties and regularly compete with Psych and FM for lowest specialties. The fellows and attendings know that you are rotating with little-to-know background. 2) Okay, this probably deserves a full out PM, but here's my advice: Here's your single best resource: learnpicu.com. I just wanted to add that my experience of second year seems different from your description. There are definitely practical advantages to a “chief year”; primarily the freedom to focus more on administrative tasks and having the time to focus on bettering the residency as opposed to clinical duties. Pediatric emergencies are becoming rarer and rarer and I don’t mind the thought that someday as a future intensivist, I maybe only work part time. You will truly be their “doctor”. I'm a nearly third year in med peds. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the medicalschool community. The Second Patient- your patient is not just the child in front of you, but the parents at the bedside. Background: Soon to be PGY-3 at an academic pediatric residency program in a city. Their stages of development, physiology, and pathology will change dramatically between each. Wasn’t until my rotations that I realized that Pediatrics was the best fit for me (Gen surg, interestingly, was the close runner up). My biggest reasons for choosing peds over IM (was deliberating between the two): In peds so often the kids get better. I find that there is always at least one or more patients on any service that benefits from my combined training, which also helps a lot with standing out from fellow residents (not gunning, everyone wants to look good). Here are some aspects of the career that I find particularly rewarding: You enjoy a lot of patient and pathology diversity- In pediatrics you will have the opportunity to develop fluency in caring for patients from extreme prematurity to early adulthood. You'll come up with reasons as you gain exposure. These parents are usually uneducated or their kid has never been seen before. I'll try to PM you the template I used. Also did I mention kids are freaking cute? - I get to shamelessly make the same plug the general surgeon did in his thread (which you should read, it’s a great write-up). SHOW COMMENTS. Some lazy bender at buzzfeed will compile them all into a listicle. It was a frustrating thought. Thanks to /u/babblingdairy for the good idea and structure. Basically they are little template sheets of paper divided by system. Highest highs, lowest lows- Yes, you have the opportunity to directly intervene and even save the life of a child. To it's credit, it will offer the candidate the widest variety of sub-specialty options. You don’t mind never seeing an adult again - Personally, I don’t miss it. You may not quite know how to interpret the lab values yet, but you'll pick it up. This is a privilege. If you are interested in improvement, QI, admin, etc, this is a great avenue. By now, you’ll have a much greater comfort level in overseeing junior residents and effectively delegating responsibilities. Rounding tools are really helpful. You will make life-saving decisions, run pediatric codes, and manage the majority of pediatric trauma (as the majority is non-operative). Wanna know whats way cooler than putting in a stent in an old-dudes heart? 10:00- Noon - Family-centered rounds. level 1. It's okay to not know something and not knowing it helps us understand where we can teach. [Residency] Pediatricians of Reddit, why or why shouldn't I pursue a career in Pediatrics? Even stuff like asthma cant technically be fixed but treatment can be optimized so it doesn't progress (and often peds asthma gets better as they grow). Each pediatric subspecialty plays a unique role in improving pediatric health outcomes—and inspiring hope for a happy, healthy future for every … Even in shared pathways (such as Pediatric EM), I think Pediatrics better equips you to comprehensively care for this special patient population. I'm not sure how they are managing your switch, but hopefully it will just be a 6 month peds internship rather than repeat the whole year. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you can live with clinic and enjoy interacting with parents, then give it a good look. I initially went to med school to do peds but now feel myself slowly but surely being gravitated back to Pediatrics, plus we also have a pretty cool Pediatric Cardiac fellowship where I'm at. So it doesn't make sense. 5PM-7:30PM - Late residents continue with afternoon tasks until sign-out to the night team. While I think it’s appropriate for many specialties, it’s also somewhat arbitrary. Lastly, you will find yourself among mostly women... which has its perks. They let the residents make that call at our program. Pediatrics is how you get there. In addition to the above, like I love to prevent illness. Following this, you’ll see your patients, make any necessary changes to orders, and begin working on the progress note. Man, Alec Baldwin does such a good Trump impression it's scary. Background: Soon to be PGY-3 at an academic pediatric residency program in a city. The parents make you feel so fucking upset about humanity on this earth. : The100. You get to be a voice for a population that cannot speak for themselves. You will witness trauma. You can expect to make a decent living if you are flexible and there are some Pediatricians who do quite well for themselves. People seem to love it, though, and as this commenter points out, it's pretty cheap and accessible to learn. If you are going into general practice, this is the time that you will begin the job search and licensure process. And the best part of this is that, in general, kids get better. Often lead by senior residents. You are the first line for DKA, arrhythmias, sepsis, status epilepticus, etc. save. FM serves a very important outpatient role. Our program added call for interns this year with the AGCME rule change, and I’m glad I didn’t do call as an intern lol. Okay, I may have missed out on a really great joke here and I'm going to make a serious-ish comment. Only thing I can add (as an attending) is that being an outpatient Pediatrician is so much easier than residency. The worst part is that one of these interactions can really ruin the rest of your day. I'm sure that'll get me really far in interviews... better come up with a new strategy... Help! "I like to prevent health problems before they occur" Basically, you have a much better chance of getting the kids to change their habits before they get ingrained. Procedures: These will vary by specialty, as you can imagine. I’m also a soon to be PGY-3 in peds. I used M&M during my anesthesia training to learn the basics and to prepare for my In-Training Exam (ITE) and my boards. Rounding- I recognize the irony of a future critical care fellow not enjoying rounding so much, but it's here to stay and serves an important function. Basic Course in TEE; Block of the Month; TEE Rounds; Subspecialty. As someone who is pursuing fellowship, I will miss this part of general pediatrics the most. The Hospitalist. It also is a medical-student friendly opportunity for them to present on patients they are following and have a chance to learn a little bit more about the patient. Honestly give everything a college try when you rotate through them. Always had a lingering interest in caring for pediatric patients even while I worked in EMS prior to medical school. /r/medicine is a virtual lounge for physicians and other medical professionals from around the world to talk about the latest advances, controversies, ask questions of each other, have a … I love patient/parent education and developing new innovative ways to educate kids on their health...etc. We're hoping to add more in the future, including Pre-Med personal statements. I think expressing your reasons for choosing Pediatrics is important to share with a PD. Except for that adults are the worst and kids are the best. Do you have an opinion on that? Call: Again, this will vary pretty dramatically from program to program and I would encourage you to ask about call schedules during your interviews. I am planning on pursuing fellowship in Critical Care. If you are carrying the same patient for more than one day, you should absolutely read about the disease process and expect to be asked a few soft-ball questions the next day. Any questions the PGY 1 might not know the answer can be freely bounced up to the senior resident. Those heart failures, t2DM, copd, etc, so much are related to poor habits early on. All the different STD's I saw every day in clinic made me want to scrub my eyeballs and nostrils raw after work. You save the lives of children. Press J to jump to the feed. You want to participate in maintaining the wellbeing of a child from birth to adolescence. Additionally, you will encounter the very frustrating reality of a parent who disagrees with your recommendation (the most infamous example of being anti-vaccine). As a Sub-I your role isn't going to be the same as a resident. Pediatrics. If you've got one to add to the free library, don't forget to contribute yours. Being a male in Pediatrics is awesome. That would totally be my answer. 9:00- 10:00 - Table rounds. Secondly, male patients- particularly adolescents- definitely prefer having a male physician. I do hear that some IM/Peds trained folks will generally "settle" into one of the two fields or sub-specialize. 4 years ago. You’ll have several more months to do elective rotations in specialties that interest you. Thx for sharing and writing this out OP! Tweet . Hey gas gang, I'm a pgy-1 matched into a categorical anesthesiology position (and who is now finishing two months of med floors, praise be). There are few experiences so sad as a child full of potential and promise be taken from the world. Intensive care has a lot of physiology, so reviewing things like interpreting ABGs, acid-base disruptions, and immunology are pretty high-yield. You want to be a generalist and be “the doctor” - You want to be “Doctor Broba” when your patients see you. Lastly, you’ll likely be communicating with ED physicians and outpatient physicians in the admissions process. Demonstration Videos: Please see it in the EPIC STUFF section. As I look at fellowship and job opportunities, everything is open to us. GI, endoscopy. Why Pediatric Anesthesiology? I have a very broad experience and feel comfortable with sick patients of all areas. You want to be a specialist and focus in - You really find the physiology of the heart fascinating. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have about the specialty that I love. Welcome to /r/MedicalSchool: An international community for medical students. Critical care will give you your lines, tubes, ECLS, CRRT, etc. You will often work with a number of interns, overseeing their work. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I personally think Pediatrics is really the best field you could possibly go into, but I recognize it’s not for everyone. Welcome to reddit's home for real-time and historical data on system performance., .. . I don't agree with this reality being the case, but there it is. Why Required Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowships Are Unnecessary . Then I would go into how peds is what I thought IM would be like, similar to the reasons you stated above (pathology diversity, making long-term improvements to health, rewarding relationships with patients). Hope that helps a bit. I truly think Pediatrics, by far, offers the largest variety of pathology and patient presentations. Radiology rounds on Wednesday. Taking care of children has a huge effect on my happiness and sense of meaning. Any complex repair of a peds cardiology lesion. Not at all. We'll save it in our wiki for future reference! I remember being on medicine and taking care of the copd or heart failure exacerbations and thinking that all we were doing was getting them back to their already broken baseline. I did not have the same satisfaction in my work taking care of elderly patients in the end-stages of their diseases. The schedule is tough and relatively uniform across programs just because of the relatively short time period to meet requirements of 2 boards. This allows for us to get the crunchy details for each patient settled and keeps us on the same page for family centered rounds. Typical day: This is your average day on the wards which is a bread and butter rotation for Pediatrics: 6:30 AM - Obtain hand off from the overnight team. Why is it that so much is written/shown in the media about Friseure needing to reopen, sometimes putting them on the same level as schools? Primary prevention is even better - Good generalists and outpatient specialists are continuing to improve pediatric morbidity and mortality. On peds wards there are certainly those kinds of cases but most inpatient gen peds stuff gets better. This Pediatric Hearing Aids Industry repo. Pediatricians are predominately female, are there any dynamics from being a male in pediatrics that people don't typically know about? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the medicalschool community. I read somewhere that doing a fellowship in paediatrics does not make economical sense as the compensation of a specialization does not make up for the potential earnings during those training years. People are just more protective of kids. As far as med peds in general, it is everything i hoped it would be. The early residents will often leave around this time. We did not do a lot of senioring until the spring (supervising interns), rather we did a lot of rotations where you are taking on a more independent role managing patients without a senior such as PICU, NICU, ED. You love working with kids, which is why when you've pictured your nursing career path, you've always considered pediatric nursing. PGY-2: Resident- You will transition to a more supervisory role while on your inpatient months. Until I was 19, I thought the USPS logo was a tentacle grabbing on to a piece of mail going down a winding road. In a similar vein (and as mentioned above), prevention can be so effective in this age group. Reddit Premium Subscription is $6.99 per month. Second year was also a lot more calls and nights. Occasionally we have subspecialty rounds on Monday. You cure cancer. Instead, your intervention - whether in maintaining a healthy trajectory or intervening in acute illness - will have tangible consequences that last for decades. Our program, like many, will have a “night month” for PGY 2 and PGY 3. You're welcome. Fellowships: There are a variety of fellowship opportunities including: Hospitalist, Child Abuse, Developmental-Behavioral, Neonatal-Perinatal (NICU), Cardiology, Critical Care (PICU), Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hematology/Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Nephrology, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Adolescent Med, Allergy and Immunology, and Neurology. Cookies help us deliver our Services. In August I start my sub-I in the PICU, which I'm excited but also nervous about. Until I was 19, I thought the USPS logo was a tentacle grabbing on to a piece of mail going down a winding road. We will expect you to know the details of your patient really, really well. If you find that caring for adults doesn’t foster the same level of interest or excitement that taking care of children does, I would highly encourage you to seek out this specialty. Residency. Peds is awesome guys. Do you have any thoughts on the combined field? "kids/children's hospitals are fun" i.e. I do think there are some people who take Pediatrics a little less seriously than they do adult medicine, but this disappears once you put a sick kid in front of them (or when it’s their kid that’s sick). hide. There are several subspecialties that have 1 or 2 year training programs. The emotional toil is real and requires you to develop coping mechanisms to deal with it. 83% Upvoted. These are often informal presentations that happen while we eat lunch. July 4, 2019 robertc9 Leave a comment. Gastro kid with dehydration gets hydrated and gets better. As a PGY 1, you can expect to work a Saturday, Sunday, and one week of nights (Sun-Fri) during each inpatient month. You want to be called by the hospital service when the patient has some rare zoonotic disease. Take a closer look at some things to consider in your pursuit to becoming a pediatric … And while you will manage children with chronic (sometimes fatal) medical complexities, the environment is utterly unique. What is a good serious answer? These are the “meat and potato” rounds where we discuss the very specific treatment decisions and go over the objective data. Also, did your program administration just add the call without talking to you guys? No, it wasn't a glitch — for some Super Bowl viewers, a Reddit commercial really did pop up on the screen. We spend a lot more time inpatient than our categorical counterparts, so you should expect that. Essentially you can pick a major life stage or organ system and specialize in it if you would like. I have no idea why I decided to share that story. Also, when I was inbetween patient presentations during afternoon PICU rounds today, I got to snuggle a sweet golden doodle therapy dog on the unit and things like that aren't nearly as available in adult hospitals. I didn't do peds because kids/parents are horrible, but I love the pathology within peds. I moved to Germany three years ago and the special place of Hairdressers in society (male workaholic friends leaving work early because of their Friseur appointment) always amused me. Please do not post any personal medical … 45 comments. When it comes to taking care of the Pediatric patient, I think IM/Peds training has a definitive advantage when compared to- say - family. Do you think this would make a PD question my dedication to peds, or is it ok? We weren't fixing their heart failure. And strangely enough, pediatrics features a lot of things I thought I was good at during preclinicals, like inborn errors of metabolism, micro, and immunodeficiencies. However as the month progresses, interns and medical students are assigned small topics to present on. Subspecialties in the Match. The first half of your PGY 2 year will likely be quite difficult as you’ll be asked to oversee double or triple the volume of patients. I don't think that will get me far haha. If you're reading this and you're a resident who wants to share your specialty experience, check out this post to see some requests, and then start your own "Why you should go into X" thread in the sub. Visit my archives for more of my latest articles and help out by following me on Twitter @bonchieredstate. Reddit shutting down the stock market just because they can is absolutely peak 2021, and I’m here for it. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Residency. "pediatricians seem to actually like their jobs" See points A, B, and C. When I was in med school, the peds residents, fellows, and attendings seemed overall much happier and much less cynical than doctors in any other field. Noon- 1 PM - Lunch conferences. But every specialty that pediatrics is a gateway to will have procedural opportunities respective to their field. Share . While there is no Med-Peds board, once a physician successfully completes a four year Med-Peds residency program they are eligible to complete the board certification exams in both Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. I'm starting med school next September (in Europe) and pediatrics has been my biggest interest so far! PGY-3: Senior Resident- This will likely be the most laid back of your residency years. You will apply to most fellowships at the end of this year. I hated rounding with a bloody passion, and would never want to work in a hospital ever again. In the long run, it's worth it. If your goal is to directly intervene in critical pediatric illness, you will find no better specialty than critical care or emergency medicine. Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. And this is not to disparage FM. EM also tends to make a ton of money via RVUs and procedures compared to general pediatricians. It depends on the specialization. best. they recover from serious insults way more often than adults do because they don't have 50 comorbidities and lots of resilience. Some programs have a “night float” schedule where there is a senior resident on an occasional week of nights while on an elective rotation. Thanks for the post! These physicians frequently deal with concerns related to sexual health, eating disorders, sports medicine, chronic fatigue, and more. With surgery in second, like you. If you have time, or if any peds resident has time, some questions I have are: I'm fleshing out my personal statement right now, and in the intro I plan to talk about how at the beginning of med school, I never thought I would do peds but rather internal medicine instead. Pros: High job satisfaction rate. Besides, this whole, "I'm not sure you have a commitment to our specialty" bullshit needs to stop. Love the kids. Cardio will give you time in the cath lab, OR, and with Echoes. You have an opportunity to create long lasting, meaningful patient-physician relationships. But as someone who just completely did a 180 from never-ever-ever wanting-to-do peds, to is-it-fourth-year-so-I-can-do-more-peds-rotations in the last month, I don't have a super awesome answer to this question just yet. This is also your year to beef up the CV if you are interested in fellowship with some research. Front-page contributor for RedState. You'll get opportunities to participate in the scary stuff when appropriate but the responsibility will not be on you. Here we will briefly overview the case, what our principal diagnosis is, what tests we plan to order, and answer any questions the patient’s family may have. Your job is to learn as much as possible and get a sense if you enjoy the specialty. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This thread is archived . Vision and Falls. I get to play with kids while I trick them into letting me examine them. Pediatrics is one of those specialties that has a pretty simple gateway: do you welcome the thought of never having to take care of adults and instead master the care of a pediatric patient?
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